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Everything posted by 3putt

  1. I wonder if Nolan is given equipment or he has to pay for his own. It doesn’t seem to fit.
  2. Bowl you is not good. Good skater. Everything else meh.
  3. Nice hit by Falk.
  4. I have the national broadcast and it is quieter than the KBC
  5. Bowl you is not a smart player.
  6. He doesn’t have the hands to be good with the rest of that group. On PP 2 as net front presence maybe.
  7. Jack has to keep Barkov in check and let the rest of the team feast. If he does that I'm fine.
  8. Stride. We need better shots on BobbyLou
  9. He read your Barkov post and thought he would give it a try.
  10. Enjoy! Serendipity should never be ignored. :)
  11. Lurk less, post more. :beer:
  12. And you had to go there. ;)
  13. Your point corroborates what I am seeing and what Dudacek voiced so eloquently. ROR et al are seeing easier QOC and I think the staff is telling them, go for it, your the A Team tonight. We are seeing that line picking up the slack and producing. I still question the reluctance to play the maybes, i.e. Bailey, Baptiste Fasching in meaningful roles while we anchor ourselves with Nolan and Matty Mo, but I do see an adaptation that is forcing every player to expect more of themselves and to do more for the team. Who knows maybe that’s how you prepare to catch lightning in a bottle.
  14. Jack isn't busting his ass every shift. No one does. Not Crosby, nor McDavid nor Karlson or Kane (either one) or any other player. But he isn't floating either. You need to pick your spots and Jack is learning to do that. He is also not bolting out of the zone looking for the stretch pass. He is positioning higher in the ozone and lower in the d zone. Both are a nod to being more defensively aware. He his supporting the d bh winning along the wall to get the puck out. With that comes the downside that he is not looking like he is dominating every night. The Sabres have scored 38 gf. Eichel Kane and Pomminstein have 19. That is 50% of our output. ROR Ok and Poolnut have 29%. If you have been following rakish's usage thread Jack is facing the opponents top guns more so than any other line. And he.is still producing. He is evolving. And producing. People bitched about his d and he is addressing it. He is also getting his teamates involved. His skating stride is unique. It doesn't look like many others. What appears to be gliding is in reality otherworldly edge pressure tbat allows him to maintain speed and the ability to change direction on a dime. I am not making excuses. Just pointing out that it appears he is being coached to be a more well rounded asset and it appears he is being receptive to the input.
  15. When Ovi gets in a high percentage area he shoots. It is what he does. Successfully. Jack needs to do the same instead of the cute pass.
  16. When he is 39 maybe
  17. Jack take note. Shoot the puck.
  18. Does Jack have a gange problem? That was a stoner move.
  19. Falk is likely day to day after that shot Ouch
  20. Nolan you idiot you had a step and the puck.
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