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Everything posted by mjd1001

  1. I liked him also and don't like this trade. Maybe his injuries happened too often, but it seemed to me when he was healthy he was actually a very good 3rd pair guy and even a good 2nd pair guy (2nd guy in the pair, stay at home type). Again, his play was inconsistent, but I still would rather he be here than not.
  2. Maybe. But maybe not. Often times the prospect (the lottery pick) is traded for a player that might be better now, but is on the dowside of their peak, hasn't come up through your own system, and often times is overpaid (certainly more than a prospect in their first few years).
  3. As others have said, none. There is a case to be made that prospects are overvalued, BUT that doesn't mean they have no value and can be just thrown around for the sake of making a move. All of the above options to me are very close to 'making a move' for the same of wanting to make a move. Someone posted something a little while ago saying how fanbases and teams tend to love their prosects too much, and that many of them won't turn out to be something great. You can use that to support NOT trading them. If only 1 out of 3 or 1 out of 4 of them work out, you can say you want to hold onto them so you that actually get the ones that work out. If your team is constructed properly, you don't need all your prosepcts to pan out, but you want to have enough of them that the ones that do work out are there to plug into your lineup going forward.
  4. Every week something happens to me during the week I just want to complain to someone about....maybe on a Monday or Tuesday night and I can't wait to post it here on Thursday. But then when Thursday morning comes, I forget what it was! That is my complaint for the day.
  5. Edmonton - Just too far away from everything else Rangers - Don't want to deal with everything Manhattan (traffic, crowds of people, etc) Arizona - Middle of no-where, don't want to live in an area surrounded by so much desert, heat (I could put Vegas here also)) Florida - I lived in Florida, disliked it greatly. The weather, the culture, everything about it. I spent years living there and dread every moment I go there to visit relatives Tampa - See above
  6. Columbus, Minnesota, Boston, Philly, Vancouver. (not in that specific order) Simply because of all the places I ever visited in my life, they are the 5 NHL cities I'd want to live in the most.
  7. Probably, but the question is...he is isn't a top 12 guy, do you still want him playing in Roch getting minutes? I always think the 13th guy should be a vet that can 'step in' when needed (Like Hinestroze) or a very VERY young guy getting his first look (18 or 19 year old first rounders who can get something from 'just being around the team in practice'). Maybe as the 13th guy you keep him around but he routinely subs in on the 4th line. Every couple games someone comes out of that line and you put him in (I guess you'd have to trust him to play multiple positions for that though).
  8. Its a boring answer, but it all depends on how he does in camp/preseason. If he's one of the 12 best forwards, you find a spot for him on the roster. If not, he goes back to Rochester.
  9. Could be gender neutral..but the more I think about it, the more I feel it is just about all women that I come across. I'll add one thing I see the 'guys' doing that is similar....usually people who are 'older': You have a couple walking the aisles shopping, when the women is pushing the cart the 'guy' with her tends to just aimlessly wander, but also not paying attention to surroundings. So in this case it seems the 'woman' is doing the shopping, and the guy is just 'along for the ride' but really walking side by side with the car and looking at everything EXCEPT who else is in the aisle shopping or trying to pass them.
  10. What I see a lot (usually, not but not all the time women), push their car right down the center of the aisle. Stop to look at something...Not enough room to pass them on the left, but with their cart in the middle, they keep on hand on the car and use the other hand to reach for and read the label on something on the right...completely oblivious of anyone else in the aisle or anyone else behind them as their cart and their body becomes a full roadblock.
  11. We have a cat that practices this better than any people. He can't walk in a straight line. If he looks slightly to the right, he ends up walking slightly to the right. Turns his head while walking slightly to the left, and his path changes slightly to the left. I swear I haven't seen this cat walk in a straight line. People can learn from animals.
  12. Its the society we grew up and and are surrounded by. Most billboards, ads on tv, social media posts, packing of our favorite products.....the way we are sold 'stuff' and 'services' is by telling us, No, TEACHING us we deserve it. We are as good as anyone else. Don't let someone else have what you don't have. Get people around you to be jealous of you. That has led to a 'me first' attitude, an attitude instilled in us to 'look out for number one'. Over time, that leads to the selfish behavior you are talking about. It spills into sports....MY team is all that matters. Into politics...If my side can't win than I'll take pleasure in 'your' side losing...etc. There may be other factors, and some can tune those things out...but overall it is a large part of who we are and the way we act.
  13. Maybe this is a story for another thread, but its close enough I figure i'd bring it up... I talked extensively with a friend of mine who spends a LOT of time in Europe (he lived there in a few different nations for his job and travels there frequently) and he brings up to me that people from Europe are amazed at the cost of programming here in the USA. The thing he brings up is....you pay for TV if there are no ads, but if they are going to show you advertisments, why are you paying so much on top of that? Many European sports do not show ads during the broadcast at all. F1 races have few (if any) ad breaks. In some European leagues hockey and soccer may have few, or no ads. I think he brought up Denmark...many local shows have no ads at all. If you are watching an 'american' show, you might watch the entire show (22-23 minutes) and then they show ads in the 7 minutes straight that are left until the next show starts. France, Italy, and I think Germany he said have ads on some station, but far less than here. Again, maybe you are getting lower quality programming, maybe not. But the big thing he hears alot is he doesn't understand why we pay so much for Cable TV and then sit through 10-15 minutes of ads for a product we pay for. We 'pay' for the 'right' to watch 20%-25% of our screen time with ads.
  14. I'm moving in the other direction. Now, I don't like the offseason where we talk about the same minor stuff over and over and over...I want the season to start. BUT, for me I like talking 'between' games about what we saw. I like player movement in the season. Talking about Line changes. Watching the standings. I do LIKE watching the games, but to me the discussion of the game and the 'strategy' and discussion of what happens next is more fun. To me, what happens between the games is more 'different'. Teams are different. The way the game is played is different, thoughts on how to build a team evolve so there is always something to discuss there. As far as the games themselves...there isn't much in each game that I haven't already seen, so other than some minor changes it just doesn't excite me as much as it used to.
  15. Its about having courtesy for others. When you are impacting other people, have some courtesy. When people drive on the highway, the speed LIMIT is 55 or 65...if someone drives 40 or 45 it isn't against the law, but it would be not too courteous to others. There are a bunch of other examples. What is my hurry? My hurry is that I might be on my way to work, have an appointment...and I have given myself enough time plus a little extra to account for things so I'm not late, but I would not anticipate getting in line at a grocery store and waiting 2 to 3 times as long as expected. What I described isn't any less 'annoying' than just about any other complaint in this thread.
  16. The 'old women at the grocery store' issues, there are so many. This is the one I love the most... Express line, this time she is in FRONT of me. I have 3 or 4 things I just want to check out with.. -She has more than the limit -Her bill comes to something like $35.27 -AFTER the Cashier tells her what the bill is, and she asks 2 more times just to verify the ammount.....then she SLOWLY goes into her purse...digs around for 10-20 seconds...pulls out the change purse....slowly digs around in there, looks up and asks for the 3rd time how much the bill is because she forgot...then digs around some more for exact change, and I mean EXACT change down to the penny. Counts it out SLOWLY to the cashier...but nope, she thinks she gave the correct ammount but the cashier has to correct her and tell her she gave the wrong ammount. Looking confused the customer digs in the change purse and eventually gets it correct... then when the tranaction is done, there is no moving on to make room for the next person..nope..puts that purse right back on the little ledge, takes the change purse and slowly packs it away in the bigger purse, zips it up and THEN moves on to make room for the next customer. I swear, I know people get older and sometimes take a little more time to figure things out, but a debit or credit card is made for stuff like this..one swipe and you are done. I don't know what is worse...getting in the express line and having that happen on occasion, or going to the self checkouts where all 4-6 of them are occupied by older people who just can't figure out how to use them or non-older people who just take their time because they don't care. -
  17. I notice something like this at various fast food places when ordering inside. I walk into the store, and someone is standing 'kinda' near the place where you place your order. Did they order already and are waiting but just don't want to stand too close to the other people waiting? Are they still 'thinking' of what to order. Are they waiting for someone else to meet them? Are they next in line but the employee beind the counter isn't available? I have run into all of those situations. The biggest thing that bothers me is when someone orders, and when waiting they do not move all the way to the pickup side. They order, and just stand 3 feet back or 2 feet to the side of the register they ordered from, and anyone coming in behind them has no idea what they are doing.
  18. Spectrum choice does not give you an option to have MSG. If you want that they make you get the full package. Unless something has changed since last year. But I know for 100% certainty as of last year. If you got spectrum choice, you cannot take MSG as one of your choices.
  19. Not interested in adding a vet forward from who is left out there. Enough young guys that can compete for the spot. Even if Quinn was here for the first part of the season, there might be a couple of the young guys you would want to work into the lineup to see how they do. Quinn's spot is the one those young guys can get their handful of games in.
  20. I don't like the $30 per month either. BUT, during the season they are on average what, 10-15 games per month? That comes out to $2-$3 per game in most months. They probably think that is a fair price. I think the 'take rate' on this will be pretty high eventually, probably will take a few months for people to accept it. From my own personal point of view, all the 'young' adults in my life (age 20-30) will not do a full cost/benefit analysis on this versus just getting cable and what you get for that money. NONE of them have traditional cable and they just aren't going to get it, so this option is much more likely for them to take.
  21. If you like mid sized cities, Columbus is underrated. Not a place to go to multiple times, but we were surprised at how much we enjoyed our weekend there. When I think of a 'tank of gas' drive I usually think of day trips. We also went to the Comedy museum in Jamestown. A couple hour visit, but they did a lot better job with it than I thought. Finger lakes can be nice for some, but along with the Adirondacks, I'm not much of one for camping/too much outoorsy type of stuff. We live in a suburban/near Rural area by a bunch of parks and the river...so when we take a vacation we are more looking for a City-type enviroment (museums in Philly or Washington, History stuff near Boston, etc). I also view the 'tank of gas' thing a bit differently. Our car has a very large gas tank so we "CAN" go 500-520+ miles on a tank (prefer not to push it that hard). But for me the 'drivable distance' is more something like "If we leave between 6-7am in the morning, can we be in our hotel at or near check-in time of 2-3pm." That pushes out the distance a bit more for us.
  22. Its hard to put into exact words how I feel about this topic. I already said Dahlin, but to explain why... -I think Dahlin is a top 5 in the league guy, someone who every year should be in the Norris converstation going forward. -Power, more of a definite first pair talent/guy, someone who can control his part of the ice when out there but not control the entire game like Dahlin can.
  23. Actually I don't agree. Maybe, MAYBE if the team takes a major step back (without injuries), and we find out there is some behind the scenes stuff going on where some players or coaches want to leave because they don't like Adams AND he makes a bad trade or two during the year...then yes. But simply no playoffs? Nope, not me. I like what he is doing. I LIKE the slow but steady build (I think that is the way this team should be built). Yes, I want the playoffs, but the east is competitive. If they miss by a couple points I'm not going to get rid of him simply because of 'no playoffs'. Before I would even think of that, tell me who he will be replaced with and why that person would be better.
  24. Dahlin. I just think he has overall more talent/higher ceiling.
  25. NHL.com focusing on the Sabres today...... text version: https://www.nhl.com/news/inside-look-at-buffalo-sabres/c-345496380?tid=290471364
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