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Everything posted by #freejame

  1. You hit the nail on the head with this. Nothing about out healthcare marketplace is pro-buyer and it ought to be.
  2. If Covid has taught me one thing it’s that I don’t need the Sabres. If Larsson gets $3.1 I’ll stop being a fan.
  3. I’m inclined to agree, but for this exercise I have been taking prime to mean highest point of their career and right now Campbell’s high is higher than Dahlin’s.
  4. Tough one for me but I picked Campbell. Hopefully someday it was be Dahlin, but right now Soupy gets the nod. He’s a better defenseman than either and solid offensively.
  5. Thanks. Have they gone into whether it was for career or life opportunity reasons? That latter interests me.
  6. Maybe I’m just naive to professional hockey at large but I’m surprised this isn’t something that’s heard more often. Why wouldn’t you want to go live a few years in Europe? I know I tried to re-enlist in Germany.
  7. Like in the graph directly above for a ten year period showing California lost more personal income than any other state but New York? Seriously, just google it. No need to take my word when there’s hard, concrete evidence.
  8. It doesn’t, things went a little tangential between Robert Kraft and their new kicker. Mods are free to move whatever.
  9. uhhh...they have. I don’t know why so many are taking this as if it’s my opinion when it’s a pretty easily verifiable fact.
  10. I’m not sure what you’re implying here. I left NY, and won’t return to NY, because the taxation is ridiculous. People leaving high tax states for low tax states isn’t an opinion, it’s a fact. I added the below picture, but if you look at the most recent data it’s even more extreme. Not to mention a simple google search would have shown you it most certainly is a tax thing.
  11. FTFY. It’s not a Rust Belt issue, it’s a tax thing.
  12. And Trump passed a massive criminal justice reform bill with the help of...Kim Kardashian and Kanye West. These issues tend to only be black and white when they are made out to be. To paraphrase Charles Koch “there’s always something I can agree on with anyone.” However, you are most certainly right HOV and Queen Bey find themselves on the left side of things.
  13. Robert Kraft is a pretty prominent Donald Trump supporter. Or at least he was last time I checked.
  14. Is this because he has a 3%er tattoo? Because they’re not a white supremacy group. Terribly informed about the history of our founding? Yes. Vehemently anti-government? Yes. Some racist supporters? Yes. However, white supremacy group they are not.
  15. BOGO sixers of Lenny’s Summer Shandy at Publix. 12 beers for $6.99 plus tax.
  16. I mentioned it up-thread that I was closing in on a bonus and I’ve gotta share somewhere that I JUST HIT IT! I know it’s not very related to the topic at hand but I’m very happy right now. I’ve been busting my ass since working from home and it’s good to see it paying off.
  17. You’re not wrong. But one you have much more choice over.
  18. I agree and disagree. It can take a while to become part of the conversation and as someone mentioned up thread, there’s a lot of folks with a lot of posts and it can be a bit intimidating to jump in. I would say we pick up maybe 2-3 new posters a year and of those posters it takes about an average of a year or so to jump in. I certainly wouldn’t say we need more posters. But we’ve lost a lot of good ones and no doubt there’s a lot of potential good ones lurking.
  19. I missed that, my apologies and you are correct.
  20. The federal government should be able to tell any state they are able to reopen. States should be able to tell any municipalities they can reopen. Everyone should be able to tell the powers above them they will not open. Federalism!
  21. I’m not asking for growth or change, just want to know if any of the guests have reservations that can be quelled.
  22. Kind of a loaded question. I’m not sure I’ve seen a time when there hasn’t been more guests online than users. I know many folks around here, myself included, took many years to create an account and start posting. Please, anyone, what can be done to get you to become an active contributor to this board?
  23. I can distinctly remember thinking during the 05-06 season how much better it was when nobody was in attendance because I could go up to the glass and get all the pucks I wanted. Take your numbers and hold them to heart but I was there and I know with certainly very few others were. I spent 12+ years being fortunate enough to go to close to twenty games a season. Nobody went to games pre-lockout. The franchise was in flux and people legitimately thought the team was gone. We are so far past that. A large chunk of this board weren’t even fans then. That’s the era I grew up in. Team support does not matter to attracting talent. Our best team in history followed the worst period in Sabres hockey. This isn’t even debatable from a butts in the stand, tv viewership, record, etc standpoint. People didn’t give two shits in buffalo in 2003-2004. The entire city was a bandwagon come 2005-2006. This is frustrating even rehashing. These are long dormant torments you are rehashing while admitting you were not here at the time. Post Hasek pre-2005 was the darkest timeline and this does not even compare. People are at least somewhat interested now. There was maybe 50,000 folks who cared what happened to the Sabres between 2001-2004.
  24. And we sell out every game now...what’s your point? I regularly went to games under 10,000 in attendance and I’m sure everyone here did too.
  25. There’s so few kids who are actually fans of this team now. It was very sad watching my kid brother and his friends grow up not caring about the Sabres. Do kids in Buffalo really care that much or are they all Caps, Hawks, Leafs, and Penguin fans? The prelockout era was arguably the darkest time in franchise history. Attendance was less than I’ve ever seen it and the entire organization was in shambles. I don’t believe fan culture has anything to do with it. Win games and the fans will come.
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