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Everything posted by #freejame

  1. I would imagine they are trying to get people in Buffalo the ability to go to a game. I don’t know why they wouldn’t simply restrict purchasing by zip code but who knows. Baseball fans travel, I’m imagining there will be a lot of out-of-towners at these games otherwise.
  2. What a joke of a design. The whole place looks bad from every angle.
  3. I know multiple high ranking and well respected people within the special operations community that claim they were on missions guarding live WMD safe houses in Iraq, including a few high ranking EOD officials. Do you think it’s more likely they are wrong and inadvertently spreading falsehoods or do you think there was a giant international conspiracy to remove the WMDs from Iraq for whatever the purposes?
  4. The NHL doesn’t want penalties to decide games in the playoffs. They don’t understand not calling penalties can still decide the game. It’s the reason penalties end up close to even every game and refs swallowing their whistles in tight games.
  5. If it is confirmed aliens are scouting the earth does any sort of international action need to be taken?
  6. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.bostonglobe.com/2021/05/15/sports/many-paths-could-lead-jack-eichel-boston/%3FoutputType%3Damp Boston Globe looking to reunite Eichel and Hall by trading Pasta to Buffalo.
  7. Yeah I’m with you on Newhook. Though I think he’s going to have higher production than his ability due to the parts surrounding him. Doesn’t mean he won’t be really good.
  8. Watch the video on the Fermi paradox or read up on it. The Great Filter as well.
  9. Which did you not say was detected in your encounter?
  10. The whole point of compartmentalization would be so you don’t know. Plenty of people have unwittingly worked on things much higher than their pay-grade. Multiple UFOs have been identified as things such as the SR-71. In fact, the last great big UFO sighting was in fact a DARPA initiative. Would the headline “World’s great arms dealer and developer test-flying top secret aircraft” really surprise anyone (minus the obvious fact that a top-secret test flight wouldn’t be announced)? And if they are test flying new surveillance equipment, what incentive would they have to let those with the best detection equipment know or would you rather just test it on it and see if you can beat your own systems? Aren’t live tests more effective anyway? Doesn't that have the secondary benefit of exposing vulnerabilities?
  11. I’ve read speculation that he’s going to get in the 5.5-6.25 range, which would be out of my limit. 5m I am comfortable with.
  12. What I’ve taken from this is that your keyboard does, in fact, have punctuation keys. I’m sure I’m not the only one who has been curious.
  13. There’s a better chance of these being from compartmentalized DARPA programs than being from outer space. Our own government seldom knows what’s going on within our own government, especially when it comes to departments within the executive branch.
  14. Yeah that’s what I thought. I’m confused as to why it was being disputed then. Pretty sure I’ve seen buffalonill in there even.
  15. Didn’t Karmonos come out the other day and say they would be hiring directors for each department rather than a POHO?
  16. It’s all a matter of they're holding it down or holding it back I guess. GOAT is another one that bothers me.
  17. Don’t forget anchoring something is a good thing though.
  18. I’m not sure they are able to with licensing. I’m also not sure Toronto fans would appreciate it. I don’t remember the Bills selling Toronto merch outside of commemorative shirts.
  19. Whoops, reading comprehension isn’t my strong suite. Chicago/Philly/Toronto/Montreal all fit the bill still, obviously the rest don’t apply.
  20. Chicago is a major metropolis, as is Philly. Pittsburgh is a well ran organization with Sidney Crosby. I don’t think players have a desire to play in Columbus. Detroit is an original six team headed by Stevie Y. Minneapolis is one of the biggest hockey cities in the US, but I still don’t think players are clamoring to go there.
  21. I really hope whoever we trade Reinhart to has a fan base who won’t spell his name with a D after six seasons. He deserves better.
  22. This team's spirit will not be broken by an 80 point season. An 80 point season most year's put you in the running for the top pick. We can be bad, develop and grow as a team, and get a top pick. The hockey gods will reward this approach.
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