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Everything posted by Thwomp!

  1. Awesome video! As mentioned already, no Eichel goals. RIck had some good calls on those, but too soon I guess.
  2. Wasted the Sabres' and Rick's golden years. They both deserved better.
  3. I use peanut oil. I like the way it fries a bunch of different things well and it's a little healthier than most other oils, I think. I have a T-fal deep fryer that's pretty good size, but also automatically filters the oil and stores it when you're done frying. I'm sure it's not top of the line, but it's worked for me for a long time and it's generally much less messy than other fryers.
  4. A spokesperson for PSE. I think someone should tell Terry it's time to decide whether he wants a hockey team or not. We've been unable to answer that question for the last decade or so.
  5. Buffalo News: Photos: Highmark Stadium's growing list of issues | Multimedia | buffalonews.com. https://buffalonews.com/multimedia/photos-highmark-stadiums-growing-list-of-issues/collection_524d18da-fd0f-11eb-9b4d-afa052bcd261.html
  6. I mean it worked out so well the last time.
  7. Me too. At Turning Stone. Excited to see them in such a small venue.
  8. Good news overshadowing not so good news?
  9. Hope the Covid numbers start receding again. All these concerts are very tenuous. Garth Brooks is going to "reassess his stadium tour" here in a couple weeks, which sucks because I have tickets to the Cincinnati show September 18.
  10. Can't wait to see them in Columbus September 23. I have a mediation in federal court the next day for work, but I'm still partying hard for that show.
  11. And Mammoth WVH is opening for Guns N' Roses on their huge stadium tour. No better exposure than that.
  12. Doesn't matter. Columbus voted down public arena financing several times. City council passed it anyway and blocked it from being challenged via referendum. If the politicians want it, it will happen.
  13. Boy, are we such a long way from the "drill another well" days.
  14. I'm with you. I've tried. I like a lot of music, but I just can't get into these two, and a few others I won't mention.
  15. Who would've known that we'd be on the opposite, and losing, side of this fight in just a couple weeks of time?
  16. Better? I'll do you. Most of us aren't excited that the draft is the only thing to look forward to for the next several years.
  17. Further cost-cutting measures to be announced. Sabres have been running a bit "rich" lately.
  18. They're not giving term to anyone. Tons of cap room for the next owner 😉
  19. Still got 'er done in '21
  20. Well, very few people will be watching/listening anyway, but this ain't gonna help.
  21. I hope the family had shirts printed that say "We still got it done in '21" 3:2 crew to guest ratio $75 million to build A pittance of $5-$8 million to operate per year
  22. Well at least the Bills will be good during this Sabres tank. Last tank we were living through the exciting Doug Marrone years. I don't know how we survived it.
  23. Live look at Terry's yacht (no joke): https://www.superyachtfan.com/yacht/top-five/
  24. It was a bad decision made by a bad and desperate franchise.
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