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Everything posted by #freejame

  1. They very well might be. Or Kaliyev doesn't adjust his work ethic and can't keep with the pace of play and Turcotte tops out as a 3C with Beniers becoming ROR 2.0. It's just too risky, we need to acquire as much young depth as we can, especially if we get #1.
  2. If that's the case I really hope we go Hughes. It's the only aspect of the Sabres that is enjoyable anymore For a lot of people it isn't about worshipping the draft, it's just fun. I follow baseball prospects pretty closely, it's just a fun thing to do. Following the draft and then players as they make their way through the league can be pretty cool.
  3. Be prepared to be told many times that this really isn’t the case
  4. I'm just not as familiar with him as Hughes. I'll take a look. Do you think that's the case in 5 years and 10 years? I would imagine the top three forwards will all have a greater impact in the first five years, not sure how it shakes out long term.
  5. Cold Good Guys pizza is what most reminds me of home. I agree Franco's usually undercooks like Liger said. Bocce is also very good. You can get good pizza anywhere in WNY, you guys are fortunate. I had pizza hut stuffed crust last week and that's about as high a quality as there is here.
  6. Beniers or Hughes if we decide to go with defense. I think Power will be good, but Hughes will end up being top of the class. I can't imagine anyone taking Hughes over Power, but long term I think it's going to shake out as the better move.
  7. I’m just bitter about change in baseball. I agree with you.
  8. At least they shrunk it back down after last season's expanded pool.
  9. Psh it’s a cake walk now with that stupid play-in game.
  10. Didn’t we used to have a food thread? Not that I don’t like the spirit of this, more of a question as to why it’s no longer active. Anyway, I agree with Punch only I say you gotta smoke the chicken.
  11. Good news for anyone trying to get someone outta Vancouver
  12. I mean, he’s back at it now. It was thrown off track, but plenty of professional athletes have come back from migraine disorders. Treatment tends to be full of a lot of misses before a hit is finally found, but it is possible to manage. source: migraine disorder runs in my family. (Thankfully I’ve only ever had around ten; my sister gets them daily)
  13. No it isn’t. It runs in his family and both he and the Flyers have said it isn’t hockey related.
  14. Pretty sure his issue is migraines and not concussions.
  15. 90 point wingers are sexy but I’ll take 70 points up the middle if the defense is there all day.
  16. Best example I can find to easily explain the rule:
  17. It was nice walking around Publix without a mask today. Probably about 30% were without masks. That kind of surprised me, I didn’t think anyone would be. Not a person wore one all season at little league.
  18. Lazar tried to stand him up...guess not
  19. Yes. I repeated it over and over throughout the playoffs this season. Honestly asking—do you think nominations closed today or that Buffalo is just scheduled to announce it today
  20. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tabby's_Star Tabby’s Star was briefly thought to be a potential Dyson structure in progress as recently as 2017, but it has since been disproved.
  21. Not to mention something like a Dyson Sphere would be necessary for that type of intergalactic travel. I feel like if a star had a super structure harnessing it’s energy that we would be able to pick that up on some sort of device.
  22. I can’t say I’ve ever noticed this either. Maybe it’s a Mandela Paradox thing. Slightly tangential but if you’re into stadiums and architecture I got a great book for Christmas called Ballparks that goes through the evolution of Major League Baseball stadiums. It’s a pretty long book but it’s an interesting read.
  23. Well, yeah. Smart teams build from the net out. Not sure how we have managed three straight GMs who didn’t take hockey 101.
  24. Look at the Blues 2019 team up front and on the backend and then look at ours and tell me if adding 2019 Binnington and Berube make us a playoff team. The scenarios aren’t the same.
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