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Everything posted by Ogre

  1. Negative on the D theory. I eat a super clean diet and supplement. It’s an autoimmune thing. Same story as my hair follicles except that the immune systems attacks my skin and is held at bay by UV light. Sweet relief for an Ogre like me….and I come out looking like a god…..of something or other….
  2. People were asking me if I just got back from vacation today. It is absolutely insane how much I tanned in five minutes. And I’m not all itchy! Sweet relief that the steroids can’t achieve! I’m sold 100%! No more scratching myself bloody in my sleep!
  3. I have an autoimmune thing that affects many systems including my skin. The UV exposure in summer months keeps it in check but in the colder months I suffer greatly. The cure is $90/visit three tImes/week at the dermatologist’s or Zoomtan for $30/month. TIL (my first experience) that five minutes there is two hours in the sun. oof
  4. I’ve seen it all and then some. This one guy came back from lunch with white powder on his face. When I confronted him he was all like “Huh? What?” While touching the powder that he knew was there. ”Oooh! That’s the headache medicine Goodie. I snort it because my headaches are so bad.”
  5. “Based” could mean an infinite number of things. Buffalo snow load is a unique engineering obstacle. Me and my kind are drooling to get our dirty hands all over that mofo whatever the design.
  6. I also despise my MIL. She is a fat, lazy, selfish alcoholic who belittles her husband who just had a stroke for forgetting things. She feeds him butter and bacon and sausage. I personally think she’s trying to kill him. She’s never been anyone or done anything but is critical of every move I make. Shut the ***** up you incompetent alcoholic trash bag.
  7. I certainly have you in my thoughts. I’d say prayers but that sounds cliché. I have a very eclectic belief system which is a blend of many ideas. Some of those are very personal and original. Our pain is sort of an illusion, our body’s (and mind’s) way of processing trauma and the will to persevere through pain is our natural instinct to survive. Infer whatever spiritual references you would chose and they wouldn’t accurately define the truth as I see it. Having dealt with multiple injuries that decommissioned my life efforts for extended periods, I came to the personal conclusion that I’m more than my body and my mind. I am eternal. I am everything and everywhere. I share your pain and suffering because I have existed since the start and will continue until the end. My spine was damaged at age 29 with a fall from heights. I didn’t work again until I was 31. I took it as a chance to digress from my normal narrative and expand the concept of who I am. There are gifts hidden throughout the universe(and thusly time) if we are willing to do the work. I wish you the best and expect as much. You ain’t no wimp.
  8. Surgery went as planned. She has 5 titanium plates holding her fractures together. There was no bone left in the floor of the right eye socket so they implanted some mesh. We have a titanium kinship now. Me in my spine and shoulders and her, the face. Long slow road from here but fortunately it’s mostly downhill. I had her sister here until midweek to help but now have the other sister here while I’m at work and she’s not as sharp as the other sister. The other sister actually stayed here and helped with the 3 hour meds over night but that’s all on me now. 13 hour days at work and getting up every 3 hours is a drag. The sweet silence of death seems dreamy at times. I try not to fret too much because I know my dose of silence will be here soon enough.
  9. The last tIme I stopped in they gave me a complementary almond weed bar. I haven’t eaten it yet. Just don’t have the time to be proper about it.
  10. The maxillofacial surgeon is going to do her thing at 7am tomorrow. 5:45am arrival but I can’t sleep.
  11. As proof of the theory, who is the player that lingered beyond the sunset and walked away a joke from the waning years of the team in my avatar? The prize is cookies.
  12. The guy works to be the goat and walk away a legend but lingers on until he fades. Whatever but I’ve seen this in the trades. These guys are superstars and overplay it and walk away as a punch line. I think it’s sad.
  13. I go to a ton of games and get the game notes as a rite. I pay special attention to the officiating crew and there are a few refs (linesmen seem to have more variety) that are regulars and there are two that are especially biased toward the Amerks. They just are. They're probably D-bags in every day life too. (That’s the irrational part of my analysis).
  14. And we don’t know you outside of SS. That’s why we judge our opinions on you based on that. Would you have us judge you any other way? FTR, I like your flavor most of the time and I get it when your flavor is off but to expect a fan base or former teammates to react any differently than they have is asking too much IMO. The families of the children he helped should be grateful and I’ll bet that they are but the drama he brought to the ice vs results were jut too much for any fan base to bare. Good bye, Jack. Good luck in Vegas.
  15. We had our awaited visit with the maxillofacial surgeon today. The surgery is going to be gruesome. Cut ear to ear through the hair line then her face gets peeled down. The awesome part is that it’s scheduled! All this agony has been with no end in sight. She’s going to be in worse shape got a week but the agony now has an end date. They switched up the med routine to get her off the opioids. It’s working wonders. She is in much better spirits. I can’t say enough about Strong hospital. In particular the trauma team, the maxillofacial and all of the support staff. Everyone has been awesome. I think the UofR has a new life-long donor.😉
  16. As for Suze, she’s definitely improving her mic voice. She’s still no Erica. I’ve noticed that they have a local female dj doing the promotional stuff now. Amerks consistently have top-notch promo sweaters. Except for the Ninja Turtle mistake.
  17. Thanks for the threads, Ink. I won’t be attending games for a while so it’s nice to see some Amerks love.
  18. Maybe it’s the trauma or maybe the lack of sleep but I’m losing my patience with people . I’ve got her meds, diet, schedule, visits, EVERYTHING under control. Liquid diet. I’ll say it again because no one in my world gets it. Liquid ***** diet. I don’t need bowls of mashed potatoes and cheesy grits. Nor do I need homemade soups that have bite sized pieces that she can’t eat. “Just thin out the grits” “Just strain out the chunks”. How about you stop jamming my GD fridge with nonsense she can’t even have! I asked my in-laws over to sit with her while I ran out to deal with some “small town pharmacy can’t deal with no-fault insurance” BS that was resolved with my original suggestion over the phone. When I get back my MIL(one of the fridge jammers)was all in my space with “want to help”. I was so GD annoyed that I finally told her that she could help by giving me the GD space that I need to do what I need to do. Wanna help? Water some of these ***** houseplants that people keep sending over here! Like I don’t have enough important ***** to do, now I have 50 houseplants to water! I get that you want to help, but for the love of life, help me clean, help me give her sponge baths, help me deal with the pharmacy and insurance and our taxes and all the ***** that bogs me down. I don’t need to clean the ***** fridge out every two GD days. And I need help sleeping. I keep seeing the god awful, gory images from the ER in my head as I lye there. I tried drinking one night only to wake in the middle of the night with the images in full force. I think I’ve aged 5 years in the past 5 days.
  19. Thank you, man. She’s improved enough that she may come home tomorrow to wait for surgery. So many breaks in her face that her entire upper jaw was broken loose and shoved up into her nasal cavity. She’s a lot tougher than I ever expected. The worst part is I'm the one that’s supposed to be busted up. I have had you in my thoughts and prayers too. Scary *****. There’s no shame in resting, especially someone who has been through what you have. Let’s hope all of us SSers continue to improve and life gets a tad bit easier.
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