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Everything posted by Thwomp!

  1. New Bills nightmare story to tell the young ones?
  2. Oh and Robey gets a large chunk of that 100% blame, Blue, in my opinion.
  3. Possibly. If Robey turns around and is more aware on 4th down, I think he could have broken that up.
  4. Decker kills Robey again! Jets are zeroing in on that matchup big time :censored:
  5. Turn around Robey! He's become a weak link on D.
  6. I DO NOT MISS FITZ! (I'm having terrible flashbacks here)
  7. And we thought they could hide from themselves in the patriot throwbacks knockoff uniforms...
  8. You're not risk-adverse enough to be an NFL coach!
  9. Note to Bills O: 3rd and double digits is not ideal. Lower numbers are better. Thanks! :wallbash:
  10. Defense is holding up their end (and more) tonight. Nice to see! :beer:
  11. Sabres on a nice roll! I can not state enough how much better and refreshing this season feels over the last few. It really does feel like the sky's the limit with the key pieces that have been assembled.
  12. Offense is stalling again. Would be very nice to get it going again or this is going to get uncomfortably close at some point.
  13. Update on my Stephen King journey for all you other King fans out there (and potential King fans). The Bachman Books are so good. I highly recommend them. The Long Walk is definitely among my favorite King books. Roadwork too. Recently finished The Stand. Epic post apocalyptic tale, but found it a bit too heavy on the religion aspect at times for my unequivocal liking. Am currently about a third of the way through The Dead Zone. Very enjoyable so far. Firestarter looks to be on deck. I have read all of King's books at some point in my life, but these old ones I read probably around 20 years ago, give or take, so these are like reading fresh books to me. I don't remember them going in and am finding them extremely enjoyable overall.
  14. I don't miss the years when our punter was our best player
  15. :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash:
  16. Decker should be short by a yard or so, but this is the NFL here, so....
  17. The Amish Rifle is doing his part early to help the Bills look better :thumbsup: Defensive struggle, as expected. Again, so far.... Very bad spot!
  18. Wow! Ghost bringing the "alternate worldview" which is his specialty and Sabrespace calling card. Even if I don't fully agree with it, I've missed it. Oh, and I don't believe I've weighed in yet, but I'm not a fan of "Yeichel" at all. There are so many better options that I can't believe we're seemingly stuck with this one.
  19. Sorry about the injuries Jo and Blue. They both sound painful to say the least. Hopefully it gets better sooner than expected for both of you! My sympathy here. I've thought about a job change at times, but between the horror stories I hear on Sabrespace and from people I know, it sounds like hell. I unfortunately have no advice to give, just my sympathy. Maybe a resume expert or professional job placement person (someone with connections to the industry you're looking to join) is worth the time and money to consult with? I can't remember the last time I heard a good, positive job search story. It's as rare as hearing about a good car shopping experience or DMV visit.
  20. Wow, my condolences. I too, had a similar death to a close family member in June. It's so much worse when it's unexpected and there's no time for a proper last visit. My condolences here as well. I lost a beloved cat in July and our household was affected for several weeks afterward. It's tough on the remaining cats and painful to observe their pain and confusion over the loss.
  21. I'll put my neck out there with you on this one. I too have never seen a full James Bond movie. From the bits and pieces I have seen over the years, I guess I just don't get "it".
  22. Or if you are crazy, you at least have a whole bunch of company!
  23. Cross-referencing from the "Politics" thread: I can't recommend Matt Taibbi's books and articles enough. I like his sarcastic writing style. I've read several of his books and his book (Griftopia: Bubble Machines, Vampire Squids, and the Long Con That Is Breaking America) on the 2008 market crash and the events leading up to it are top notch. He writes in a way that's understandable yet humorous, so that a real boring, complex issue is entertaining and engaging. He also actually "does the work" needed to know the subject he's writing about. For example, he sat in on the congressional committee meetings pertaining to the market crash, which no other (or very few other) reporters did. He also embedded himself as an evangelical in a Texas church and rode along in Baghdad with military convoys for his book The Great Derangement: A Terrifying True Story of War, Politics & Religion at the Twilight of the American Empire.
  24. Matt Taibbi, who writes for Rolling Stone, wrote an article analyzing the media's coverage of Bernie's campaign. Pretty entertaining read if you have a couple minutes: http://www.rollingstone.com/politics/news/the-case-for-bernie-sanders-20151103 I also can't recommend Taibbi's books and articles enough. I like his writing style (sarcastic). I've read several of his books and his book (Griftopia: Bubble Machines, Vampire Squids, and the Long Con That Is Breaking America) on the 2008 market crash and the events leading up to it are top notch. He writes in a way that's understandable yet humorous, so that a real boring, complex issue is entertaining and engaging.
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