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Everything posted by #freejame

  1. He’s been being called 6K by people for years. I’m confused why people are acting like this is the first they’re hearing of the name.
  2. Com’mon, Thorny. You trying to tell me there’s other teams who have improved in net during that timeframe?
  3. It’s been over a decade—is that not patient enough? No, I think a better organization has this team ready to run through a wall after the way last season ended and that was never the case. Every point matters. And the fact that our historically inept franchise in a year that they are supposed to make the playoffs is once again in last place in the conference should be 100% unacceptable. If Don Granato can’t get his team ready for hockey the fault either lies in KA supplying good enough players or DG not being a good enough coach. Like you said, playoffs are the goal. The organization should act like it.
  4. No part of the organization deserves patience.
  5. I’m lost with the Casey example. Did we burn a year that I’m forgetting about with him?
  6. It’s hard not to like that’s for sure
  7. Don’t know the last time I had this little excitement for a game
  8. Donnie said last season they didn’t work on PK because they didn’t have time. Now they have time and are practicing things like PK.
  9. This doesn’t even seem possible. Where does the time go?
  10. And every Eastern European has a picture in a Sabres zip up
  11. Many of the best PP are predictable. Everyone knows where shots are coming from in Boston and Washington. I think Buffalo thinks they’re at that level when YTD it hasn’t been the case.
  12. All the snake bites seem to be clearing up
  13. Why is our broadcast highlighting celebrating Senators fans?
  14. It’s when you blow coke up yer bum. Not sure how it applies here though.
  15. Eric Johnson has a lot of old man strength.
  16. The issue with Gallant, whom I like, is that he’s also not the “finisher” coach. Can he get us to play harder and make the playoffs? I strongly believe that. But he’s a 3-year lifespan coach and probably not a cup winner.
  17. Does ESPN even carry basketball anymore? I’d imagine this was done purposely to go against TNT. Definitely a little strange though.
  18. Ottawa is going to come out firing. All they’ve heard is they were behind Buffalo, but they’ve looked significantly better year to date and they’re going to look to prove that isn’t a fluke. Better come out strong.
  19. Alive, but barely. My scale alleges I am 7 pounds lighter than my usual carrying weight. Finally hit a bowl and that helped with my nausea a little, but there’s definitely more left me to expunge. Hopefully Sabres don’t contribute to that.
  20. Would you say there are as many superstars as there are NHL records that regularly fall?
  21. I’ve been up with food poisoning coming out of both ends for ten hours. If I’m still alive by game time they better win.
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