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Everything posted by Thwomp!

  1. Oh, and Bernie's website is getting more traffic than all other candidates combined. The positives are out there, folks. http://www.similarweb.com/blog/us-elections-2016-report-bernie-sanders-getting-more-traffic-than-all-candidates-combined
  2. You continue to only focus on negative aspects and refuse to take any positives into account. Bernie 2015 is +5% nationally vs Obama 2007 on the current date. He also started at ~3% when he entered the race vs. Obama starting at ~25%. Obama did not rise in the polls nationally until January 2008, coinciding with the Iowa caucuses. Pollster has Bernie an average of +8% over Clinton in New Hampshire currently. That was the data I was using. In Iowa, Bernie has had some good polls and leads much earlier than Obama did in 2007. It currently looks worse, but Obama did not become consistently competitive in Iowa until this time or later in 2007. Those were the positives one could take into account rather than primarily negatives. Super PACs are a wart on the ass of American politics. Polls show a large majority of Americans feeling the same. Political scientologist was a joke, but take it how you want to. I am proudly a true believer, but Blue is just as true a believer in the opposite direction and won't see any positives, only the negatives. He's not the be all, end all political prognosticator. I know the odds, but there are positives if you choose to be open to them. The "there is no chance" crowd is wrong. People's votes are still the largest factor in the whole process. And NH keeps getting downplayed, but that is historically a very important springboard in the primary process. I'm glad that Bernie may have an advantage there. Clinton has her advantage in places like NY. John Kasich is spending $10 million plus just in NH to try and finish in only the top 3, so don't tell me a win in NH isn't likely to help Bernie and vault his campaign upward similarly to Obama/Iowa/2007. Yeah, I'm done here, people know where I stand, and are free to make their own decisions, but the "there is no chance" crowd is flat out wrong when you consider the electorate and Bernie's main, extrememly flawed, primary competition. I obviously liked that map, but there were many, many horrible predictions like OK, SC, GA, KS, NE, SD, ND, WY, etc, etc going blue. They had HI and IL (IA and NV are stretches to a lesser extent) going red. I'd like that to be the outcome, but it is just not credible in my opinion based on some pretty obvious virtually impossible predictions.
  3. Your statement is categorically false. National polling, New Hampshire polling, and Iowa polling all have Sanders in better shape than Obama was at this point. Bernie also started at 0, while Obama started around 25% support. And of course Obama was "ahead in every other metric that matters". He was a corporate, establishment candidate. Sanders is not so of course the money and endorsements are going to be less. Sanders will still be between 70-80% of where Obama was money-wise by the end of the year, which is pretty damn impressive for a complete grassroots campaign. I know the "stats" inform your opinion, but Sanders is running an anti-stats campaign. Seems as a political scientologist, you would want different campaign methods to be successful and not just the corporate backed, establishment campaigns that everyone else runs.
  4. Oh, I know what we're up against. I'm not a blind idiot. I will be disappointed in Democratic primary voters, the system, and the media even more than I already am. Disappointment is currently probable. I'm not going to back what I consider an inferior candidate to avoid disappointment. I've never liked Hillary. I backed Obama before most knew who he was, Hillary was crushing him, and that paid off (until he got into office). Victory is much sweeter when it's fought for inch by inch. Wish my sports teams could string together plenty of hard fought victories on their way to championships too.
  5. I have to admit it's a poor choice of words on my part in order to make the "horse" pun. He's predicting her to win, not necessarily backing her. And Whiskey adding the "biblical sense" in here is a whole other layer!
  6. I'm going for the opposite. With Maggie having lost all hope he shows up again to save the day. It is a post apocalyptic show, so hoping for a happy conclusion to the Glenn situation is likely unwise on my part, but Glenn is my favorite character, so he's not dead until he's dead!
  7. I'm not sure if the rules have been offered yet, just Blue stating that he's open to an avatar bet. I would want it to be "winner's choice". He would then be stuck with the horse he's backing as an avatar for awhile. Just a figure of speech, everyone.... Yes, good idea to leave aside the first portion of your post. Obviously no common ground to be found there.
  8. I fear this. Glenn can't die! Leave Glenn alone!!! :cry:
  9. You're welcome! :w00t: I wish I could throw that much around :(
  10. /thread :worthy: :sick: :sick: :sick: :sick: :sick: :sick:
  11. I agree. It seems they could have taken another branch in the sewer system. They did come to a "T" at one point right before the outside grate. Easily defeated. And that's what I mean about the whole town. Seems that they are in "easily defeated" mode right now. Reactive instead of proactive.
  12. I think finding the most unflattering picture of Hillary and having it be Blue's avatar for as long as possible is very tempting. Just not ready to take the plunge yet though, since I'm not convinced that enough voters are actually going to wake the up. :wallbash:
  13. Oh, I'm supporting this. One of my all-time favorite shows. Many of the episodes are on Netflix and I still watch one occasionally. And you just reminded me that there's a Christmas episode or two that I try to watch every holiday season when I'm bored with the standard holiday movies. :thumbsup:
  14. Yes, this is how most politicians behave. Many voters are sick and tired of it. As an Ohioan, I'll agree to disagree with you on the bolded. With a little digging, you'll see that Kasich's Ohio narrative is mostly untrue and heavily massaged to look good for him. I've had a few Kasich rants in this thread somewhere. I'll join my wife in voting Green Party 2016 if I can't stomach Hillary. My wife couldn't stomach Obama in 2012 after heavily supporting him in 2008 since President Obama was a disappointment compared to Candidate Obama. Especially in his first term. I'm thinking about it. I bet few realize that Bernie is pretty far ahead of where Obama was vs. Hillary in 2007 at this point in the race polling-wise.
  15. It's quite possible that all the options suck, but they should be taking the least sucky option and implementing it instead of just waiting for the inevitable jail break. I guess being sitting ducks is the least sucky option in their minds?
  16. Hillary on TPP: https://twitter.com/danmericaCNN/status/663778014782590976 Dan MericaVerified account‏@danmericaCNN Clinton asked if she is going to lobby against the TPP. "No. I am going to state my position" but not lobby against it, she says. The comments below that tweet are hilarious. She has lobbied for TPP for years as Secretary of State, then she says she "doesn't support it in it's current form" (whatever that means) to try to match Bernie's opposition. Now she's basically standing aside, when her voice could sway some to vote against it. What leadership. Or, as this tweet says it best: Algernon D'Ammassa ‏@AlgernonActor 16h16 hours agoDeming, NM @danmericaCNN @WhyProgressive To put it another way, "I'm saying I oppose it to win the votes, but won't actually try to stop the policy." ​And TPP is just one example where she's done this "tap-dancing" routine. I'm a staunch Democrat and I can't even vote for someone this two faced, even with a "D" after her name. If she's the nominee, she's going to ensure a President Trump, Cruz, or Rubio :wallbash: http://www.cnn.com/2015/06/15/politics/45-times-secretary-clinton-pushed-the-trade-bill-she-now-opposes/
  17. The fire idea is a good one. Maybe it would burn some of them up too? Oddly, my wife suggested the same thing regarding the dead bodies. I am against it because I think it may provoke the zombies even more. Don't feed the wildlife, as a comparison. I unfortunately think you're right. I think whoever survives will be on the road again. They're going to drag the Glenn story line out for awhile. Maybe he shows back up at an opportune time and saves the refugees as they flee Alexandria?
  18. Well it would ideally be a dead pile up rather than the live pile up they're dealing with now. If, as it appears, that many walkers are going to get into the town, Alexandria is no more, and there will likely be many casualties. Although, not the main characters, as we've come to be accustomed to :P Oh, and I'm still predicting that Glenn is definitely alive. The way they are proceeding with that story line gives me less and less doubt about that.
  19. Looked like it was bleeding and/or cracking to me. I figured it was only a matter of time with that many walkers pounding on it constantly. Seems like the town's citizens should have been more worried about it, but it certainly looks like they're going to have to worry about it very soon. They should have been killing walkers through the gate or something (with knives) to lower their numbers. it seems quite obvious that they aren't going away, and the townspeople are not trying to be quiet or invisible, like they said they were going to do, so they should be working to get rid of them somehow.
  20. Oh, I remember that every day. :beer:
  21. If she's so great, almighty, and invincible, then why is she bothering to change her views constantly to be "more progressive"? She's not catering to the so-called "moderate Democrats". Oh, and it seems that people from all political orientations like Bernie's ideas or else Hillary wouldn't be moving more in that direction. Well stated. She's positioning herself as even more of a shallow, opportunist, phony. Voters tend not to like that, especially in a general election. I still think it will catch up with her in the primary as well, especially when more voters start actually paying attention. It's going to come down to Trump, Carson, Rubio, and Cruz. The rest are done. They just haven't admitted it yet. I agree that Trump and Carson aren't going anywhere. Controversy and media "attacks" only intensify their support. 1. I dislike all of them, but pass the popcorn when those four are the only debaters left. Entertainment for all. 2. I dislike the whole Republican field, so I love this primary because I can't wait for each pretender to eventually give it up. Especially looking forward to Bush and Kasich bowing out. The "sensible, establishment" guys in a very emotional, anti-establishment world, which applies to the right especially. 3. Case in point, Christie and the Huckster being demoted to the JV debate. There are several levels to being done. The fact that almost all of them keep flailing along, no matter what their current level, is excellent theater.
  22. Unfortunately the Democratic race has already been decided. <_< Hillary will just change her view to try and match Bernie's soon anyway and apparently suffer no repercussions with voters from continuously doing so on several issues. :censored: At least not yet... I and many others can at least hope those repercussions come at some point.
  23. Agreed. How the heck was that upheld after review?
  24. Thanks Clemson and Iowa. I'm sure the check is in the mail for my part in propelling you to victory :flirt: . Both opened up big leads after I said they were in trouble.
  25. 3 top ten teams currently in danger in CFB. #8 TCU is definitely losing barring a miracle. #1 Clemson is tied with FSU and #9 Iowa leads Indiana by 1 point.
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