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Everything posted by #freejame

  1. Maybe I'm just burned out but I just can't bring myself to caring whatsoever about whoever our GM is at the given time. They're either going to be another failure or lead us to glory. I just don't care anymore until he's fired or validated. I had very strong opinions on our coaching staff and front office for the longest time and it's to the point where I'm just over it. They'll either get it done or they won't. Kevin could have said "sucks this is a year too soon but we're fortunate nonetheless" and it still wouldn't have moved the needle. It's hard enough to care about Buffalo Sabres. I just don't have it in me any more to be pissed at our front office over anything. It all just seems so futile.
  2. Now just imagine Gary Thorne on the PBP. I hope TNT or ESPN find a role for him because he's the best announcer in all of sports.
  3. I've watched the clip at least a dozen times. The goal doesn't matter, the hit does. Evans had a low center of gravity, MS lowered his shoulder direct to the chest and went upwards, causing Evans to suffer whiplash and a head contact on the ice. It happens. I just don't see how a suspension is warranted. Evans being injured should not have any impact on the legality of a hit. He put himself into a vulnerable situation and suffered the consequences.
  4. Find a way for the Sabres to get 6+ star players and we'll be right there!
  5. People on Reddit are talking about 5 game suspension. That's nonsense on the same level as Kadri's 8 game suspension. Everything these days is "intent to injury." I can say with full confidence every hit I've ever made had an intention of "man, hope you feel that and don't try that ***** again" and every time I've been laid out I'm fairly certain the same was going through my opponents mind. There is a difference between intent to injure and intent to hurt. It's the ***** playoffs. You play a team up to seven times. Finish your ***** checks and make your opponent wake up the next morning thinking man maybe I can't make plays like that this series. Sucks he is hurt. Sucks he was stretchered off. But if I'm down two goals already in a seven game series and have a chance to send someone into next week I do it every time.
  6. His last stride was just behind faceoff dot. Evans got possession and headed directly into the direction of MS going for the puck. The hit might be high (i cant tell direct point of contact from the angles I've seen) but there wasn't any attempt to injury. It was a big hit on a player rounding the corner. Whatever. Not every big hit that injures someone is malicious. There is no reason for a suspension here.
  7. No doubt, but D men have a much greater impact at controlling and slowing the game, which in turn allows forwards to have a much greater impact in driving the game. F means forward is this instance.
  8. You don't strike me as the kind to have watched Baseketball, but you should watch this clip.
  9. I have no issue having two top LHD eat 48 minutes per game.
  10. Is there any reason whatsoever that Power should be on the big club next year? Everything I've read says he needs a bit more seasoning.
  11. What movie is this from? I've only seen him in Fast TImes at RIdgemont high and this definitely doesn't look like it's from that.
  12. He's basing it off of the dozens of posters calling him Powers rather than Power. It's better than Rheinhardt though so I won't complain.
  13. How many skulls did they measure to even get to that point in the first place?
  14. Are you telling me his first name isn't actual Sowen?
  15. I heard it was actually all of the leftover ice cream baseball helmets
  16. Closest to the first, but I’ve tried to wipe it from my memory. I just remember mentioning him at my little brothers hockey game and having 20 10 year olds belittle me.
  17. I literally just reread everything I wrote and it’s really quite linear, clear cut, and presented as opinion. You have then misinterpreted what I said on multiple occasions, presented what I laid out as opinion as fact, and continued to press on sexism tropes. I said it before and I’ll say it again—sexism is for the lazy, inept, and jealous. If a person can’t come up with a bevy of reasons to dislike Kim and constantly falls into sexist tropes, that’s an indicator. You are taking my posts and applying them simply to one posting made by Kong. My posts concern all of the instances (weekly, if not daily) who believe Kim is bad at her job because she’s nothing more than a gold digger or simply because she’s a woman. All I am asking for is to be critical of her without saying it’s because she’s a woman. It’s suuuuuuuuuper easy.
  18. Looking through this thread is kind of hysterical to me. How folks continue to refute sexism with sexism tropes is unlike anything I’ve ever seen. That’s the problem with being objective today in a reactionary would. People from both sides think you’re an idiot while you’re forced to sit with a glass of wine and wonder where the education system went wrong.
  19. You have been consistently misrepresenting my posts. I literally put a disclaimer that is was speculation and you are accusing everything I said as fact. And while I can’t find Terry’s net worth, I can tell you he began with. $75,000 loan in the late 80s, when we met Kim natural gas was priced at $2.20 and when they sold it was priced at nearly $9.00. Also, your infatuation with the amount of money Terry had been he met Kim so very much plays into the gold digger trope. If you want I can go through and quote all of the misinterpretations in morning I can or you can just critically read what I wrote and realize you latched on to things that I presented as speculation that you are now accusing me of reciting as facts. It doesn’t get any more clear than a disclaimer at the top saying THIS IS SPECULATION. Look, if you think this team will get nowhere with Kim just give up on it. People place so much emphasis on a person for literally has zero control over hockey operations. Terry makes the personnel cuts. Terry tries to influence picks and players. Terry wants to be one of the boys. People want to say Kim is a nepotism hire and that’s why she sucks that’s fine. If people want to say Kim in inexperienced in the realm of sports that’s fine. But if you read the board, it’s about Kim being unfit as a woman to run the team (WHICH SHE DOESNT EVEN DO). Do I think Kim can fix the Sabres woes—sure. Three easy steps: 1. ***** the ***** up 2. Listen to the subject matter experts you hired, whether they tell you they need more staff or they need $6m for a signing 3. Empower them to get that done, whether is means private jets or yatch cruises You want to be mad at our last half dozen hires—blame the NHL for their recommendations You want to be mad that we’re cash strapped—blame the GMs You want to be mad your season ticket rep can’t returned your phone calls and the manager at the Sabres store isnt honoring your SabresBucks, complain to Kim. Do I think the Pegulas can right the ship? Yes. Do I think the Pegulas lack the ego to allow that to happen? TBD. Notice how ive now written a novella critical of Kim and Terry and not once did I disparage their ethnicity, financial well-being, or sex. Now please, good look back on related Kim posting and see if it’s anything like this. Like I said, sexism related to this team only becomes apparent when people lack the critical thinking skills needed to understand the largest issues.
  20. The Kim sexism trope has been going on far longer than today and you have been here long enough to know that. That is simply you playing ignorant to advance your argument. I also didn't say that Kim will right the ship, I am saying that the idea that she is utterly incapable is nonsense. Please do ask for sources, I would love more than anything to prove everything I've said. In fact, I likely wouldn't even have to because 90% of this board understands my argument fully. However, you are continuously misrepresenting my post and putting words in my mouth. To my knowledge (you'll notice I've used these terms all throughout my postings [well, actually you haven't]) she plays no roles related to the product on the ice. Her job, and if it was Terry's job, is to shut the hell up and listen to the experts you hired and approve their decision. You can continue to convolute what I have said or claim that I am making things up, or you can use critical thinking, read what I have wrote, understand you've completely disregarding 5 years of posting, and alter your opinion.
  21. It takes very little in her position to right the ship. One meeting in Boca with Karmonos and Adams where they sit them down and say if you want to stop being embarrassed you need to listen to exactly what we say and support our execution. If you don't you're going to continue down this same path and lose the whole franchise. Guess what? All Kim needs to do is listen. Kim wants to sit in on every meeting 365 to gain more insight and understanding to the plan who gives a *****? If Kim wants to stand on a Podium on city hall and say wow I can't even begin to describe what it means to be the first woman to lead a Stanley Cup who the ***** cares if her only role was sitting in meetings and asking questions to gain a better understanding? There's a whole lot of ways Kim can right the ship by doing very, very little. Do I think the Pegula's will roll over to the demands? Probably not. But guess what, that isn't sexism, that's hardheadedness if you're a man and being a bitch if you're a woman. Lastly. if you think I have an iota of faith in the Pegulas or the Sabres as a whole I suggest you read through my posting history. There are very few with worse outlooks than myself. That doesn't make me throw out allegations of sexism. Kim Pegula sucks because she can't understand what it takes to be a president of an NHL organization. Kim Pegula does not suck because she is a woman. Not to mention, her job isn't to right the ship. Her job is to approve qualified highers to right the ship and then listen intently to what they say. Guess what? There's plenty of men in the position that suck just as bad as she does.
  22. As far as I can see, Brown has been suspended more time than Marchand. I might being doing something wrong but it's difficult to find full suspension lists per player
  23. I don't usually comment of these threads but I do have some thoughts that might come out terribly but read it through and it should make sense. Disclaimer: Rampant speculation below: When Terry met Kim--Terry was not wealthy, was by no means handsome, but was a burgeoning businessman When Kim met Terry--Terry was not wealthy and was by no means handsome. Kim was working through college, had a stable home life with her adopted family, and was/is very attractive ---break--- At the beginning, there is no clear evidence that Terry was looking for a trophy wife because he did not have the financial status necessary for a trophy wife. He met an employee that he connected with. This has happened in every single work-place I have ever been apart of. DIsproven: Kim met Terry with the intentions of his money bags.Terry was young, healthy, and beginning to establish himself but wasn't there yet. The timeline to death is farrrrrrr to long for your standard trophy wife scenario ---break--- Kim as a trophy wife--I am not sure how this can be true because no husband of a trophy wife will be consistently embarrassed by continuous mistakes made by her at a business level. The point of a trophy wife is to show them off and give them money so they have nothing to complain about, not to see them consistently lambasted by fans and the media ---break--- Terry met a young Kim while she was working at a restaurant. At some point, they developed a connection. Terry likely recognized the struggles and hardships faced by Kim's background and wanted to put her into positions to help her have a sense of value. That is what friends and couples do for each out. As far as my research is concerned, becoming President of two Major sport franchises was not the first trial period for her aptitude. Terry trusted her ability to MANAGE and OVERSEE, and put her into those positions. --conclusion-- Terry very much loves and supports his wife. More than anything, Terry wants to see her succeed in the the positions she is in. He is willing to ruin a sports franchise than cause internal marital strife. Is this a smart idea? No, probably not. Do I think Terry is placing Kim in these positions because he wants to see her have her own success that she has been fighting for since birth. Do these things, if true, make Terry a bad person? Not in the slightest. Does, if true, these things make him a terrible owner? Absolutely. The whole Kim is a gold-digger and a lot of the other borderline or full blown sexism, to me, comes from a place inside a person who has likely never felt the connect Terry and Kim have. Every sign points to the Pegula's being outstanding parents, who have raised tremendous kids, fully funded a D1 hockey program, and a bevy of other things. Is Kim fortunate for meeting Terry? Absolutely. Does that make either of them bad people for wanting their spouse to feel important and as a contributor? No. Does Kim need to step up her game? Absolutely. But this whole sexism thing is still. Terry loves his wife. Terry loves his kids. Terry wants to see their success probably more than he wants to see the Sabres win. The absolute cherry would be the Sabres winning with Kim in charges (which as far as my research shows would be historic). Is it nepotism? Sure. If people want to say Kim would never have this job without marrying Terry--sure. But nothing I have read about the Pegula's screams anything other than a loving family and inept at running a hockey team. Hate Kim all you want. I despise the Pegula's for what they have done the the Sabres. But to say sexism is the reason for our failures or that Kim is incapable or righting this ship is BS. Lastly, I can't believe I just wrote such a long post defending both Pegulas so I just want to say that I don't like either. But not because Kim is a woman and Terry is an idiot. Sexism is the lazy-man's go to when they can't think critically or need to reason to feel better about themselves.
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