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Everything posted by #freejame

  1. Give me all of the taunting and showboating.
  2. By the time Washington had a farm system they’ll have moved back to Syracuse...thankfully we have one of the best GMs in baseball so we’ll be fine.
  3. There is no way the NHL allows an allstar game in our dump of a barn. I imagine we will be high on the list once we get a new one though.
  4. Gilmour for me all came with the Varada incident. I never liked Smehlik, but thinking back on it he probably got more hate than he deserved.
  5. Least favorite Sabre all-time after Doug Gilmour.
  6. Getting hammered and killing yourself driving was enough to get the actual Tim Horton his number retired in Buffalo. Getting the C after only crashing into a Tom Horton’s seems like a reasonable expectation.
  7. I’ve never been on there. My understanding is Jame came from there though. I’ve never been on there. My understanding is Jame came from there though.
  8. 1999 ECF against the Leafs. The weather was great so you could watch the games outside. The city threw all of its support behind the team. We absolutely smoked Toronto. Hard to complain that week.
  9. I appreciate it and I’m sorry to hear that as well. If you ever need to vent to someone who gets it feel free to reach out and I’ll lend you an ear. I know it’s difficult.
  10. Posts like these are always interesting to me because I’ve butted a lot of head, have an openly antagonistic username towards the mods, and pretty much speak as freely as I feel like and have never received a warning point or a PM from a mod. I’m not saying you weren’t, and this isn’t the first post I’ve seen of this nature in my time here, but it always makes me go hmmm...
  11. You’re just being an airhead and willfully ignoring what I’m saying. I’m not ignoring anything. Someone says the get cancer, I don’t say hey you’ll beat the cancer but have fun with all the chemo complications. That’s called being a jack-ass. I’m going to keep going on telling everyone I know that gets it that I’m sure they will be fine and get through without issues. My god, I can’t even believe I had to say this. Pop off your soapbox, the air is just fine down here.
  12. No, I mean exactly what I said. I don’t see what is controversial about that statement whatsoever. Heaven forbid assuming someone will be fine until they’re not!
  13. Did we ever find out what happened with Craig Patrick?
  14. I appreciate it! There are a few more steps that I need to take to get there, but I have already mentioned that I want to make sure to be seen more extensively by an orthopedics specialist before going down that route. They had me go to OT for my wrist twice now and they basically said there was nothing they could do for me. It’s tough to get in with a GP, but I’ve had fairly good success getting in with specialists. I’ll be seeing my GP after imaging, the nerve study, and my PT is done and we will be evaluating the next steps then. With the wrist surgeries, they said to wait until things are unbearable and to make sure to live to the highest quality while I can. I asked the PT today what’s at risk to do the same with my shoulder and they said really based on the shape it’s in not much. I’ve dealt with the pain of this for years now. In an ideal world I can hold off on the wrist for ten years, but their tone on the immediacy of the surgeries kind of changed when the nerve issues came about (I slipped walking up a hill with the dogs and landed on it on Christmas Day and haven’t had full feeling since). We’ll see what they say at the nerve study. If they offered to open up my shoulder tomorrow and fix it 50% I would do it. I’ve coached little league the last four seasons and every year there are days I can’t physically throw. I told them if they can get me to wear I can throw any day I want to even with pain I will be a happy man. Fingers crossed! Until then I’m going to take the advice of my OT and PT and do everything I can while I can. I find if I smoke a bit and go to bed at the end of a long day things generally feel better in the morning (assuming it doesn’t wake me up lol). Honestly though, in my mind, it sounds worse than it is. I wouldn’t give up my time in service to be perfectly healthy and I know a whole bunch of folks who have it much worse or not at all. The VA is a very humbling place.
  15. @LabattBlue thanks for the reminder, I forgot I wanted to complain today. I’ve been going to the VA very regularly since November for my wrist and shoulder, both injuries from when I was in the Army. While the VA has truly done a great job of taking care of me, I’m getting very frustrated with the condition that I am in. I have arthritis throughout my left wrist, nerve damage through my left thumb, a forearm that is somehow now too long on the outside than the inside, and a bone rapidly degenerating in my wrist. The doctors are thinking I will be looking at surgery to remove a piece of my forearm and replace with a bar so my wrist will stop getting locked, surgery to remove degenerating bone fragments, and a third that I honestly can’t even remember at this point. They said it’s more or less up to me when it’s done and they advised to wait as long as possible because these will become recurring surgeries and will limit my flexibility and range of motion even more so than it already it. I have a nerve study to get done at the end of the month to try to determine what’s going on with my lack of feeling in my thumb as well. This all began because I wanted to get my shoulder checked out and my GP decided she wanted to see where things were with my wrist because I mentioned the locking and arthritis. Now on to the shoulder. I had my second round of PT this morning and it’s just not going well at all and quite frankly I am worried I will never be able to throw a baseball with my children. The PT ordered MRI imaging because they are struggling to figure out what it wrong with it, but it has not yet been approved. There is a slight impingement, but there certainly sounds like there is structural damage that will also require surgery. My shoulder has been in awful shape for about seven or eight years already and I am happy to being taken care of, but this is all becoming dejecting and frustrating very fast. I can hardly do exercises with one pound weights and there are many times we are doing arm movement with no weight at all that I cannot do. At the end of the day, it is what it is. But, man, this is really wearing on me. I am 29 years old and the amount of people who understand what it’s like when your body is quitting on you left and right at my age is few and far between. I’m already rated disabled for a back injury as well so it just all around sucks.
  16. My biggest issue with the tank was we should have just bombed the lockout season and immediately starting building back up following that. There was no reason to throw two seasons when there was a perfectly good half season that we were a bubble team on a downward trend. The lottery rules were much more favorable and Jones, MacKinnon, and Barkov were all known qualities.
  17. To the bolded, the ROR trade was as equally bad then as it is now and it is currently leading with 85% of the votes.
  18. Obese people are able to skip the line? That’s...something.
  19. I assume everyone infected is perfectly fine or more or less dealing with a cold until otherwise informed. Yes, it is a deadly disease for some, but not most.
  20. It’s always fun having opportunities to rehash just how awful the ROR trade was.
  21. Can Sabres players as a collective hire a lawyer? Seems like that would violate something with the NHLPA, but genuinely asking if someone knows.
  22. The high priority people on the list right now don’t have the mobility to quickly respond. It is 100% an issue, however (someone smart correct me if I’m wrong), a team doctor will almost certainly not have the time to retrieve and administer leftover doses before they are rendered useless. That is why I said clinics need to just open their doors at days end. At the same time, a team doctor should be able to administer an exact number of doses without any issue or waste and as long as these wasteful policies are in place people should not take issue with exacting amounts of doses being administered.
  23. People will need to return to their lives at some point or become hermits because we are far from an insular country. However, I believe only 40% of the country gets a flu shot annually. If you can convince 80% of the population to get a Covid vaccine this year, maybe it takes five years to get down to 40% for annual Covid vaccines. Regardless, this conversation will quickly head towards overall management strategy and what folks have given up over the last year and how much it was worth it.
  24. Wasted doses have more to do with the nature of the vaccines than anything else, however, there are definitely terrible policy in place that prevents those doses from finding a suitor and that falls solely on state governments implementing these policies. If it’s two hours until closing and you have one hundred vaccines remaining with only twenty scheduled recipients they need to just open their doors to the first 80 people off the street, priority be damned. This is not the case in any state that I know of.
  25. I fully agree with you, and I believe that there will be a large contingency of the population that will forgo a vaccine regardless and that same contingency will not care whether they are vaccinated. However, I am concerned those folks would be the loudest against vaccinating those outside of the United States before everyone else is vaccinated. There is almost certainly no option that will have full support unfortunately.
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