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Everything posted by Thwomp!

  1. Seems like a slight conflict of interest. Surprising game, since NJ is ahead comfortably and Crawford yanked.
  2. Sheesh, it's not that bad. I've seen alot of terrible shows and that wouldn't be anywhere on my list of the worst I've seen. Sure, there's parts of it that are better or worse than others, but I can't think of any show where that hasn't been the case except for maybe Breaking Bad. Plus, you have to give it a few bonus points for being executive produced by Spielberg. The man knows sci-fi.
  3. A couple recommendations for The Blacklist and The Americans, two shows that I've thought about checking out. For the people who watch them, why are they so good?
  4. Just realized we need an updated thread for the changing of the seasons. I watch and really enjoy The Walking Dead, Supernatural, and Gotham. Heroes Reborn i watch when I don't have anything else in my queue (Not as good as the others I listed imo). I also watch Survivor and Shark Tank, which are good because I can watch those with my kids. For half hour shows I watch the Fox Sunday night shows (Bob's Burgers, Last Man on Earth, Simpsons, and Family Guy). Still watch The Daily Show (not as good anymore imo) and Redacted Tonight. Anyone watch any of these or have other recommendations? Always interested in good shows that I haven't discovered yet.
  5. Very well done :w00t:
  6. I watched the whole series. There's a discussion of it somewhere, maybe in this thread even. I personally think it's worth a watch , especially basically "free" on Prime.
  7. Gionta is still problematic, but I can live with this lineup. I'm curious to see the 3rd line and to a lesser extent the 2nd line in action. Also would be nice if the top 4 D see heavy minutes.
  8. In reality it was 12.6% in 2010. Pretty close to 35% though <_< 35% may be the tax rate, but no one pays that. Still only 16.9% average when all foreign, state, and local taxes added. http://money.cnn.com/2013/07/01/news/economy/corporate-tax-rate/
  9. To the first bolded, obviously. That doesn't make the lack of publicity right. Many people may prefer the non-debate format and many people may believe that debates are overrated. To the 2nd bolded, not the same. All candidates in the same place back-to-back is not what occurs all the time. Instant comparisons without the drawbacks of a debate (time limits, interruptions, heavy moderator involvement, etc.)
  10. The constant line juggling is frustrating and seems counter productive. HD is not giving any of the lines a chance to gel. Will there ever be a point where HD says "Ok, let's keep this line together and roll with it from here on" or is he going to juggle all season seemingly just for the sake of juggling? I'd have to think the players would be frustrated with it as well.
  11. There is a "Democratic Presidential Forum" being held tonight in South Carolina and is being aired on MSNBC (and being streamed as well) at 8:00. http://www.uspresidentialelectionnews.com/2015/11/democratic-presidential-forum-tonight-on-msnbc/ From the link: The forum is not an official presidential debate, and will feature separate conversations with each of the candidates, rather than a moderated group discussion. Figured I'd let anyone interested in viewing know since it was conveniently scheduled for a Friday night when everyone will be watching and has been heavily publicized. <_<
  12. So shouldn't there be repercussions to Cambria for even bringing this up? Or is all fair in love, war, and defending your client?
  13. Based on the statistics, the fence is exactly where I'm arguing more people should be. Not on one side of it or the other. The bolded is an interesting phrase that I've never heard when referring to a man. If someone has "casual serial encounters" they can't be raped?
  14. Oh, and why is female promiscuity so much of a huge factor anyway? I never hear anything about male promiscuity in these cases. Why is promiscuity in men celebrated, while promiscuity in women is shameful and used against them in situations such as this one? I haven't once said that he did anything. I'm saying the statistics show that even if he did do something he is almost certain to get away with it from the point that the assault occurred forward. She still could be a victim, and a lack of charges doesn't prove that she's not. There are many, many victims out there among us who have been raped and who have not gotten justice. I'm also saying that just because charges were dropped does not mean that it's open season on her motives and that she should be punished for making a false accusation. Of course her motives have been questioned from the beginning, and that's a very large part of the overall societal problem that currently exists.
  15. Surveys can and have been used to compile this data. If anything, that survey data may be on the low end. I'm sure there's many women out there who would not disclose a rape even in a Dept. of Justice survey. Maybe instead of attacking what evidence exists, the more important questions that should be asked are "Why do so many rapes go unreported?" and "Why do so many rapists get away with the crime?". Some of the answers to those questions can be found in this very thread. The simple answer is it's not worth going through hell (again) for a very small chance at conviction in a situation where you're as much or more of a defendant than the potential defendant is.
  16. My point was that if he or any other person who commits a sexual assault, from that point forward in time that the assault is committed, has a 98% chance of no conviction. Even 2/32 after being reported is far too low. Add in a few other factors and his chances were always greater than the general statistics if he did indeed commit the crime. He wasn't arrested so he never made the next category. Liger pretty much replied for me on this one. Go ahead and question the validity of the chart. Provide better sources than the FBI and Dept. of Justice. What exactly are your "validity" questions? The chart and many, many other resources show that America has a rape problem, whether anyone wants to admit it or not. It exists. This case is just a small microcosm of the big picture. Whether he did it or not, there are several disturbing questions the public's response to this case raises regarding how Americans think about rape and potential rape victims.
  17. Where to start? So much to catch up on. I agree with your #1. I don't know anything about the case, but of the bolded I'm going to trust verifiable statistics much more than anything else on that list. From what Eleven posted this is not accurate. What he posted may have or may not have been related to the case. There's very few instances that I could see where harassment of anyone would be warranted. There's plenty of statistics compiled for that too, although I'm not digging into it. Nuh uh.
  18. I expected this. It's not worth my time to "state my evidence". It's all here for everyone to see if they want. Posters know where they stand and everyone else who has read this thread does too. I listed the chart and the references. I'm sure the Justice Department and FBI know what they're doing when it comes to gathering crime data. The simple fact of the matter is Patrick Kane had a 98% chance of victory even if he did the crime. Knowing the American criminal justice system his chance of victory was likely 100% considering how much money he has. I've read every post in this thread. I've been a complete observer until it caught me at a bad moment and I jumped in head first for some reason, even though I know the outcome. What victim am I shaming? Poor Patty Kane? (He'll be fine) Poor posters? (they'll be fine too) I am speculating that based on the DATA and crime statistics that something very well could have happened, and happens to many women in America, and yet the perpetrator will walk free, so this situation is not unusual. Patrick Kane always had at least a 98% chance of victory. It does not mean the potential victim should be charged with a crime, was out for money, or that she was acting in bad faith in any way. It needed/needs a hand grenade.
  19. The schedule they play will help them if they keep winning. Not a Notre Dame fan, but I marvel at their schedule year in and year out.
  20. I've stayed away from commenting on this thread, but the turn it's taken recently is disgusting. The level of victim-shaming and accusations against the accuser is off the charts. It is very possible that something happened yet is still not able to be prosecuted due to the he said/she said nature of these cases. Rape is all too common in this country and the rate at which rapists get away with the crime is abhorrent. Just because a rape is not prosecuted does not mean it didn't happen or the accuser is lying and/or should be punished, especially when viewed as part of the big picture. Can't we just stop the speculation and victim-shaming and let the whole thing die? This woman could be scarred for life, but paraphrasing the immortal words of Liger, "PATRICK KANE WILL BE FINE!" The same doubters from the beginning are now crowing over their "victory". Congratulations! I know I'll be attacked for this view point, but whatever, it needed to be said. I'll leave this chart from RAINN: ReferencesJustice Department, National Crime Victimization Survey: 2008-2012 FBI, Uniform Crime Reports, Arrest Data: 2006-2010 FBI, Uniform Crime Reports, Offenses Cleared Data: 2006-2010 Department of Justice, Felony Defendents in Large Urban Counties: 2009 Department of Justice, Felony Defendents in Large Urban Counties: 2009
  21. He will be good for getting their clubhouse in order, which they really need after last year. From my friends who are Reds fans: He's maddeningly conservative and an old school "by the book" manager. Don't expect any outside the box thinking. There's also always the danger that he causes Strasburg's (or any other young pitcher they have) arm to fall off. I thought Upton could play CF, but it doesn't look like that's the case. So maybe Rasmus instead or they likely stick with Lagares, since they are paying him a nice chunk of money. I'm not seeing many easy upgrades for the Mets through free agency. Maybe a trade or two would make more sense. They have to upgrade the offense somehow after Murphy and Cespedes leave.
  22. Ok, after looking over the list of MLB free agents, my ideal Mets off season: 1. Sign Justin Upton 2. Sign Ian Desmond 3. Re-sign/sign 2 or 3 quality bullpen guys. 4. Profit Very simple. I can dream, right?
  23. I'm not sure they move Harvey yet, but they will likely need to move someone (or two) within the next couple years. They're all still extremely affordable for a couple more years at least. I agree with what their lineup may look like next year, except I think we may see Flores move to 2nd and the Mets look for a SS upgrade (both offensive and defensive preferably). The problem with that is that the lineup looks alot like what they rolled with for the first half of this year and it was miserable. Conforto should continue to improve. Can Wright and d'Arnaud stay healthy? Even if they are healthy, I'm not sure that lineup is good enough. They need to get at least one big bat into that lineup somewhere. Not sure if it's Cespedes (Where would he play anyway? Not CF ideally). It'd likely have to be SS, 2B, or 1B (Duda is too inconsistent). They could also upgrade CF, but need someone better defensively than Cespedes imo. Should be a very interesting off season for the Mets. Plenty of big trade and FA signing possibilities. With the starting pitching and a few good moves they could be very good next year. They could also be disappointing next year if they make no moves or the wrong moves.
  24. I saw the replay of the play and couldn't believe it. I also can't believe there were 4(!) crucial officiating errors on one play and they all went Miami's way. That was a Bills-level screwing that Duke got.
  25. Oh and I also have a bad feeling that we need to enjoy this pitching while it lasts. What happens in a few years when (on their current trajectory) Harvey, DeGrom, Syndergaard, Matz, and Wheeler (if he comes back strong) are all up for salaries averaging $20+ million dollars per year each? Not many teams could handle that. Maybe just the Yankees and Dodgers currently.
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