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Everything posted by #freejame

  1. We were at Devils Courthouse in the Andrews area. I used to live right off the parkway in blowing rock as well, I’m not sure what area you were working.
  2. Blake Coleman would have been a good, albeit overpaid, signing.
  3. This will be the second time I’m in the path of totality. It’s fantastic. It was overcast where I was last time and it was still an incredible experience. My advice—however big of a deal you think this is, it’s 10x larger. If you have plans to go somewhere, get there earlier than you think you need. In 2018 we tried camping off the blue ridge parkway and were kicked out from our spot at around 1100 PM because NPS “wanted everyone a shot at a spot,” along with maybe 20 others. We returned at 4AM and there was probably a crowd of 50 and most of the parking spots were full.
  4. You’re wrong about this. Lemme guess Blood Sport is trash too? Commando? Where does it end?
  5. There’s a thread for that and this ain’t it!
  6. What’s crazy is most people here believe we’re talking about a salary range of probably $6-8m for a couple of players away from the playoffs. Remind me how far below the cap we’ve been?
  7. Do you actually login everyday? I only ever have to login on a new device then never again.
  8. When you need your prospects to rescue your big club that tends to happen.
  9. These threads are fun. No. There is no savior next season without a trade. But even then, there are multiple holes. You will need not only a savior but a bunch of disciples too.
  10. If I remember correctly I made my first post speaking out against the Must Win crowd in 2019 (to great pushback). My crusade has found home in its own thread and can now be seen in most GDTs by many different posters. If we do not stop with Must Wins, we will never make the playoffs. It is up to you jabronies that are holding us back to decide if your fun little game is worth the pain and suffering it causes.
  11. But how will the billionaire get back the money the public didn’t give him????
  12. The Bills fans I’ve talked to aren’t happy about PSLs. We’ll see how many losses to the Chiefs it takes for there to be no more good will.
  13. He means the other kind of football
  14. Nobody is getting checked 20,000 times throughout their entire hockey career lol
  15. Holy ***** I didn’t even realize it was Thursday that’s great.
  16. I understand you guys are heated but you really shouldn’t be casting spells at each other
  17. I don’t think he’s good at development. I think already skilled teenagers thought he was a good coach and that gained him a reputation as a development guy because those players went on to success.
  18. I look at that and see an entire lineup at forward that could all be shifted down a line, with a missing top line entirely. Others see it and think replacing the fourth line will get the job done. Crazy how that is. Leads me to believe we’re going to be disappointed again next year.
  19. CTE is an issue no doubt, just like head injuries are an issue with veteran suicides. But alcoholism and depression are, in my opinion, the more significant issues more than likely. Regardless, it’s all a cycle that inevitably perpetuates itself.
  20. It must be exhausting being so full of hate.
  21. 8-0 Sabres win income. 8 being a “slim” zero with a belt around its waist
  22. If you have stress your expectations haven’t been in line with reality
  23. Sunset is 7:20 local time. Don’t believe what the corporations and media conglomerates tell you: this is very much Sabres under setting sun in Seattle.
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