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Everything posted by #freejame

  1. Is it safe to assume Chevaldayoff is the GM’s son?
  2. You should really stop drinking pop
  3. We should really have a heart emoji @SDS
  4. It would genuinely mean a lot to me if Terry Pegula did a presser in which he acknowledged the struggles the Sabres have had since his ownership began. He doesn’t even have to go in-depth with his thoughts and feelings, nor does he need to apologize. “I understand that the last 13 years have been incredibly trying for Sabres fans. Never did I imagine this would be the situation the organization finds itself in over a decade after I took over. Our front office has my full support financially. I can assure you this will still be hockey heaven, full of Stanley Cups. I thank you for your undying support. No questions.”
  5. For sure. There’s two distinct problems at play here that happen to be intertwined in this instance. People shouldn’t be driving with lowered inhibitions. People should be driving as safely as possible. You can’t pick and choose which side to abide by. People forget they are responsible for giant, metal missiles capable of great damage. For most, getting in a car is the most dangerous thing they will ever do and they feel very at ease behind the wheel. Everyone can stand to take it more seriously, which entails doing so soberly (amongst other things).
  6. Reckless driving is something I see more and more every day. I was not surprised to learn the driver was drunk, but I wouldn’t have been surprised if he weren’t. Alcohol is poison, but it is one of many issues behind the wheel today.
  7. Capitalism has changed a great deal over the last two decades. There is little room for sentiment in these leagues anymore. As PE continues to make head roads in on these leagues, there will be many unthinkable things being thought in the name of the almighty dollar. Like Rob Manfred said these awards are just chunks of metal anyway. None of this is to say the Sabres will or won’t move. Simply that there will be new facts of life. I will not root for the Sabres outside of Buffalo, that’s all I know.
  8. Jim Balsillie lurks behind every corner waiting to strike.
  9. You mean to tell me that Tyreek Hill AND the police both escalated the situation? Color me shocked. The cops seem like pretty big ***** to me, but to some that’s going to be their flavor. My default is to be highly suspect of both groups (police and domestic abusers) so hopefully they both feel great shame (they wont) and both take actions to make their next interaction more agreeable (neither will). As usual when police videos come out, this situation could have easily been avoided had anyone acted like a grownup human being.
  10. Fantastic actor who played a number of moving roles. As a baseball fan, he’ll always be Mean Mr. Mertel and Terrance Mann to me. May his pain now be eased.
  11. I’ve been begging for the Sabres to prove me wrong over a decade. I’d love to eat crow.
  12. You aren’t wrong. It was a ***** paragraph.
  13. That was a very underwhelming game.—this thought relates specifically to the game itself I don’t know how or why anyone has seasons tickets. What a drain of a day.—this relates to the overall experience of going to a Bills game and what is often times a 10+ hour day. Good times were had, nonetheless.—this is my overall summary of the day My goodness, I know it’s not worded in the most goodliest (shoutout NS) of ways, but this really shouldn’t be a difficult concept for most people who go to Bills games to understand. Hopefully this is clear for everyone. Go Bills. Play better.
  14. I didn’t say the game was a drain, the day was a drain. We left at 730 to drop my son off and didn’t get home with him until 650 that evening. When you mix in all of the other events of the day (tailgating, traffic, grocery trips the day before, walking to and from ECC, etc) it leads to a very draining day. Considering I know probably a dozen of STH (including my family) who have given up their seasons for that very reason, I don’t have any issue saying it was a drain of a day. Kudos to those with the wherewithal to attend every game. As far as the game is concerned, yeah, it was underwhelming. There’s plenty of recaps saying the same as well. I guess it depends on your exception for the season. Brady called a very meh game the first half, our defense wasn’t overly impressive, and our special teams were bad. To me, when there is an expectation to win, coming back against a meh team to win a nail biter isn’t that thrilling. Josh is though.
  15. That was a very underwhelming game. I don’t know how or why anyone has seasons tickets. What a drain of a day. Good times were had, nonetheless.
  16. Yeah, the perception is still that we’re a joke.
  17. Those bastards! Why can’t they just let you enjoy some tequila?!
  18. I want to think that I’ll be over the moon excited like I was for the Bills, but if it’s a squeaker where we are disappointing all season I’ll probably be pretty down still.
  19. Crazy that of the 8 semi-finalist, three of them (if not more to my knowledge) come from billionaire families. I know tennis has long been a monied sport, but I hope everyone is ready to see more and more of this.
  20. My faith is about at 20%. A winning record in October will put my faith probably closer to double, and if we’re in a playoff position at Thanksgiving I think I’ll probably lock myself in at 65%.
  21. Is Lindy the exception? I guess we’ll see.
  22. Outside of Terry selling, there’s no change that matters. I don’t think “don’t make the playoffs or you’ll get traded out of Buffalo” has worked so far.
  23. If, and it’s a big if, Power and Byram develop out well, I’d personally rather have three fantastic defensemen on the ice 45+ minutes a game than that top 6. Average play from Power and Byram pushes it the other way.
  24. Not arguing anything you said, but it wouldn’t surprise me at all if Byram is better than Power.
  25. Bought tickets yesterday to take the wife and brother on Sunday. Fingers crossed for nice weather.
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