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Everything posted by #freejame

  1. Haven’t they said this before? I’ll believe it when I see it.
  2. I don’t think Boone Jenner’s mom even likes Boone Jenner as much as this board does.
  3. I don’t actually have an issue with how the NHL went about this. As always, I hope the justice system can find the truth and can hold everyone accountable for their actions one way or the other.
  4. I give green checks to people who I agree with but not want to get that sweet, sweet dopamine hit of a +1 to. How will I ever catch up if they keep pulling ahead?
  5. At least we figured out what they are always doing looking at those iPads—they’re shopping for flights!
  6. I worry Mitts feels he got Reinhart’d on his contracts and is thinking he might as well see it out through FA, so you bring up a good point. Then again our prospect pool is flush with skilled wingers, it would almost force another move to bring in an experienced center. Two tricky trades is asking for a lot.
  7. Levi should be playing games that are important and he’s much more likely to get that with Rochester. I hope he stays down there, too.
  8. Would you trade Cozens and a protected first? If all the responses are quick yeses, we aren’t offering enough.
  9. Give em Savoie+ if it’s the ask. Don’t be scared, Kevyn.
  10. Speaking of Kane—16 points in 19 games after his surgery and slow start is impressive. Can someone tell me why he obviously sucks like I heard for half the year?
  11. Turns out I still only like losers
  12. Tennis is really good these days. I really want to see Medvedev win this, I love watching him play.
  13. I will find a new shorthand for the folks of South Buffalo moving forward.
  14. Don’t think it’s ever been a term used with anything other than jest. Not sure where I got it from but don’t think I made it up. If it sticks in your brain it’s definitely less valuable than whatever you pushed out.
  15. I’m not blaming Nolan for any of that. I’m saying hiring Nolan was signaling we are going to be losers but we are going to be losers in a brand of hockey you hopefully like. What he did in Buffalo during his second term means nothing to my argument. I think it was throwing in the towel to hire him.
  16. lol We didn’t do anything wrong by Ted. He didn’t like he was given a one year deal so he didn’t take it. Tough *****, Ted, you’ve got a new boss. There were 28 gigs available and he turned one down and threw a fit. Was a happy to see him leave? No. Did I think we lost a good hockey coach? Absolutely not. The Jack Adams award is more of a “which team surprised us most” award. Not much of a surprise with Dom Hasek. Also, if you think South Buffalo didn’t love Ted Nolan I’m not sure what to tell you. And if people from South Buffalo get offended from being called a Southie then they are soft as *****. Pretty sure Teddy himself would describe himself as a coach for the lunchpail crowd, so not sure what to tell you there. Sounds like your own projections. Elitist lol I’ve worked in logistics since getting out of the army. Sorry I want a real hockey coach for my hockey team. When Barnaby and Ray are your biggest proponents maybe you aren’t that special.
  17. We hired Nolan because we had zero interest in winning. It was a bone thrown to the Southies and lunch pal guys in return for a ***** product. It was throwing in the towel wrapped in a marketing department. Every other hire was in an attempt to win, whether they were a bad hire or not. We hire Nolan to lose us games. It was disgusting then and it’s disgusting now.
  18. Of all the failed hires over the past 13 years he’s my least favorite. There was zero reason to ever bring him back. Didn’t like him once he left and certainly didn’t like bringing his washed up ass back.
  19. My god you’ve already won be back after your Ruff comment
  20. Good thing we only draft small, skilled forwards. He should be able to easily see over them behind the bench.
  21. What’s Scotty Bowman up to?
  22. I don’t like Adams and think he’s a puppet but there’s a lot of people who dislike him much more than I do. I’ve been harping on Donny since the start of last season and it’s obvious he just doesn’t have it. A lot of people are catching up to Donny though so maybe I don’t dislike him more than others anymore. I don’t want to open the Terry can of worms but I hold him much more responsible for ruining my favorite pastime and strongest connection to my childhood than I think others do. The Sabres have always been much more than hockey to me, and Terry has taken so much of that away. Terry apologists make me sick and there are few humans on earth I dislike more than him.
  23. I’m starting to wonder if maybe a few vocal posters haven’t skewed things but… more: Krebs, Skinner (watching him skate has been the only redeeming thing about this team most nights) and 6K less: Cozens, Dahlin, Power, KO, Girgs, Thompson, Granato, Terry I like Quinn a lot but everyone does. Benson brings a lot of jam and I’m not going to knock him for being at the wrong level when I like his game a lot. Everyone likes JJ and I do too. I don’t think Levi will be as good as Miller and I don’t think Miller was as good as some would tell you he is, but I think a lot of Levi opinions have been tampered down. I’m pretty indifferent about Tuch, but I’m pretty sure he’s not the guy I thought he was gonna be.
  24. If a game is played in Los Angeles but nobody cares to watch it does it make a sound?
  25. FIFY
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