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Everything posted by #freejame

  1. Yeah but Mike Harrington just said he isn't living up his contract so he must not be any good.
  2. I really like 12:30 starts if I'm not going to the game. I completely forgot Grigs was playing today. Is Nikita too? Kane has been messing with everyone lately. Looks like there's a weight off of his shoulders
  3. I didn't realize Kane was up to 16 goals. With the injury and the investigation, that's pretty solid. Not to mention the poor lines early on. I think 25 is realistic for him.
  4. That couldn't have gone more top corner
  5. Yeah baby! Kaner! He's on fire!!!!!
  6. Play Weber over Pysyk last year and it's a tank move Play Pysyk over Weber this year and it's a tank year Do you guys want to develop Pysyk or not? Unless you were saying the Sabres priorities is to develop the young guys, in which case I agree. I keep hoping he goes on an absolute tear and he's on Jack wing for the rest of his career. Farfetched, but it could happen and would make the off-season so much easier.
  7. I like those like. I would like to see Girgs back with Eichel, but that will probably come once Larsson is back.
  8. I want Foligno back. He's perfect for our fourth line and I still have hopes of him being like his brother. What are the odds the Sabres have a 70, 60, 50, and 40 point scorer this year? Personally I think ROR could hit 70, but I keep expecting Jack to slow down his point production as he wears down. Risto looks a little uninspired as of late so I'm sure he'll hit 50, but I think Reinhart is a lock for 40.
  9. But now what number will I wear when I make the big squad?
  10. Or like the colloquialism
  11. It was so polarizing. I'm a big fan of PK too, but the whole thing was classic. You could tell that's a call they expect to get and he just couldn't believe it. Seeing Kaner literally shrug was great.
  12. Kaner! Love the reaction from PK and Kane!
  13. I would absolutely love to, but I don't see him hanging out on the wing forever
  14. I don't think there is a person here who doesn't know that, no matter how much they love Eichel
  15. I've really like Kane too, but if you asked me to paint the clearest picture in my mind of a reoccurring theme in a Sabres game it would be this I could paint most distinctly
  16. You're wrong. It's okay that you're wrong because this is America and all, but that doesn't take away from the fact that you're wrong.
  17. So not only do they get paid millions of dollars to play hockey, but they also get hash brownies? I thought I couldn't get any more jealous
  18. He usually hovers around 15, it's better this year than last. Not sure if he's getting PP time lately as most of the info I get isn't first hand, but it's been frustrating to watch. I found a while back a chart showing how bad his player usage is, I'll try to find it again
  19. The Canadians are a respectable organization and they'll be damned if some half Rooski, half American kid comes in and dominates their first line. Their usage of him is terrible most games (~10 minutes a game, no linemates, etc)
  20. Yes. Don't get me started on it. Galchenyuk is one of my top three favorites in the league and his player usage is atrocious.
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