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Everything posted by Ogre

  1. His pockets are probably stuffed full of them.
  2. I've been meaning to share this, just getting around to it. There's a QnA with Mal Davis in the Amerks' magazine from the game v Bing on the 29th. He is asked "How is the game of hockey still part of your life today?" His answer is poetic. "I still play to this day....We all end up in the same league eventually. We all end up in a $5 league and I actually respect the guys that have never played pro hockey because they love the game exactly the way I do..."
  3. An upgrade over the last pencil-necked hot head. Absolutely. When things come together you want that rep within the division. Good stuff.
  4. I'm glad to see another win on the road. I go to almost every home game and have had a big this year for the playoffs. I'd love to spend more money for playoff tickets.
  5. He'd bite their GD faces off if they weren't on tv.
  6. Where are all the YouTube gurus with the SNL and whatnot?
  7. Dunleavy is so disgusted that he is "not making a graceful exit." ....Good for you, Dan. You show em.
  8. Speaking as someone who has been there and done that professionally...I can honestly say that is NOT a good idea.
  9. Same thing on Thursday. Head locks, marchand's lil bitch wrist chops. No calls. Only course of action is to build a team that can out play the bad calls.
  10. I've been doing so much better with the tin foil hat that I was even going to change my name.....you got any extra foil?
  11. Just picture how it will be when his upper body catches up with his lower body strength.
  12. I'm really starting to like him. We sat behind the home net Thursday and had a very good look at everyone. Lehner is one big dude. My wife thinks he looks like Bobo the Bigfoot hunter. I agree. Dude's so big his pants have slits in the backs of the legs so they fit. Regardless he gets low. Real low. Fast. I like him.
  13. Dude has always had wheels. He seemed to fade away last year but has looked good. Doesn't look terrible tonight.
  14. And then he made the type of play I don't want my defenseman to make...it was close though.
  15. Gotta get in close on the big guys. I'm 5'8 and always did well in hockey fights(more so at street fights). Getting hit on the ice by a larger guy rocked my world though. Snot flinging garage sales every time.
  16. Not always one but it seems to happen a lot. Anyone have a reason why? And I agree. Good post, pastajoe. Those folks you heard where the booster club. I know a few of them. They are true fans. I'm glad that we had the lets go Amerks chant going. Revenge for when their booster club is at the blue cross chanting "let's go CruuuuUUuuunch"....
  17. Both are big bodies with serious speed. They don't lose many one on one battles. I think that Dupuy in particular is a one man shutdown machine. I didn't expect much from him a season's start but he's proven me wrong. That happens a lot.
  18. Would you be offended if I refer to you as The Tank from now on out?
  19. You were being kind in my opinion. I'd have shoved it down his throat along with a few teeth....I haven't personally gone that far in a few years but it's still there waiting. The shadow I believe Jung calls it. If I can acknowledge that I am capable of those things, does that mean I've assimilated my shadow? Anyone?
  20. It's good to hear that you're moving forward. Broken hearts heal. There's more happiness in you're future. Ebb and flow my young friend. Now I'll address you're drunk packing. It will be fun to discover how you decided to do things. I was once stuck with PBnJ on pumpernickel at lunch at a site that was impossible to leave at lunch because I drunk packed my lunch the night before.
  21. And the high horse they rode in on.
  22. Strokes are no laughing matter. My father has had one and hasn't been the same since....He's been better than ever. He's forgotten anger and hatred. He's forgotten abuse and wrong. He's the man he should have always been.... He spoke nonsense for two weeks....Strokes are no jokes but like my father before me, I am an Ahole...
  23. Oh I know. I'm not 50+ but I struggle daily. I just like to tease. Us Ironworkers reaaaallllllyyyy like to bust balls. It's all we have.
  24. Stroke?
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