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Everything posted by Ogre

  1. I'm not trying to be a pill. I do not understand the concept of "following" someone. Maybe that is because I have a hard time with the idea of someone "following" me.
  2. I don't mind him as an emergency call up. I see his time with the Sabres much like Varone's. A couple games to fill a gap. Play like hell a few games and then fade away. He has enough in the tank for that. I'll agree though(if this is what you're saying) his chance for a full time NHL roster spot is all but gone. As far as the Sabres go. That's as far as I'm willing to speculate.
  3. I've been waiting for an official breakfast beer.
  4. Holy schnikies. I knew you didn't like Rudy but even as our AHL dman? I saw far too many crappy Amerks' games last year and he never seemed like the problem. I've seen him get beat down low a few times but he also won most of those battles. Skated hard to get back when pinching. Good shot on the PP. He is worth two Leducs and a Pelech to me. Will he get as many minutes with Randy? My guess is yes. I know very little though.
  5. I have broken my left wrist twice. I would advise PT at the least. Surgery sucks but can be necessary. I would chose the option that gave me the most strength. I would much rather have strength over mobility. You'll need it when you're old and broken. Those walkers can be tricky.
  6. I appreciate you putting this together, Hoss. I had high hopes for Carrier last year. His performance didn't match my hopes. I won't aim as high his year. Can't wait to see Bailey and Baptiste play. As for McCabe. I really hope he starts out this year like he ended last season. I really thought he looked lost half the year. And Rudy. I'd take him as a call up any day. I don't consider him to be a prospect at this point. Solid AHL player though IMO. I'm a faithful Amerk fan so I may have drank a bit of kool aid along the way. Mmmmm.
  7. The smell of wort. You home brewers know. I'm on the rail station rebuild/expansion project all summer so I've been a couple blocks from the genesee brewery. I could close my eyes when the breeze is from the right direction and swear that I am in heaven. I open my eyes and realize that I am under a bridge on St. Paul. We are doing another sweep for needles and heroin baggies. That 10 o clock regular shuffles by crumbing. It's not heaven, man. The wort is soooo sweet though. I love beer. I feel badly for that dude that's out crumbing. We go the brew house for a few. What a place. Twelve horse ale on tap. Tap only. Great place. Great brewery.
  8. I appreciate your observations. I have been a regular at camp except for the last two years. Time and circumstance catch up with me. I don't care who gets the call so long as they produce. I don't care about performance. I care about results. May the best option win...
  9. I live in the region. I drive by on 490 all the time. That's my link to the city. Everyone that I've talked to locally that have been to camp seem to think that Tyrod runs around too much and sets himself up for would be sacks. I haven't been yet. I can't say that myself. IMO that is as bad as a qb that is inconsistent in passing or a qb that is "meh". I look forward to live action. No excuses in preseason. Right?
  10. iIronFe or buttsqueaks
  11. I get my .22 ammo at pro gun in Victor. I get the high velocity rounds and they are always in stock.
  12. That is great news, Bio! Dads are some tough dudes. I am glad to hear that he is feeling better. I hope that feeling trickles down to daughter as well.
  13. I couldn't possibly imagine a better coach. I've been waiting for this news. Now if the city would only sell TP the building my wish will have completely come true.
  14. I just picked up a Mossberg 702 plinkster a couple of months ago. It was a great deal at $119 brand new. My wife expressed interest in shooting so I got it for her. I figured the 30/30 would be too much for her. She hasn't shot it yet but I've put a few bricks through it. What a fun little gun to shoot. I got some saw horses and set up a cute little plinking range. All metal targets hanging by rope in a row. No need to head down range at all. No need to set the cans back up either. If she ever decides to try it I may have to get a second one for me.
  15. He is not exaggerating the size or tenacity of the osprey. I had a too close encounter with one at Little Tupper years ago in a kayak. I looked up after the WHOOSH. I saw it circling around for another run at me. I dropped the rod in the water and grabbed the paddle. It kept at me for a good three minutes. I couldn't even paddle away because it kept circling behind me. I had to keep turning the boat to get a whack at him. I guess I was too close to a nest. I found out how poor a weapon a kayak paddle is that day.
  16. I am to Russ what Danny Devito is to Arnold in twins. Even so, I like being me. Most days.
  17. I remember watching a Nordiques game in the 80s. The announcer was dropping F bombs left and right. CJOH maybe. This was a fun clip to watch. I happen to live in a world where that word is used often. It's good to see things as they really happen. I liked Crosby's rant. He reminded me of a dude I've worked for. He would SCREAM "Mother F'er!" downtown right in front of hundreds of people". I miss that dude.
  18. I admire you're commitment to Faith. I have found solace in a few different paths to God. The call to the poor is the one voice that I have heard in any of them. No judgement involved. If I have the means to lift you up, it is my moral duty to do so? Right? Good man. I'm glad you're back.
  19. Cheaters are the worst. It shows what a GD coward a person is. Too afraid to leave the steady eddy but wants a different life than the one they have. GD cowards! I've been there many times. I raised a fiancé' daughter for 7 years. I tried to get over the first affair for the sake of the little one. The second time I had no choice. You were right to kick her out. Your life will be better. Her's will be worse. Cheaters will never be happy. They will just drag your life into the muck. Good luck man!
  20. ^^ I'm sure you are as good at beer pairings as anyone else. The soft shells are so sweet that the hops are more pronounced. Then back to a bite of sweet buttery meat. If you ever have a choice between hard or soft shell, give the softies a try.
  21. Our week spent at the beach in Maine is nearly over. We've had lobster in restaurants a couple of times. Leaving in a few for the fish market. I'm getting some shedders and doing them at the beach house tonight. Most folks look down on the soft shells but they are my favorite. Tender, sweet and perfect. The ultimate match for my black IPA home brew.
  22. Good man. Happy wife=happy life. There is also the fact that they put up with our smelly smells and crazy ideas. They deserve a present surprise here and there.
  23. ^^ I like the looks of this line up. I think Kea plays in Elmira and Sam plays a while in Rochester(or not at all. What the hell do I know?) The only change I would make is pairing Bagnall with Austin and Rudy with McCabe. I guess I'd be ok with Austin paired with Sanguietti as well.
  24. I appreciate the insight. I'd like to watch him play with my own eyes. I like to see what a guy does outside of the play. Does he hustle to the bench? Does he need to look around and find guidance? I'm far from expert but I have a nose for BS. Envious of you guys that get to go watch.
  25. Fasching would be the guy I had my eye on. Did he seem smart with the puck? "Needed to keep the puck in front of him". Does he seem to be aware out there? That's one of my beefs with McCabe from Roch last year. Looked liked he had his head down a lot.
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