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Everything posted by Thwomp!

  1. Bought Mets tickets a while ago for the game vs. Cincinnati yesterday and thanks to great fortune, it happened to be the game they clinched the NL East. Great scene in Cincinnati. Many Mets fans made the trip and the Reds were gracious hosts. They congratulated the Mets on the scoreboards at the end of the game. The crowd was probably 35-40% Mets fans and many loud "Let's go Mets!" chants broke out throughout the game. The best sign I saw was "I was 12 the last time this happened!" Now on to the Dodgers in the NLDS. Tight race for home field as the Mets have a 1/2 game lead and the tie breaker. We'll see how the last week goes. Feels great to be in the playoffs again (finally) and have a reason to watch postseason baseball.
  2. Books surpass TV for Game of Thrones too :ph34r:
  3. This is the exact trade the Bills made to get Cassel from the Vikings. A 5th for Cassel and a 7th. Therefore he never really existed as a Bill :)
  4. Agree with where our money should be spent. Here is the most convenient spot for the job numbers, but I've seen it several times: http://www.nytimes.com/2014/11/19/us/politics/what-does-the-proposed-keystone-xl-pipeline-entail.html The State Department estimated 35 permanent jobs during their environmental review of the project. My opinion is that it's net riskier. We're already transporting it by rail, no need to endanger a vital aquifer as well. It's the Ogallala Aquifer, if you want to verify/research that issue.
  5. Yes, I won't support anyone who supports the pipeline. We have enough pipelines and they leak. Often and in large quantities. That pipeline would go over one of the most important aquifers in the country that waters some of America's farming states. A leak there would obviously be devastating, especially since the oil sands petroleum is heavier than other petroleum types. Plus it's only expected to create 35 permanent jobs. Not even close to worth the risk.
  6. My thoughts: Our O-Line sucks. Our $250 million D-Line sucks. There is no excuse for this. Why is Kyle Williams the only one even getting any occasional pressure? WTF is up with that constant train sound in the stadium? It makes it almost unwatchable on tv. I can't imagine it's pleasant or helpful in the actual stadium. I have no faith in our WRs. Yes, Tyrod wasn't great, but our "playmakers" weren't helping. Watkins should have had that last pass as our "elite" receiver. Next week vs. Miami is the real measuring stick for our season. They are about on the same level as we are, and we need to beat teams like that for any hope at the playoffs. NE is still better than us and it wasn't as close as the final score indicated. 466 yards passing for Brady??? :sick:
  7. Getting closer and closer. On paper, I feel confident. In reality, nervous and ready to get it started! Found this on TBD: @AlbertBreer Bills players buzzing about the talk that Rex Ryan gave them at the team hotel last night, ahead of Pats showdown. Gist: "Enough is enough." The fans couldn't agree more, Rex.
  8. Oilers lock up Klefbom. Looks like it's around $4 million per year cap hit for 7 years. http://www.cbssports.com/nhl/eye-on-hockey/25308611/report-oscar-klefbom-agrees-to-7-year-deal-with-oilers-after-just-77-games Could we do something like this with Risto, please? :thumbsup:
  9. This thread has conclusively shown that Matt Ellis' new nickname should be "RC Cola" :P
  10. The Jonny Flynn (Go Orange!) bobbleheads at the end was hilarious. The guy who sent them was on reddit and is a Timberwolves season ticket holder. He bought several cases of Jonny Flynn bobbleheads at a Timberwolves preseason game when they were selling all the old crap they had laying around for $60 total. He sent a case to John Oliver's church as a donation. He also travels alot for work and takes one with him each time and leaves them in random places :w00t:
  11. The point is that it's alot more difficult to do when you're busy scratching out a living working low income jobs and likely don't have a strong education background yourself. Many people want to have a better life, but there are obstacles to that which you are not taking into consideration (societal, economic, circumstantial, etc).
  12. Great episode as usual. I disagree with those who say he's peaked or not as good. This country will always need someone like John Oliver. To the video above: every problem, including this one, can be traced back to money and greed. How can we continue to feed the law enforcement/prison industrial complex if people can defend themselves against charges, which we all supposedly have a right to do?
  13. Yeah I was surprised it wasn't mentioned yet. 42. Valu Time - The Matt Ellis of grocery brands.
  14. 47. Little Caesars. The Matt Ellis of pizza.
  15. This season feels so refreshing and exciting. It's all onward and upward! Or complaining why we're not moving upward fast enough. :w00t:
  16. Bernie Sanders won the Republican debate and I couldn't be happier. He's talking about the issues that matter to people. There were 5 hours of Republican debate last night (JV and Varsity) and they spent very little time addressing anything that most voters (and potential voters) actually care about. He's crushing Clinton in New Hampshire and is starting to crush her in Iowa. His momentum is building and it looks like he will win the first caucus and the first primary, which will create even more momentum. I personally think Clinton is toast in both states. Everyone knows her and many have decided not to vote for her. They're not changing their minds on that. Some of Bernie's live tweets from last night during the debate: Bernie Sanders ‏@BernieSanders 14h14 hours ago Waiting, waiting, waiting. Will we hear anything about racial justice, income inequality or making college affordable? #DebateWithBernie Bernie Sanders ‏@BernieSanders 14h14 hours ago Have you heard anyone use the word "poverty" yet? 47.7 million Americans living in poverty. No discussion. #DebateWithBernie Bernie Sanders ‏@BernieSanders 15h15 hours ago Can these guys talk about anything other than their desire to go to war? #DebateWithBernie
  17. 59. Nickelback. The Matt Ellis of rock music.
  18. It's easier to get to at least 30 assorted fast food joints, carry-outs, and gas stations than the nearest store where you could buy fresh produce from my neighborhood, Walmart included. My family doesn't shop at Walmart for many reasons, but at least it has better options than a gas station hot dog.
  19. I live in a predominantly low income neighborhood where people are limited in their ability to eat healthily. Transportation is an obstacle and many areas are just not walkable without taking your life in your hands to do so. Candy, chips, and soda bought at the corner carry-out are the staples of most neighborhood kids diets. It's heartbreaking because I know that they have very little choice in the matter. it's also heartwarming when those same kids are playing at my house with my kids and have lunch or dinner with us and are so grateful and happy for something as simple as a side salad or carrots or broccoli to go with their sandwich/burger/whatever.
  20. 72. The yellow wooden pencil. The Matt Ellis of writing utensils. 71. CNN. The Matt Ellis of cable news.
  21. None of those yahoos on the stage last night can win a general election. The whole "we only cater to the male, white, Christian, straight demographic (including Fiorina and Carson, ironically)" does not and will not succeed in a nationwide election anymore. This party is the political equivalent of dinosaurs stuck in the tar pit who are slowly sinking to their deaths but have absolutely no self awareness that it's happening so they thrash about even more making their situation worse. I watched the first half hour of the "debate" and knew exactly how the rest of the night would go and I wasn't wrong. These debates are just another reality tv show that brings in big ratings because people tune in for the spectacle they make, not because these yahoos have anything important to say or offer to most Americans. We don't need an even bigger military, the rich don't need more money and tax breaks, and Americans don't need even less of a safety net. The only reason these dinosaurs even have as much sway as they currently do is non-Republican voter apathy and gerrymandering.
  22. Good article from Sports Illustrated about Eichel's performance during the Bruins game in the prospect tournament. Also discusses how Eichel and Reinhart performed well together on the ice. http://www.si.com/nhl/2015/09/15/jack-eichel-buffalo-sabres-impresses
  23. Wow. What a great day! This offseason seemed to last forever. So glad the wait was worth it and the hype is justified so far!
  24. I'm not too concerned about McCoy. He's looked good in the passing game and has had a few nice runs. Just way too many negative runs, but that has seemed blocking related to me.
  25. Bills' racking up the penalties. Cordy having a rough afternoon.
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