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Everything posted by Thwomp!

  1. It's a broken record year after year after year.... Just a tweak here and there. Just this. Just that. There should be many, many more whiner line callers than there are already. They've (the NFL and the Bills) finally worn me down to where Claude is and it's going to take a whole heck of a lot to bring me back. I'm not buying into anything until there's ample reason to do so.
  2. There's the theme I was referring to.
  3. I haven't heard the promo, but I wouldn't be surprised. It's obviously going to be forced upon us, despite how terrible it is. :censored:
  4. Nothing, even Moulson's situation, can make me ever say that word. <_<
  5. Somehow, GoDD's metaphors always have the same basic theme and can fit any situation interchangeably.
  6. My opinion: Do 8x7 if you can get it. Don't do a bridge because we'll end up paying more over 8 years and 2 contracts (bridge and follow-up extension that will be needed) than we would with an 8x7 now. Don't just let him play out his entry level deal and then pay him because that will be more expensive as well. 8x7 does a few things: 1) acknowledges that he's a long term organizational cornerstone. 2) rewards his play and gives him a huge raise from his entry level deal. 3) because of 1 and 2 he will likely be amenable to an 8x7 that would potentially give us a decent break in the future when we're hopefully contending, Risto is out playing his contract, and we need all the cap space we can get to lock up other key pieces.
  7. I guess our views on how much involved Brandon is with the product that's put on the field differs. My view is that he is a marketing guy and his participation is from a marketing perspective only. Poor decisions can come from that such as for instance Rex Ryan would be a better choice for marketing purposes than say a Hue Jackson, but I don't think Brandon has much sway in coaches and players anymore. Yes he was GM for a short, dark period of time, but I think it was then recognized that his talents lie elsewhere. How a team who has missed the playoffs 16 years and counting can set a season ticket record, fill luxury boxes, and have abundant corporate sponsorships is beyond me, but Russ Brandon has somehow primarily done that. He has not primarily been responsible for the on field product.
  8. These shenanigans are rampant across all sports. Great website that has all the dirt indexed by sport and team: http://www.fieldofschemes.com/ There is no Sabres section, but (at the risk of giving pA and GoDD more prosecutorial ammunition, there is a Bills section they would like :ph34r:). http://www.fieldofschemes.com/category/nfl/buffalo-bills/ I guess submitting evidence to the prosecution for whatever they are prosecuting IS on topic for this thread. :P
  9. #The17thTime'sTheCharm #Bills2016
  10. I think this is the perception of many opponents of this administration, but the facts and objective evidence do not indicate that this is true. Obama pays lip service and does what he can to battle climate change, but very little has actually been accomplished in that regard. Meanwhile, the U.S. energy industry continues to thrive and achieve more and more volume and prosperity year after year. We have become both the world's largest natural gas and crude oil producer under this administration.
  11. How many fracking wells are there? Hundreds of thousands. How many sources of drinking water are we ok with losing exactly? I mean we're not talking about people's health here.....oh wait.... That report was intentionally vague. The big players are fracking and making a killing from it. Who controls the government? The big players, who we must not upset.
  12. Brandon's filling the seats, which is his job. See: record number of season tickets sold this year. I think "Bills Marketing 2016" ideas could be fun. One based on your post: #Brady'sFinallyGoneIt'sOurTurn2016 Realistically: #WeReallyAreGonnaBeGoodThisTimeJustBillieve!
  13. I'm admittedly biased, but I think public funding of sports arenas is a travesty and that the taxpayers never win. Taxpayers in Columbus voted twice to not bailout Nationwide Arena and the Blue Jackets. What happened? The Franklin County Commissioners and The Columbus City Council "contracted" to the bailout on the taxpayers behalf. Columbus taxpayers now ultimately own the arena and its debt, but all the profits go to private interests (primarily Nationwide and the Blue Jackets). Efforts to put this to a vote have failed because who approves putting something on the ballot? Yes, the Columbus City Council and the Franklin County Board of Elections, which has ruled that voters cannot repeal a signed, completed contract. :wallbash: Icing on the cake: No debt payments are currently being made because the City/County's share of the casino revenue (the payment method, which has also been promised to pay for other things as well) is not high enough, so the debt bubble is getting bigger and bigger. But the Buttman and the NHL had the All-Star game here and are doing their part to vouch for the franchise's viability, so we're all comforted by that. :rolleyes: Long story short: Be careful what you wish for Buffalo/Erie County/NYS residents. And you literally can't fight City Hall once the deed is done.
  14. Awesome! I see what you did there. We were obviously constantly playing for the loser point as well :w00t:
  15. Well, some (most?) of us are/were ashamed of his coaching ability so we're even. #BillsMarketing2016
  16. I'm sure it doesn't work this way (doesn't sound like it either), but you should be able to get all the DLC since they're giving it away now. I mean, I paid $12 for the game that includes all the DLC :ph34r: And there is ALOT of it. Wiki: New purchases of the game for Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 are provided with a unique code that unlocks the "Catwoman" DLC, enabling a series of missions for Catwoman, with unique weapons and moves.[38][134] Although the missions were presented as part of the main game, on October 13, 2011, Warner Bros. announced that it would be restricted to new purchases.[36][134] Users can also purchase the content separately. It was later announced that pre-owned copies purchased from GameStop would contain the necessary unlock code.[135] A Warner Bros. rep confirmed that playing as Catwoman would not be required to complete the game.[136] The Catwoman DLC also contains two alternate skins for the character: her appearances from The Animated Series and Batman: The Long Halloween.[137] The PC version of the game includes the DLC, requiring no downloads or further installs to access.[38] Additional DLC packs were later released. The "Nightwing" pack, released on November 1, 2011, includes Batman's ally Nightwing as a playable character for the game's challenge maps, an Animated Series alternative skin for the character,[44] and two more challenge maps: "Wayne Manor" and "Main Hall".[138] The "Robin" pack was released on November 22, 2011, and contains the Robin pre-order content.[139] A "Skins" pack containing all of the alternate Batman pre-order skins was released on December 6, 2011.[140] Another pack was announced for release on December 20, 2011, containing the pre-order "Iceberg Lounge" and "Joker's Carnival" challenge maps, and a completely new challenge map: "Batcave".[141] On December 19, 2011, a new Batman skin was released—based on the character's outfit from Batman Incorporated—to download for free on all platforms.[142] On October 23, 2011, an official map app was made available to purchase on the iOS App Store that contains maps for Arkham City, the locations of in-game collectibles, and the solutions to the Riddler's riddles.[143] "Harley Quinn's Revenge", a story based campaign expansion, was released on May 29, 2012, for the PlayStation 3 and the Xbox 360, with a PC version coming out a week later. The campaign features a new story, new areas, new enemies, and both Batman and Robin as playable characters. The story takes place two weeks after the events of Arkham City. The mega prison has since been evacuated, but Quinn returns and sets up in Joker's former base.[45]The game follows Robin's search for Batman, who has gone missing while hunting Quinn;[37][45] Batman has been acting differently following the end of the main game story, concerning his allies.[144] On the same day, it was announced that all of the released DLC, including "Harley Quinn's Revenge", would be made available as part of the Arkham City Game of the Year edition.[37][109]
  17. My understanding: If it's the "Game of the Year" edition it includes all the DLC for PlayStation or Xbox. For some reason it's the "Armored Edition" for Wii U. I guess (after further research) the reason is that the Wii U version has a little extra (from an Amazon review): "Armored Edition" means Batman and Catwoman have special armor that isn't available in the other editions of the game. This armor comes with an ability to activate it and go into "BAT" mode after you've absorbed enough kinetic energy. In this mode, you'll move faster and hit harder for a short period of time. It's activated with a button on the gamepad screen, which is conveniently located in the top-left corner. The utilization of the gamepad screen is a major addition to the game that is not available in other versions. It acts as the menu system for the game, an interactive map with waypoint ability and sonar capabilities, and in a number of different ways based on the tools being used. It's a great way of utilizing the second screen, and a big improvement.
  18. Just watched this last weekend with the family. Awesome! Have you seen the MST3K "Santa Claus" episode? It's a Mexican movie about Santa that somehow has the devil and Merlin the Magician in it as well. Ripe pickings for the MST3K crew, and another great seasonal episode.
  19. This is an off the grid title, but has anyone played "Child of Light"? I downloaded it from the Nintendo E-Shop a couple weeks ago (on sale for $7.49 at the time) and it is an excellent game. It's a puzzle/turn based RPG game, available on many platforms (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Child_of_Light). Made by Ubisoft, the art and writing are awesome. I also completely finished Ubisoft's "Beyond Good and Evil" back in my GameCube days, which was also great. My wife recently downloaded Ubisoft's "Valiant Hearts: The Great War" on her phone and loves playing it. Needless to say, my eyes are opened to the high quality of Ubisoft's work. Not Ubisoft related, I also recently got "Xenoblade Chronicles X" and "Batman: Arkham City - Armored Edition" (includes all the DLC). Both are great so far, but I've mostly been playing "Child of Light" when I do play video games these days.
  20. You guys are giving this team too much credit. Washington is playing well and is 5-2 at home. Bills lose fairly big this week as the "give up factor" further kicks in for your 2015 Buffalo Bills.
  21. I thought the maybe the reason was that the game was so bad that it was locked away never to be spoken of again :ph34r: I listened for awhile and the library was in full operation, that's for sure.
  22. Usually not much of a beer guy, but went to a happy hour last evening with coworkers at The Walrus (4th and Main) in downtown Columbus and can't recommend the place enough for you locals and potential Columbus visitors. They had about 60 beers on tap and all drafts were half off for happy hour until 7. One side of an 8x14 sheet was all drafts. The other side was all bottles/cans. Not a macro to be seen anywhere. Wide range of ABV from 4.0 to high 9's. Started with the house Farmer's Autumn Ale (7.4 ABV), which was good, but not my thing. A little too much on the bitter side for me. Then switched to the house IPA (7.0 ABV) which was delicious. Just a tiny bit tart with a fairly strong piney flavor (is this normal?). So delicious that I stayed with the IPA for my 3rd glass as well. Great price (My bill was $8.75 for 3 pints before tip), food looked good, and place was very nice and they have live music often. I'll definitely be back. It's also inspired me to further explore the craft/local beer scene around Columbus, which is apparently booming, like many other places. Here's a link showing the Columbus beer scene, and The Walrus isn't even on this list yet. http://www.beeradvocate.com/place/city/40/
  23. The Ohio Supreme Court in a 4-3 decision has also ruled that local communities cannot regulate fracking. So fracking bans in Ohio are prohibited as well. http://www.dispatch.com/content/stories/local/2015/02/17/Supreme-Court-rules-fracking.html You just can't win against certain powers that be.
  24. We've seen the bolded many times. They could lose all three, but historical precedent calls for a "rally" that we can use as part of whatever next year's marketing blitz will be after yet another (16 and counting) failure. I wasn't advocating that they lose all 3, I'm just saying they could with the way they're playing vs how their upcoming opponents have been playing.
  25. Good post by atoq. I'm jealous of NY's fracking ban. It's full bore ahead here in Ohio and the local economic benefits have not materialized, there's been deaths, there's been environmental issues, and people's lives have been disrupted. Not to mention Ohio is taking the waste water from all over the place and injecting it into the ground causing earthquakes in places that have never had them before. For anyone looking for a good documentary on fracking, of course "GasLand" is good but I also recently watched "Split Estate" on Netflix and that was really good too. It's not the popular lightning rod that GasLand is, so it's a good under-the-radar documentary about what's really happening out there with the hydrofracking boom. Someone, somewhere on here said that fracking is the next "big tobacco" issue and I couldn't agree more.
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