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Everything posted by #freejame

  1. Booooooooooooooo
  2. We had an issue one game this year with parents from another team and umpires. I made a point of it to speak with both umpires after the game and make sure they were comfortable and knew how essential and appreciated they were. I also followed the game up with an email to the parents of my team reminding them that kind of behavior will not be tolerated on a team of mine and if I saw it they would be removed from the complex by whatever means needed and if it came to it, they would potentially be banned and their child removed from the team. Leagues need to give more coaches leeway in this manner (thankfully I had a very receptive director) as well as take a much greater role in the policing of parents. It’s about the kids having a good time, coaches are the primary facilitator of that. I have no time for bs from parents and have an incredible amount of respect for those who help make the game happen.
  3. Jame is back?!?
  4. Kaliyev would also make me very happy
  5. Bobby Brink please! If there’s another DeBrincat it’s him
  6. It’s literally in the OP saying it is. I’m glad I’m not the only one with poor reading comprehension this time of night.
  7. Song 2, right?
  8. After that video they better bring back the ***** Sabres dance
  9. I figured some here would. I don’t.
  10. Not for nothing, PK is regularly ranked by players to be the most overrated player in hockey.
  11. Of the 31 defensemen who occupy their respective teams fourth spot, where would Risto rank?
  12. Would Risto perform better or worse on a team if he were the team’s fourth defensemen?
  13. Or Risto can’t handle going that hard for that long. I’d like to see a breakdown of Risto by quarter per year. That would help distinguish whether he’s wearing down. Though it doesn’t help show if he’s overmatched, it gives some insight into usage.
  14. Without looking at the combined goals of Larry and Girgs or the goal numbers of other teams fourth lines, how many goals do you want from your fourth line?
  15. Because Lindholm is better than Risto? So are other top four defensemen. That doesn’t mean Risto isn’t a top four defensemen. Not to mention, someone posted Risto’s numbers over a 32 game stretch last year and they are the kind that anyone here would love. Why is it hard to believe that isn’t a sign of poor usage?
  16. Middle class as in she was working in the restaurant she met Terry in because she was saving money so she could fly to Alaska so she could make money working near a fishing camp. And something tells me many of those throwing away her past have never had to deal with wondering whether or not their parents loved them or considered them to be a mistake. It doesn’t matter if someone else wants you, there’s something to be said for that. I never thought I’d be sticking up for Kim Pegula but there’s a load of, in my opinion, disgusting nonsense being talked about here.
  17. Uh... Pegula was born in Seoul, South Korea. She has no recollection of her birth name, no record of her biological parents nor any account of her life in South Korea, only her date of birth, a secondhand account of being abandoned in the streets of Seoul at the age of five, and a DNA test that showed one of her parents was likely Japanese. She was brought to the United States and there adopted by Ralph and Marilyn Kerr on December 30, 1974. She grew up with her adopted family in Fairport, New York, a suburb of Rochester.[2] Have you ever overcame being abandoned as a child or dealt with being an immigrant in a country who’s language you don’t speak?
  18. I’ll be playing in the company golf tournament at the end of July at the Muni. Have a friend down here that works at Wild Dunes and can get good rates, hope to take a day off of work in a few months and play there. I’ve always wanted to play a links course. As far as Kiawah is concerned, that’s probably closer to next year’s budget.
  19. The NHL has the second most diverse backgrounds of all the major sports. If it’s about getting more black and brown players, they need to start donating ice time and equipment to inner-cities, which I would totally support. The MLB runs programs like that, and while it hasn’t been super successful in creating more black American ballplayers, it has gotten more black Americans into baseball. A similar program should absolutely be implemented by the NHL but I doubt this is what that is.
  20. Have you been to RMNP? It’s absolutely beautiful. You’re going to have a blast.
  21. I’ve got a whole lot of respect for him for this statement. It encompasses much of what it means to be a man, to me at least.
  22. Every person I’ve told to try them I’ve described them to as embarrassingly good. First one I had was a dollar at the bar and I haven’t looked back since.
  23. Working on that now. As bad as it may sound, I’ve been drinking Naturdays quite a bit lately. Usually if im drinking an alcoholic lemonade drink it’s going to be with vodka, but these are delicious. I’ve got a few grapefruit sculpins left but I’ll save those for another day.
  24. Just moved down to Charleston. Made a friend at the office who said he would trade taking me out for my first deep sea trip if I took him out for some range time. That’s a deal I make all day.
  25. Long day at the office, my reading comprehension is low right now.
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