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Everything posted by Thwomp!

  1. Pretty quick and entertaining quiz to determine who you should root for in MLB playoffs. I got the Mets, so I'm good to go! :flirt: http://www.si.com/extra-mustard/2015/10/05/mlb-playoffs-team-root-quiz
  2. Woman tells Jimmy Kimmel that she cheated on her boyfriend with an NHL player. Further research determines that there's only one possibility to her claim. Tyler Johnson of the Lightning denies it, though. I lean towards believing her. :w00t: http://www.si.com/extra-mustard/2015/10/06/tyler-johnson-lightning-jimmy-kimmel-cheating-video
  3. I could see the dreaded "rotating A's" on this team. We have alot of potential leaders: Pretty much anyone on our first two lines, Girgs, Risto, Gorges, maybe more. This team does not lack for potential leaders, and it's evident that Murray is looking for them specifically when he's making moves.
  4. Our (well used to be) Byron?
  5. I think I'd be more in favor of going Weber-Pysyk and McCabe-Franson to start and see how that works. Doesn't look like that is what's been decided, however. Beat me to it, great minds think alike, etc, etc.
  6. Agreed. Look at what we have available to play D the first few games of the season. You can't make that look good. I'll take a 6-5 win Thursday, though. Optimism! :thumbsup:
  7. I'll be watching this episode tonight, but I bet it ties in nicely with what d4rk posted in the politics thread.
  8. I guess it's time to watch the seemingly endless episodes of VH1's "I Love he 80's" to prepare for the impending 80's resurgence.
  9. :o :sick: :sick: :sick: :sick: :sick: :sick: :sick: :sick:
  10. Had a bad experience staying at grandma's that one week? :p
  11. Wow thanks D4rk. Great reading and thanks for taking the time to do all of that. Eye opening and that doesn't even scratch the surface. I just had a thought. I've been noticing how "American exceptionalism" actually holds America back in alot of ways. If we're already the best, why change? I think this is another example. America is not the best at pretty much everything but a large chunk of the population think we're the best at everything and it impedes meaningful progress. Funny stuff, bagboy!
  12. Nitpicking, but DS are best of 5 unfortunately.
  13. Here's hoping! Mets have been sliding and can't go all in with Harvey unfortunately. The Dodgers do tend to underwhelm in the playoffs, but could also dominate. That Dodgers series is huge. If they can get by them I'll be much more optimistic. It's tough to face Kershaw and grienke in a 5 game series. After those 2 the Dodgers are meh for pitching though.
  14. I love this guy! Arietta over pirates, keuchel over Yankees Royals over Astros, Jays over Rangers, Cubs over Cards, Mets over Dodgers Royals over Jays, Mets over Cubs Mets over Royals Not very confident about this, but gotta go with my team!
  15. Most favored team. I'll believe the NHL has turned a corner on cleaning up the game when the suspensions are handed out without any favoritism.
  16. This thread is going to be gold! (Insert Seinfeld reference here) Oh and any early bets on what drugs were in Kassian's system? :)
  17. Well they far exceeded their low bar. The NHL has been playing the "long game". They're not incompetent. :p If the Sharks aren't an MFT, then Rinaldo may be fine :(
  18. I can see your points but the fact that this is even a topic than can be debated at this point is incredible. 2 months ago picking Tyrod or even debating would have gotten you laughed off the board.
  19. The NHL got it right. Mark this down, it may be a while before it happens again. Are the Sharks a MFT?
  20. Wow! Maybe it's a good thing Kaleta was released.
  21. Ok, our judgement may be clouded here, but you have to choose between Tyrod and Tannehill for the QB of the Bills. Who are you taking? I'm taking Tyrod. No one would have said that 2 months ago.
  22. Can Murray win? That question has yet to be answered. The rabid fan base makes the money making part easy. See Bills, Buffalo.
  23. I know I've probably annoyed the hell out of everyone, but this place really is awesome. I've had alot of fun today and forgot all about the Bills disaster. I was in such a grouchy mood and now I'm ready again for the next disappointment in Buffalo sports sure to come. I didn't get much or any work done today, but that's ok. I regained my Buffalo sports spirit!
  24. Oh I'm well aware of what to expect being a Mets fan. Not freakin' much. But when was the last time the Mets were in a better position than the Yankees? I can't let this pass. Who knows when it will happen again. :) Who's your type? Wright? Harvey? Bartolo? Terry Collins?
  25. Crap! Chz is in the politics thread! I repeat, Chz is in the politcs thread! This is not a drill! :ph34r:
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