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Everything posted by #freejame

  1. Maybe, but that’s also his standard attitude towards anything he disagrees with. It’s not a personal attack, but it certainly isn’t civil discourse.
  2. Right after I made my post this morning two of my closest friends at work were fired. On the first they were assured they would keep their employment through May. This is all taking its toll on me. I’m really starting to miss the army and the relationships. I’ve found myself reaching out to most of the contacts I have left over the last few weeks. I’ll be taking a few days off at the end of the month to go camping back up in the mountains with a long lost friend of mine. It’s very difficult for me miss the army and be completely alone at the same time so I’m really looking forward to being with someone who understands.
  3. So let’s say the trade was viewed something like this: Lower ceiling, lower floor prospect than Dahlin/Eichel, but still first round prospect (in Eichel trade case would be player not prospect in top 6 role already with 1C upside but no promises) 2nd line forward in bottom half of prime but still solidly in prime 3/4 defensemen in bottom half of prime but still solidly in prime Bottom pair defenseman Goalie a few years removes from Vezina. Not sure where he will be but has a strong chance of strong play Is this something you do?
  4. Oh this is a hot take and I like it. I’m sure we can get a whole ‘nother thread of hottest takes. I never like Lindros for various reasons but he certainly caught a tough and unfortunate break.
  5. I really appreciate you saying this. I’ve been walking the dog a whole lot lately. He’s gotten a little annoying about it, he’s beginning to expect it far too much.
  6. It’s my third week over here, but this is the longest it’s been without another person. It’s definitely wearing on me. I never thought I would wish for a roommate again.
  7. Lindros was traded for a player better than him and a whole bunch of other good players. Would I trade Eichel for someone better than him and supplemental players? Of course. I would trade anyone for anyone who is better than them.
  8. This ***** sucks. I haven’t had an interaction with another human in person in six days. That’s by no means healthy.
  9. This is among the worst trade proposals in Sabrespace history.
  10. This is unconstitutional and will be thrown out in court for multiple first amendment reasons. It wouldn’t surprise me if this was an orchestrated test case.
  11. This was the worst movie I’ve seen in a really long time. It did absolutely nothing for me. I’ve been talking to some others about it and it seems like I’m the one who’s wrong. What am I missing?
  12. Ah yes, the ol’ constitutional power to demand businesses open when you tell them too. I haven’t seen anything that says 3-4% mortality rate. Once all the testing is complete I would be shocked if it were anywhere near 1.5% at most. If there was 100% testing it would be even lower, probably .5%.
  13. After I posted I felt there was no way I didn’t misread it, but I figured just in case you didn’t I would make for a good discussion on whether son or father was better so I left it. When you think you’re dealing with a person thinks Tie Domi is better than Max you have to step carefully because there’s clearly something wrong. Glad we sorted it out.
  14. Have you seen him in shorts? If not that should be your first move. Then you’ll Billieve
  15. Max Domi is 10x the hockey player Tie was. Paul Statsny has been far from mediocre his entire career less the last two season. Zach Parise is also better than his father, he’s just ran into health issues. Sean Couturier’s dad barely cracked the NHL whereas he’s a premier player. William might be better than his dad, it’s too early to say. Barrie is also better than his father. Maybe I misread your post and you’re saying these players *are* all better than their dads, but if not I’m not sure I’m following on your list of names.
  16. People who think economics is simply about money should probably take a 100 level class in economics.
  17. Like I said in my initial post, we the people are giving up our freedom. I did not say the government. I said the government will notice the willingness for it to happen, which may lead to Post-9/11 type scenarios with legislation.
  18. You realize freedom of association is literally the very first amendment right? But I appreciate the condescension. Tell me all about how great the PATRIOT Act and FISA courts are too.
  19. But can’t upwards of 80% of positives be completely asymptomatic during the course of the virus? Wouldn’t that decrease the death rate also? Again, these are real questions not trying for an argument.
  20. South Korea isolated their most vulnerable population and they seem to be fighting the virus better than anyone else. I’m not saying that it’s the right or wrong call. But the actual percentage of population at risk of losing their life is relatively low. We as a citizenry were eager to suspend our freedoms for something relatively minute in the grand scheme of things. It’s just really starting to have a post-9/11 vibe to it. Politicians are definitely taking note of their expansion of power. This isn’t to say that our actions are right or wrong, but graver danger is out there and at some point in the next century it will rear it’s head and we will lose more rights because things like this will have made us accustom to it.
  21. Genuinely asking: is this sarcasm? Their infected rate per capita is much higher than ours.
  22. Can someone explain why I shouldn’t be concerned of everyone’s willingness to give up their freedom? Far greater catastrophes could strike with the potential kill far more and I’m afraid for what our response will be then. It’s very easy to give up freedom, it’s very difficult to obtain.
  23. I’m not going to comment on the rest, but what remains is, in my belief, the sole reason why our sexual assault statistics tend to be higher than other countries. Children need adult supervision and an 18 year old is most certainly still a child in many respects. There’s studies to support, but I’m too lazy right now to go digging. I can later if anyone needs them.
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