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Everything posted by Thwomp!

  1. Unless the almost impossible happens in game 3, the Mets have to beat Kershaw or Grienke and a record $270 million payroll. I like that better than having to beat Kershaw and Grienke and a record $270 million payroll. Bartolo looking good so far! :w00t: Good night, Sabrespace!
  2. Bats heating up. May get to go to bed earlier than I thought tonight :D
  3. Agreed that was awful. Had a much better chance to hit a squibbler somewhere to move the runner over accidentally.
  4. Let's Go Mets! Now if Harvey can settle in a bit, I'd be very happy. Division Series are very competitive this year. 2 game 5s in the AL and gonna be 2 2-1 series in the NL.
  5. I'd love to get Krug. Baptiste for Krug? Throw in a 3rd or two 3rds?
  6. Great game for the Sabres. Enjoyed watching with the family. Eichel is amazing. What a play he made on his goal. He's lightning fast, bordering on impossibly fast. There were several times that he just comes from no where to make a play and everyone else looks like they're standing still.
  7. No I'm angry. And deservedly so. Utley. MLB, but at least they're now trying to do something after the fact. And now you can add in agents, and the MLBPA.
  8. Yeah. Congrats. In addition to Utley being a dirty scumbag he's also set to be the MLB version of Tom Brady. How inspiring.
  9. I'll post the rule again. 2 outs if it's called correctly on the field and not in hindsight. There is no force out requirement in the rule.
  10. Utley and the batter are out if it's called correctly. Interference. Inning over. They suspended Utley for it afterwards, and it should have been called that way on the field.
  11. Behind, or in shock and Rick scares everyone shitless so no one wants to cross him at this point besides Morgan (aka Rick's conscience). The only guy in town that was actively advocating against Rick is conveniently dead, giving Rick free reign right now.
  12. Anyone think the Bruins would part with Krug? He's on a one year deal looking for a long term deal after the season. Also a left handed shot which we could use. If Bruins are rebuilding they may not want to do a long term contract with alot of money tied up in Krug.
  13. Tough game. Columbus will be at least as hungry as we are and are a better team on paper. Hopefully the Sabres can stop the slide and keep Columbus' going though.
  14. :censored: :censored: :censored: :censored: They should be down 2-0 right now if it wasn't for MLB screwing everything up.
  15. I enjoyed TWD season premier. Very gritty feel. Everyone seems to be going crazy in their own way. I think Alexandria is going to have to be abandoned. There's no way they can hold it against that onslaught.
  16. Yeah, slow the game down more and they still get reviews wrong quite often, so this practically solves little.
  17. 1. Probably right. I couldn't think of any superstar level SS around today ala Jeter. I guess Tulo comes closest. 2. Correct. I wouldn't even be watching. I haven't watched a baseball playoff game in years prior to this series. But what difference does that point even make? Utley's slide isn't more acceptable just because I'm a Mets fan. If that happened in any other year there would still be an uproar. It was dirty and MLB got the call completely wrong and likely cost the Mets a playoff game. My point is leagues get stuff right in hindsight sometimes, but that does nothing. The Mets don't get to go to the 8th up 2-1 like what should have happened. I'm glad public pressure helped them come to their senses, even if the action was way too little, way to late. At least it forced MLB to admit they got it wrong. Their actions show that they got the call wrong when it mattered. All pro leagues suck. I'm glad you agree. That's one of my main points and they are all making their products more and more unwatchable, especially to the non-homer fan. I haven't watched any sporting event not involving my teams except for the football (NFL and college) championships for years. Why bother? It's an endless commercial and not worth the casual fan's time to take 4 hours per game and/or stay up until the wee hours of the morning to watch a boring, crooked product.
  18. What's the point of coach's challenges and reviews if you can't get things correct in real time? MLB , by suspending Utley, admits they got it completely wrong. And of course he's appealing anyway. you Utley. you MLB.
  19. That's bittersweet. Damn kids and their relationships. When I was a kid, when it was over, it was over!
  20. I'll take the 1 point win. Tyrod, the defense, and 7-11 won it for us. Go Bills!
  21. Go Bills! Still injury concerns. Hope they can pull this one out. Must win!
  22. Jon Heyman, one of the best baseball writers out there, says it better than I can: http://www.cbssports.com/mlb/writer/jon-heyman/25335263/mlb-needs-to-suspend-dodgers-utley-for-over-the-top-takeout Players reaction, predominately negative towards Utley's "slide" http://www.cbssports.com/mlb/eye-on-baseball/25335031/mlb-players-react-to-controversial-utley-slide-in-mets-dodgers-game-2
  23. It was interference by definition, it was the neighborhood play, he also never touched the base, and it's debatable whether he tried to touch the bag or it was part of his "slide". He put his arm out to brace himself for his "slide" imo, especially since his slide started AFTER the bag. There were so many things wrong with that play and MLB got them ALL wrong even after review. The large majority of MLB players and writers are calling it dirty. If that had happened to Jeter, we'd have a "Jeter rule" already instituted. Ala the "Brady rule" in football.
  24. Just simply glad the Amerks are starting off well in contrast to the Sabres. We'll see if it continues for both. I wouldn't attend any potential parade, so I wouldn't be making any plans even if they had won 50 in a row.
  25. OK, I don't even care if anyone reads this, but I have to vent. Utley and the batter should have been out. It was obstruction as I pointed out above. And Utley wasn't attempting to touch the base as evidenced by the fact that he didn't touch the base and went directly for Tejada. Cut and paste from a MLB.com article: Major League Baseball rules tell them an attempt at touching the bag must be made. The game should have been 2-1 Mets heading to the 8th. Second, I love how leagues twist things to justify themselves. The "neighborhood" play is not reviewable, so to justify even reviewing the play and ridiculously calling Utley safe, they said that it was only a force play and not part of a double play play. That is ridiculous, as Tejada was going to throw had he not been steamrolled and he had positioned himself to throw away from the bag as middle infielders do and Utley targeted him and not the bag. I hate being fans of non-favored teams. These kinds of calls go against the Bills, Sabres, and Mets frequently. The inevitable logic stretch from the applicable league at the time is even more infuriating than the action. It was almost impossible for the umps to rule as they did and they had to follow a long, tortured justification to get there. Sound familiar? As Swamp says, officials can and do influence games at very convenient times. If I was a conspiracy theorist I would surmise that MLB did not want their premier TV ratings series between LA and NY teams to go to NY 2-0, and we likely wouldn't see Kershaw and Grienke again. Totally far out there, right? Oh and apparently Torre is reviewing it for possible punishment to Utley, but there won't be any. If they punish Utley, they'd be admitting they got it wrong. http://www.usnews.com/news/sports/articles/2015/10/11/torre-to-review-utleys-slide-for-possible-discipline
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