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Everything posted by Kr632

  1. We'd prob have more sabre fans in the building
  2. I had to Google him. Seems like a name I'd remember if I heard it before. I had no clue who he was.
  3. Needs to come back permanently
  4. Idk if it's just on the ducks feed but I love the tail on the puck like fox used to do. Edit- maybe they just do it during PP because it's gone now
  5. 00 would be pretty awesome
  6. Were still very young. Imagine when everyone develops. It's going to be like a hockey version of the globetrotters.
  7. Just watched a guy clear his driveway. Drive his car out onto hertel and park in the street. Walked back to his house. The snow piles on both sides are blocking the lanes but this idiot would rather park there than his driveway.
  8. Hammered with tuchs family. By far the best sabres trip I've ever had.
  9. Met skinner, quinn, 6k and a few others outside arena. I said where was your goal song and sang Whitney to skinner. He was cracking up.
  10. I have a problem with the knight at Vegas games. He threw my friends sabres hat on the ground and my friend was like throw it harder daddy and became a Knight's fan. Well that ah came to our section trying to start a go showers go chant. And we shut it completely down with a "let's go Buffalo" GO SABRES!!!
  11. Yeah the other two games I've been to were a lot more than this one. The 100 level which is kinda like our 200 level has had reasonable prices.
  12. Flight was like $160 round trip and tickets were $100 for section 118. Staying with family so no hotel fee Maybe 2 assists on Vegas goals. He's been horrible with turnovers
  13. I'm sitting by myself. Bought my tickets after them
  14. What does that even mean? Do you just wake up angry?
  15. It means you reply with an extreme assumption because you struggle to understand things. I guess that makes me angry some how lol. But to answer your question. Yes absolutely chain them to the rink and force them to practice and drill until they collapse /
  16. Oh you're one of those people.
  17. Practice. Work on weaknesses...
  18. I clicked the thread expecting video games. I wasn't disappointed.
  19. Didn't Gionta and rivet blast him? I thought current players also said something about the clique and the locker room being a lot more close knit after he left(current players didn't name names iirc)
  20. I'm treated by some of the same Dr and looking at same surgery. Some patients were there when he was. His name has never come up with any of the medical professionals but I've overheard stories of a guy throwing a tantrum in the office yelling, throwing things and slamming doors. Then speeding away in a loud sports car. Any time someone get out of line the stories about him start up again. Patients that were there at the time will chime in and say his name and continue with stories on how much of an ass he is.
  21. I don't think I've ever heard a Sabres play by play guy paint a decent picture of what was happening on the ice. For how good he was as an announcer RJ was horrible at it. We would listen at work and we never had a clue who had the puck or what was happening until someone scored. He would use "he" or "they" to describe anyone on the ice for either team. "He got it in there, now back out, they turned it over in the neutral zone. He's got it now with a pass into their zone." We would be screaming at the radio Who has the puck! Watching on TV you'd notice it even more. If 15 things happened you might get him to say 2 of the things. He was amazing for goal calls and coming up with phrases but calling the game and painting a picture of what's happening he's was bad.
  22. I remember Schopp and Bulldogg were at my job doing a show with Jerry Sullivan. It was shortly before the draft, the Bills had a pretty high pick and there was something that happened that day or day before that related to the Bills. I asked if they were going to talk about it, I was laughed at and told no. It was all sabres talk back then.
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