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Everything posted by Ogre

  1. It seems clear to me that there is a need for goaltending in this organization. Linus was a mess. Got pulled. Again.
  2. Tonight's game will be televised. TWC channel 26 Roch, channel 323 Buff.
  3. Started with the flu and quickly went bacterial pneumonia. One of the antibiotics was literally killing me. Once they figured that out and started me on a different one I started improving. I had honestly considered the fact that I may be done for at one point. Now I'm in my gym and eating like a crazy person. I had a medium pizza yesterday as just a snack.
  4. Two weeks ago today I started falling ill. Within 8 days I'd lost 25+ pounds and had spent time in the hospital. I went from a 175 lbs muscled man to a 148 lbs bag of bones in 8 days! I've had the last antibiotic last night. I'm feeling stronger and have gain 7 lbs back. It's going to be a hard road getting it all back.
  5. That's a top priority when I go to ER tomorrow. I can't work at all like this. How long before you were back to normal?
  6. Anyone at the game? Had to pass again. Turns out the flu has given me a dose of pneumonia.104 temp. I've been coughing so hard that I gave myself a hernia yesterday. Urgent care wanted me to go to the ER tonight but I'm not up for that. I found out that having your intestines pushed into your nutsack really hurts. GD I'm getting a flu shot next year.
  7. Wow. Amerks run away with this one. 7-4. Bailey, Baptiste, Rodrigues, Rudy, O'Dell, Guptill and Carrier.
  8. Please do. If he fights with the same tenacity that he plays with then it was probably a good one.
  9. And getting better all the time.
  10. He uses his body well for a kid. Imagine a few more years and a few more pounds.
  11. I think O'Dell had one which seems fitting on Irish night. Carrier had at least one assist but I don't believe he had a goal. I'm sorry I missed it.
  12. I've been battling the flu for three days now. Not much better at all. I haven't even drank in three days! I haven't had the flu in 20 yrs. I've been nodding out during games or just giving up and going to bed. Missed last nights Amerks game. Was hoping to be better so I could miss this game while out on my motorcycle. Not even close to happening. I'm thinking I will watch this whole game if I can stay awake. BTW. F you flu you dirty rotten good for nothing!
  13. So what will he be called in his next career choice? Johnny Burgers n Fries?
  14. Sorry. I love potatoes. I really do.
  15. Could just be that potato he has for a head is fermenting.
  16. I am sorry to hear about your loss. I will pray for your family.
  17. Mrs. iT and I are entering our third growing season on the new property. This land grows rocks better than anything. We've given up on anything more on a mass scale than the sunflower plot and wildflowers.They'll grow anywhere though. I've worked my nards off finishing the walkout which transitions into a new fenced in raised bed. The deer destroy anything edible around here. 10x16. Nothing grand. I hope to be ready for growing season but time is a limiting factor for me. With the extra wind break from the walkout structure we will at least be able to do pots. I can't explain it but homegrown heat makes up for all the caos I endure to afford my life. Simple. Burned tastes buds.
  18. Settle down now, Mr. Trump. No one believes you.
  19. Ray said about Bogo..." He got his nose dirty so many times last night...."
  20. I'm guessing in this scenario that Echiel is Batman?
  21. Add in a shave and you're on to something.
  22. We've finished our work at St. Paul. Open for traffic but we have Clinton closed to finish the rehab there. The neighbor hood is known for its drug trade and we have seen plenty of junkies in various states of shooting up behind the wheel. Today some dude stopped beyond our barricades, got out of his car scratching, scratching ,scratching. Rubbing his face, scratching. Our workers and other drivers honked and yelled enough that he got back in his car and left. I've promised the police I would call them next time we "got one". I soooo wish I would've been on that end of the bridge. Cops tell me they go to Ave D and get their dope and want to shoot it immediately. We find dirty needles daily(ditching the evidence before they hit the inner loop). Be afraid on the highway, folks. They're everywhere.
  23. I vote for Stamkos.
  24. I meant to share this yesterday. Daren Puppa was inducted into the Amerks hall of fame last night. He gave a somewhat slurry, rambling speech but it was the final line that fired up the crowd and gave me a big smile. He thanked the Amerks for "taking a Canadian boy and turning him into an American man..."
  25. This team has a new attitude. To be completely accurate, 5 for punching well.
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