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Everything posted by #freejame

  1. She had 53 appointments in ten years relating to the injury. The reason it went 10 years is because her parents didn't want to pursue the lawsuit. Personally, if I had to have countless surgeries for something that I deemed irresponsibility by the kid (she tried to sue his family) and lack of oversight by the adults in charge, I would sure as hell sue. You're underselling the amount that plays a role in that person's life and how it has shaped their life. I'm against frivolous lawsuits as much as the next person, but she views it differently and it's clear that the incident has negatively affected her. Take it for what it's worth, but every time I have sat in on medical training or given it myself while in the army, we were always told to never attempt to perform any of our training on a civilian out of fear for being sued.
  2. That's pretty strange no assists were awarded, especially after Larkin's assist from earlier. Seems like ROR and Risto should have gotten helpers.
  3. Hat trick for Matthews.
  4. Drouin getting sent down to Syracuse. Wonder what his asking price would be now.
  5. Eight points for Eichel in his last five games, can he keep it going?
  6. https://www.yahoo.com/tech/the-real-story-behind-shia-labeoufs-hilarious-120497282774.html Maybe you don't know him as well as you think.
  7. Eh, I didn't see a replay but it looked like it was just a big hit to me.
  8. http://www.theplayerstribune.com/evgeny-kuznetsov-capitals-russia-hockey/ Must read IMO
  9. Our assignments in the d-zone have been awful
  10. I'd like to see obstruction like that get called a lot more though. But you're right, in today's game that is seldom a call.
  11. Nows the time for the PP to find their groove again
  12. Can someone provide the name of the Caps color guy? Really liking listening to their broadcast and the difference between him and Ray is substantial.
  13. Wide open. ! :wallbash:
  14. Bogo with the save!
  15. Who called it earlier that the ice seemed slow? Looks like they're having some issues with it today.
  16. They probably used their "new jersey money" on those beautiful red Caps jerseys.
  17. No, he had a rush in the last minute
  18. This season is truly night and day compared to last.
  19. I forgot about the conference award and thought they forgot about the renaming :doh: Finished 7th in the conference that season. Gotta get that one back now. Eichel will work some magic.
  20. Ennis to the locker room and they sent the Caps docs there too. I thought team docs travelled now?
  21. Shouldn't 1999 be EC Champions, not PoW?
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