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Everything posted by Thwomp!

  1. I like except zamboni instead of lawnmower. You missed an easy one there! :)
  2. But one could sure try!
  3. But as you point out there's gray areas to that "just wants to win". You did not say "immediately" or "this year" for example :P
  4. it really is priceless that he's talking trash to the practice squad who is making him look bad, though. He could've at least thrown in a "my wife is way hotter than yours" in there too.
  5. If I had to make a bet, and bet everything I own, and there was some way to actually determine this, I would bet that Murray would like another high draft pick this year to be used on the best blue liner he can get. That he doesn't realistically think we're going to be competing for the playoffs. Just my reading of things.
  6. And out for playoffs, which probably won't last long anyway for the Yanks :ph34r:
  7. Actually except for the broken bones, it sounds like he's being like me and many others at 24 :ph34r:
  8. FTFY based on post #14672
  9. Well at least I don't feel badly at all anymore for hating Tannehill. What a douche.
  10. The drugs were because he was deeply exploring the philosophy behind the "concept of Kassian"
  11. Holy crap, you said exactly what the smaller quote I used said that you said. Here's the bigger quote that says the same thing. You can respond to what I say if you want, have at it, but I'm not responding anymore since the bolded sentence says it all. I only responded to this because you accused me of quoting you out of context. More background: I have a 4th and a 5th grader. 74 school shootings since Newtown is way too many, something should be done, we have a moral obligation to do something to protect the most vulnerable among us (our children), and it should certainly be in every single person's discussions in this country.
  12. Unless this is a desired "development" year, which many have stated/speculated. I'm arguing against the "development" year mindset because: 1.) It doesn't have to be a "development" year. 2.) Improving and competing for the playoffs and "development" are not mutually exclusive, especially when all we're replacing/upgrading are Donoco, who are not likely long timers anyhow. Regardless, I think I've stated my case, and I'll shut up now. It's extremely likely not happening anyway, and there may not be any good deals to be had, but now is the time that it would happen with rosters being finalized around the league.
  13. Well I just realized that I don't know who our tight ends coach is without Google, so that seems pretty bad. They are only a game and tiebreaker worse than us at this point though :ph34r:
  14. Wow, reports coming out that the Dolphins have fired Philbin.
  15. I think we agree actually. The Islanders addressed short and longer term. I'm only looking for that circumstance, but it doesn't appear to be available. I also think that I'm less inclined to value Donoco, since they seem like short timers to me at this point. If we can upgrade them relatively cheaply, and address both short and longer term needs, go for it and don't just write this year off in advance.
  16. Matt Williams reportedly fired by the Nationals. I know, we're all shocked :P
  17. I think we're gong to have to agree to disagree here. We're not talking a Vanek-type trade. The Islanders gave up some prospects and 2nd round picks for the trades last year which we have. See Dudacek's post above. We're also not talking about the Vanek trade year. We're talking about the Islanders getting two solid, veteran defensemen for not much and then going to the playoffs. I would take a 7 game first round playoff series as our "developmental" year right now if it was offered. Playoffs this year does not mean we won't still have long term success. It may just speed up the process to where we get to that long term success earlier. :beer: edit: I see there were further developments while I was typing this out, so let's not talk about Vanek anymore. I'm sure we're all good with that! :thumbsup:
  18. That sentence you quoted is quite out of context by itself. The full context that I said was that I'd be disappointed if a deal to improve our defensive personnel was out there similar to what the Islanders did, that I would be disappointed in someone else doing it and not us, when we could certainly try to improve this year and not stand pat with what we have. It doesn't have to be a wasted year, and it doesn't have to be as much of a potentially wasted year if we make a good move or two. I think most would agree that where we are now on defense is not ideal. I was having trouble finding any possibilities, that's why I opened it up to the professionals here. :) It's very likely that the Islanders circumstance was just right place, right time. Teams certainly are better as a whole in relation to the cap this year. We seem to be in the right place at the wrong time (wrong place at the right time?) for any moves like that. There's also the very real possibility that we're not looking to make any moves and we're content with a "developmental" year. I'm also advocating that we can improve personnel and still "develop" this year, since we're talking about replacing Coco and/or Donovan, (I like Donoco as a shorthand :ph34r: ) not Pysyk.
  19. That's good. A blowout election is bad for business :P And I think the gun summit is over until the next mass shooting when we can reconvene from the start and get to the inevitable "there's nothing that will be/can be done" conclusion. :doh:
  20. I think that "when healthy" part is going to be a problem this year. I hope not, but the early indications are far from promising.
  21. Wanted to stop by and say "Happy Birthday, NS!" since he usually leads the charge on the birthday wishes to others. Hope it's an excellent one for you! :thumbsup:
  22. You and I have completely different views on this subject and this discussion is pointless. I'm not going to agree with you that school shootings "shouldn't even be in the discussion". The link that you yourself provided shows 74 school shootings alone since Newtown! It disgusts me that America is apparently helpless to do anything about this. Here are the factors that are key pieces of this epidemic. Let's just see if we can get anyone, let alone a majority of people who matter, to agree on what to do with each one: Gun control Gun registration Pharmaceuticals and the power and influence of pharmaceutical companies Mental health Glorification of violence in our media The Economy The endless cycle of poverty The hopeless future of a large chunk of our teenagers/young adults in this country I'm sure there's many more, but that should do for now. Unless we collectively answer all of these tough questions as a society, and really take a good, deep look at America and what we've become, it is pointless to even discuss this. It gets us nowhere except back around the circle in the same spot when the inevitable next event occurs shortly into the future.
  23. In my view it didn't cost the Islanders much at all. We have the assets thanks to the tank. The Islanders made it to game 7 of the first round of the playoffs. You offer me that now and I'm on board. You may want to watch the defensemen we currently have slated to play, but others are less excited about that prospect, and you'll likely change your mind on that by this time next week.
  24. I will totally agree that our OL sucks. Let's see, anything good we can build on? Our secondary seems ok sometimes, oh and our punter is good. :thumbsup:
  25. Speaking of Rashard Jennings, anyone have Vietnam-style flashbacks to Super Bowl XXV on that play?
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