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Everything posted by mjd1001

  1. There is one thing this team is great at...give us topics to talk about on this forum.
  2. This game, its exactly what Pegula deserves after yesterday.
  3. I am a person that does not think this is on Lindy. But, for the sake of argument, lets say he is let go. Who would actually WANT to take the job coaching this team? Take the job coaching the Sabres under Pegula and it sets your career back years.
  4. I wonder if Pegula stayind or Montreal to watch the game? Or if he just flew in, said a few words, and hopped on his jet to fly out right after.
  5. At least one fan base of a bad team is having fun at a home game.
  6. Get UPL out of there. The whole team is bad in front of him, but he's not exactly having the best game either. Not that it matters at this point
  7. I like UPL. He played great at the end of last year. A lot of these goals aren't all on him, but on the team in front of him. I expect a goalie to not be perfect. But, with all that said...he's having move average-to-bad games than he has good games.
  8. Tuch was WAY out of position on that goal. Laine was on his side of the ice, he was no-where near where he needed to be. On the PK, you do not have to chase the puck. Just play your position, let the other team pass it around the perimeter until they get frustrated and take a bad shot. That is how it works against the Sabres.
  9. Dylan Cozens does go to the net. He's getting a good number of his shots from the slot overall this year. He's just not good. Most of his supporters are just holding onto one season where he shot better than he has in any other part of his career. Now the rest of the team...Quinn...yeah, go to the net more.
  10. Like with many things...for 1/2 the people its likely the first...1/2 the people the 2nd, and the final half of the people its 1/2 and 1/2.
  11. In my defense of Adams, and again I am not saying he is totally without blame, but I think he is operating under 'budgets' and 'rules' that Pegula sets....So maybe Adams is to blame for this but I think Pegula deserves a lot of blame also.... What should have been done is to identify guys last year, or going INTO last year (between the 2022-23 and 2023-24 seasons) when most reports are agents were calling the Sabres because some Vets had an interest in playing here, and done something then. Does that mean guys would choose you over Toronto, or Florida, or Dallas? Maybe Not if all things are equal. But, you could TRADE an asset for a guy like that, and when it comes to signing them, if your hockey department thinks they are worth $10million over 2 years, then to make sure you get them you pay them $18million over 3. (or maybe even a little more money). While the Sabres were under the cap I think there is a chance Adams would have been OK with that. I think Pegula looked at the balance sheet and said "Nope. We'll pay guys AFTER butts start showing up in the seats and I start making money again.".....and then that option wasn't even available for Adams and the hockey department. They could have signed guys for more money, better vets, to 2 or 3 year contracts and still had them 'off the books' by the time the current crop of young guys needed to be re-signed and stayed under the cap the whole time. But I think Pegula wanted to stay WAY under the cap...not for hockey reasons..but rather as a Billionaire who really likes money and didn't want to lose as much on the Sabres as he was doing. Pegula gets most of the blame to me. He set the conditions underneath him. And I do agree with you about the above bolded. What my thinking is, however, is Pegula won't hire that guy. He looks for the guys that will not talk back to him that way. As mentioned before, yes it was during covid...but Pegula could have kept the staff on that he had under Botts, he certainly had the Billions of dollars to do so but he wanted to cut staff to save money. Money, there it is again with him. Botts said he didn't want to because it would hurt the team. So what did Pegula do? He fired Botts and brought in Adams. Adams got his job because he would do what Pegula wanted, pertaining to money, where Botts would not. Botts was playing the part of the guy who wanted more control over the cap and roster (and other expenses) and Terry fired him for it. Unless Pegula has had a big time change in his thinking, I'm afraid he simply won't hire the guy you want (and all things being equal, I agree with you). That wasn't my point. The Cap resets every year. The cap space they had last year, and the year before, and the year before...that money could have been spent on 1, 2, and even 3 year contracts for quality Vets that would have helped this team in the standings and helped play side by side with the younger guys....and by now most, if not all, of those deals would be off the books for next year. I haven't done the research as to the specific names, but what if, instead of Jost and Johnson and players like that, the Sabres offered a guy with a $4 million dollar skillset $6.5-$7m per year to come here and help the team win (more than a Jost or Johnson) and be a better veteran presence than those guys were? There isn't anyone currently young and on the team that would have to be sacrificed, the only sacrifice would have been Terry Pegula's pocketbook over the last 2-3 years leading up to now.
  12. If only they could have done that but just integrated ONE or TWO more 'good' veterans into the mix. Just a slight overpay to convince 2 guys like that to come here instead of the likes of Erik Johnson or Tyson Jost. Zucker is playing well at the moment. Imagine one extra guy as good as him and just one D-man at that level being on the top 6. Not only might they have made the playoffs in the past 2 years, the current roster may have developed quite a bit differently. So maybe that got that right. But when this entire roster was 1-2 year younger, if they would have just added slightly better veteran pieces, I think it might have helped more than the sum or the parts. As cool as a 'kid' line was 2 years ago, it probably didn't do much for their development. When mistakes are made you don't need a vet to shout down the young kids, but a vet who is actually valuable could say things to the younger guys. When you elevate guys too early in the Sabres case, give them big contracts too early and do NOT have any veterans around that 'rank above' them in the Locker room, you get the kids running the place. Not that they turn evil or anything, but you can only take so much criticism from coaches before you tune them out, especially if you have a lot longer and higher priced contract than the coach and you think you will outlast them. Sometime having more veteran guys that don't give a **** about how good the young guys think they are, than might help them to absorb a message of how to play a bit more. A Cozens from last year or the year before wasn't going to listen to Tyson Jost. However that 21-22 year old Cozens might have a better chance of listening to a guy like Zucker who is doing what he is doing on this team right now.
  13. Maybe But with above bolded, I think the main issue with Cozen's game is he doesn't worry enough about making mistakes. He seems to be all over the ice all the time. He has no regard for positioning of the other team, no regard for making the correct decision on whether to pass or shoot. He reacts. I'd LIKE him to start worrying about those things and I think if he started to 'overthink' it would be better than his 'all gas-no brakes, react without reading the ice' style of play.
  14. So you are saying he finally recognizes WHAT is wrong but is still pretty clueless how to fix it.
  15. At this point Dahlin being hurt may be a bigger part of it than we think. Up until the moment he got hurt, they sabres were handily winning a game on and on their way to a 12-11-2 record, 26 points in 25 games. a .520 point percentage. As "not stellar" as that is, right now it would have them with 32 points and tied for the last playoff spot. Since Dahlin got hurt, they tragically messed up that game, and lost 6 more in a row. Of the current losing streak, basically 7 of them happened without Dahlin, gaining 2 out of a possible 14 points, .142 point percentage. The team was not great with Dahlin, but, even with the small sample size, it goes to show how important he is, TOO important to them.
  16. Dahlin might be the most underrated player the Sabres have by many on this board. As you said, the difference between this team with him and without him is very noticable. When you listen to broadcasts that aren't Buffalo based, such as the out of town feed or the national feed....or listen to out of town hockey shows (the National stuff out of Toronto/590...even though it still is Leaf's biased), there is one thing that i notice. When they talk about the Sabres, a lot of it centers around how good Dahlin and Thompson are...and why the rest of the 'young' guys around them haven't stepped up. Almost to the point where many fans/reporters around the league think the Sabres are 'wasting' Dahlin and Thompson. Now we know Thompson is the best scorer on this team. I like him a lot, but even I will admit his overall game isn't stellar. I don't think he's a liability without the puck like others day, but he does make mistakes. Dahlin on the other hand, I wonder how many of his mistakes this year are a result of him playing hurt, covering for someone else's mistake, or pushing too hard/taking too many chances becuase SOMETHING has to happen? I'm not saying Dahlin is perfect. But he just may be a top 10-20 player in the league who looks like a 50-100th best player in the league because of what he does on this roster.
  17. I wonder if anyone in the room actually took it that way, seriously. You might have someone like Tuch, or Thompson, Benson (pick the players you want here that you personally think are playing well) who think to themselves....I'm pulling my weight here, I'm listening to Lindy, I'm trying hard. I'm cutting down on mistakes.....where is the accountability? When are we going to make some CHANGES to the roster to fix things? We all KNOW who are the players who are dragging us down, when are they held accountable?" I think there is a possibility there are some thoughts in the locker room like that. Now, Big meeting, owner his showing up. MAYBE were are going to have some change here!. Nope. More of the same. There is a chance if Pegula's speech to the team went that way, it may have just emboldened the "Slackers" on the team, and demoralized the few players who were doing things the right way.
  18. Lindy has had enough time to implement his system with MOST teams. This Roster, they just don't seem to want to listen to, or play, any system besides doing what they want to do.
  19. If they don't want to trade Cozens because They don't have center depth behind him, That's a bad reason. If he is playing bad... And hurting the team... Even someone who comes up behind him... Isn't going to be much worse. I think that's the point. Of course it depends on who you get for him. Do you take a slight step back at center but bring in something else that helps you just as much or more? McLeod, Krebs, Kulich splitting up the ice time that Cozens used to have at Center...you MIGHT be losing 10 goals through the course of the year (MAYBE), but you are getting much better and more discipline play without the puck. That might be an even trade off right now, and as Kulich or Helenius develops, it might be a net positive regardless of the return for Cozens. As far as him having success someplace else? I don't mind if he does. If you trade him and he goes on to score 35 or 40 goals, that doesn't mean if you kept him here he was going to do the same here. The change of scenery actually may help. In his head, No matter How bad things get here, He may just have it in his head that he's going to keep on doing what he's doing, playing the way he is playing, and if it doesn't work he's going to keep on doing what he's doing the same way but even harder.... digging a deeper hole for himself. I'm sure he realizes he could get traded but maybe if that trade occurs it will be something that he says to himself... "I knew I could have been traded but I never expected it. Wow, this is a shock." That may be a shock to his entire life style that causes him to reevaluate how he does things, including hockey, that will never happen here. He could put on another uniform and have an entirely different set of guys in the locker room and different people on his line. You put him on a line with two veteran guys, and they make it known "Kid you're the new guy, the way you played in Buffalo isn't going to work here with us" It may be the only thing that causes him to rain back his freelancing on the ice. That isn't happening here, who is going to say that to him where he is going to take it seriously. Here HE is one of the longest tenured guys on the team. HE is the guy who scored 30 a few years ago. HE is the top 10 pick. HE has the "A" HE is one of the owners favorites. HE got the big, secure, long term deal. What reason is there for him to acknowledge any other teammate as an "Alpha" in the room more than he is that he has to listen to? Heck, he even knows he is likely to outlast any coach, and maybe a GM or two. If he goes to another team he just might hear: "stop freelancing without the puck" Or "This isn't pond hockey" They might tell him "you hung your D-men out to dry and that guy is going to talk to you after the game in the room about it"..even a winger saying "I was wide open with an empty net, next time look up before you shoot the puck yourself where it goes 2 feet wide." If he can change his style of play, it's not likely to happen here. He has to be removed as part of the leadership group. He has to be just another guy on a team who has to earn his way to a higher level. That likely can't happen here anymore, because he was given his deal, his ice time, his letter...ALL before he developed a well rounded game.
  20. I do not go to games anymore. I don't buy merchandise anymore. I haven't for a long time. The last Sabres merch I bought was a discontinued Slug jersey with no name on it I picked up for about $15, that was about 10 years ago. If I could get my hands on a good, reasonably priced Black and Red jersey with no name on the back....I'd consider it now. Not to support the team, but not to not support the team, just because I like it. I still watch the games. Boycott doing that? Not really. If they play bad enough and there is something better to do, then I'll skip the game for whatever that is. But if a game is on and I'm not doing anything, I'll still watch.
  21. I can say that I personally....I think Terry Pegula looks at the balance sheet of the Buffalo Sabres, likely sees he is bleeding money on this franchise, and tells the GM no spending unless it is run by him, and as far as bringing in vet free agents, he will not 'overplay' to get someone valuable in the building.....hed rather just "wait" and "hope" the young guys gel so he can save those few $million dollars per year and it will happen 'eventually' by itself with that strategy. I think the Sabres were under the cap the last few years and Adams, along with any GM would love to use the cap space to spend it, even on one year or 2 year 'overpays' to bring in better talent. I think Pegula, even with all his Billions, put that directive out to not do that. I do not think that is unreasonable at all and I think that is likely what has and is currenlty happening. When Adams is asked about anything cap and contract releated, if pushed he says something like they need to save money for the upcoming deals for the young guys. Why? He HAS to say that. If the truth is what I layed about above...and beleive is what is happening...what is Adams going to say? I want to bring in some othe guys with THIS years cap but I was given orders from above not to, so we are just going with the current Roster?" Adams got this job becasue the last guy before him disagreed with Terry, and ALL his Billions, on spending. The last guy got fired for that.
  22. Awful funny coming from the person who can't stop responding to me. You are like the 14 year old guy who likes a girl but calls her names because he doesn't know what to do. I'm dreaming about you? LOL....hilarious that not only are you responding to my posts like this...but you are the one initially escalating things with sarcasm, trying to sound 'smart and cute' in some kind of way with the words you chose above. Dreaming of you? grow up.
  23. Let see....when Thorner declares a fact is a fact, that is it! close the book....no further discussion or argument is needed. We can't have someone state an opinion without him escalating it....using as many "definitive terms" to say someone else is just wrong...can't have that! No place for discussion on an ACTUALY discussion forum without him putting his foot down when he KNOWS he is right. This place is a joke. Not the fact that others people have different opinions....but more so that when you do have different opinions...jokers like that want to put you under their foot and press down until you concede to their 'higher intellect'. lol..They know what is right. For you to even SUGGEST something isn't 100%....its laughable.
  24. Bravo. I think those of us supporting Adams are not saying he is a great GM. He MAY be a bad GM....but in light of the above comment that I agree with, Some of us really don't know....and if the next "GM" is hired under the same conditions...we will not know either.
  25. Give up the argument...its best not to engage the Adams "lynch mob" on this forum. They have made up there mind. Sure, Adams hands may be tied by Pegula's spending contraints....sure he may have been hired under the condition he is not the only voice regarding the roster but just part of a 'roster construction by committee' due to Pegula's wishes....sure he may know he got the job because the last guy didn't follow enough of Terry's wishes....sure he may not, or may actually make GOOD moves if his hands were untied. But its best not to argue that with some people....because its OBVIOUS to EVERYONE that Adams is the worst Gm in the league. There is NO WAY any of the above could actually be true because it would not support what they want to say...and we can't have THAT. LOL. This is how the board works. The team is bad, Someone will find out who they think is at fault. I think its a group of players. Others disagree with me. I like to think I do not call them names or make fun of their argument/point of view that much. I will personally try to use stats...other people's opinions...to support my own opinion of what is wrong with the team. But other posters? Nope, if you agree with them too much....if you post too much that you think someone is NOT a problem that they thin is a problem...you will get attacked, or at least your argument will get attacked with not always rational respones..but comments like the above "straw man' argument.
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