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Everything posted by Thwomp!
Bills games are essentially a frat party. That's good in that the games sell out when there is no reason in the world for them to still do so. It's bad in that they look like idiots and someday the party will be sanitized and end. Probably after a new stadium and/or several serious incidents/injuries occur.
If the league continues for that long, say at least 16 years or so, maybe someone can pull off the ultimate Buffalo Bills achievement by never even making the playoffs during that time period.
Well that does sum up the state of the Buffalo Bills quite well.
It's not there anymore. Now I just have to know what it said!
Well, I probably don't have to clarify this, but I will anyway. My criticism has nothing to do with her being a woman. A woman president is long overdue, but I can think of others I would prefer to make that history other than Hillary. My criticism comes from her changing her views depending on what current situation she's in, who she's running against, and what she perceives the prevailing electorate winds to be. Bill did this with success, but Hillary comes off as shameless and desperate, since we've all seen this act many times before from many different politicians. If you vote for Hillary, who are you voting for? She moves left and right constantly and will continue to do so as long as she's a politician. It's disingenuous and a form of lying in my opinion. I've chosen to no longer vote for those types of politicians. My vote doesn't make much of a difference, but if enough people wake up and refuse to allow "politics as usual" I'm hopeful that change for the better can happen.
Yes Joe, everything is on the straight and narrow at the DNC. Nothing to see here according to you serfs to the U.S. political kingdom. Thanks for such a "rational discussion". Does running for president for a decade (failing miserably at it), and starting at the top of the mountain in 2015 while having your friends do your dirty work count at all, Joe? I guess not. Memes are great: Can't wait for Hillary to get tough on Wall Street and tell them again to "knock it off! (but keep the cash coming, don't knock that off please)".
3 points: 1. I did not mean literally ignore Joe. I meant ignoring his trolling for the moment and moving on to another subject. 2. Even if I did ignore him, 2 people ≠ the whole population of SabreSpace. 3. I guess in the spirit of the holidays, I removed my JJ ignore or I wouldn't have seen your post. Happy holidays and here's to a fresh new 2016! :beer:
Thanks for disputing any of it, Joe. Maybe because you can't? Please refer to my previous post comparing you to the town's rich kid or the worst Yankees fans during the early to mid 2000's. It still applies and you're still oblivious. Ignoring Joe, which is my pleasure, and turning to the other side, early indications from Politico are that the next Republican debate (scheduled for a Monday night and not buried on a Saturday before Christmas or NFL playoff Sunday) may only have 6 varsity participants unless polling drastically changes for Fiorina, Paul, and Kasich, who otherwise will be demoted to junior varsity.
Well my mom's in NY, so she can have it. Ohio does not heart Hillary, which is the main reason I predict she loses the general if she's the nominee. From Quinnipiac's most recent swing state polling (October 2015): "Ohio voters give Clinton a negative 38 - 56 percent favorability rating and say 61 - 33 percent she is not honest and trustworthy." She also loses to every Republican in Ohio in that poll except Trump, who she beats by 1. Many of these same things can be said about Bernie as well. I think they have the disenfranchised/non-purist voters locked up. The question is whether those voters will come back/or into the process in enough numbers to support them or not.
Forget it. She's obviously the bestest candidate ever and we just don't see it yet. :rolleyes: A quick 60 second Google search will give you plenty of examples of how the DNC has in fact been aiding and abetting, attempting to clear the field for, and is an active campaign arm for Hillary. The debate scheduling is just one example. I still don't know who is actually going to vote for her in the general if she's indeed coronated. She will lose many liberals, independents hate her, and Republicans.... :w00t: The other party being crazier angle only goes so far. At some point people actually have to have a reason to vote FOR you. Wasserman-Schultz is an absolute disgrace as DNC leader. I'm actually hoping that she and the party go further down in flames to hasten her exit. I won't be supporting it and I'm what was previously a reliable Dem voter in Ohio. Maybe our Florida friends can help here, but wtf is up with the Weston/Hollywood Beach area of Florida that keeps sending her back to Congress? I vacationed there and it didn't seem crazy, but I obviously wasn't there long enough and/or didn't drink the water (which I did my best not to :beer: ).
WildCard is the now the most interesting man....on SabreSpace! Your story sounds like an AMC drama in development.
Got an ugly Bills sweater yesterday for a gift. Ugly sweater for an ugly team and for that reason I can wear it with pride and to atone for any optimism I've previously allowed this team to give me over most of the last couple wasted decades. http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00OBBQJT0?refRID=11T8TXA31T9CYS5N5KPC&ref_=pd_rhf_pe_p_img_1
The Bills largely owned Marino. I'd like to be able to own good quarterbacks again instead of waiting for them to retire or become the equivalent of the current Peyton Manning. Besides, NE may never be worse at quarterback than the Bills. I saw somewhere that since Brady's become a starter, they've drafted 10 QBs. The bills have drafted 4 in that time frame.
Oh! Thanks for reminding me, but I meant to thank the posters that watched and commented live on the game. It was great Monday morning reading. It's become my new favorite way to "watch" my favorite team. Hope! This used to be me... But I'm now saying to posts like this... Nope!
It's been a slow process for me. Seeing more and more how they rope you in. Every off season has it's marketing blitz and promises of improvement, the same excuses and stupid mistakes every single game, the stupid personnel moves, the same people running things year after year. Then the NFL itself has gotten progressively more and more unwatchable. More and more commercials, more and more flags and horrible calls. The NFL has become so bad. They know they have a captive, addicted audience and they're seeing just how much money they can get from it while the product gets worse and worse. They create and exploit the "gray areas" in the rules to justify horrible calls every week. It was awesome to not know the score of the game or how it went and then tune into WGR at 5:00 yesterday while I was making dinner. Schopp being a dismissive, arrogant ###### and arguing with drunk fans is the only Bills highlight of the week for me.
I agree, mainly because that's what I do when I hear their lies. I think that's more of a real emotion rather than the "political polish" coming through in times like that. Democrats, by and large, require the "political polish" in their candidates, while Republicans, by and large, require the (perceived) real emotion. I know I've angrily spluttered (great word!) several times with some of Hillary's answers and wish Bernie would call her out more. She's crafting her image and her past for the voters, but there are plenty of warts that are allowed to be concealed because her opponents are more polite than they should be. The Republicans will be focusing on those warts, uncovering more, and make more up if needed.
Well, she has been running for president for what seems like a decade or so now, she should be ready for anything. I've been disappointed with Bernie's previous debate performances, but I actually thought his performance improved on Saturday. I know I'm biased so, it was probably just me, but I saw overall improvement.
Joe's like the town's rich kid who has everything and all the advantages in life who picks on the poor kids because they don't have an Xbox. Or, no offense to Yankees' fans, but Joe is the obnoxious type of Yankees fan from the 2000's that thinks the playing field is level even though the Yankees payroll is double that of the next team in MLB payroll. It's boring rooting for the heavy favorite, Joe. This is in response to wjag as well, but his post is too long to quote. :P I'm having a difficult time figuring out who is actually going to vote for her. A large segment of the Democratic party is being disenfranchised by the crooked system that has been exposed. Shocking, I know, but many have finally realized we're no better than the other party. Independents hate her, and if given the choice, I think they'll predominantly vote for anyone else, no matter who they are. And any Republicans crossing over to vote for Hillary? :w00t: I think we know that answer.
Because , no matter how bad Freeman wants him gone, Russ is awesome at his job. Rex Ryan is our coach! We signed T.O.! We signed Mario Williams! Etc. etc. etc. He's got Bills fans figured out. I can't wait to see what he pulls out this year. The trick is to not buy in. There will be "major changes" sold to the fans, but the result will likely be the same. I'm with you. It has been wonderful. Here's the trick that I'm trying for next year. View the off season from this same perspective. I'm not getting drawn in until they give me ample reason ON THE FIELD to do so. I don't care what Russ' marketing plan is during the off season. I'm now a detached Bills fan from Missouri and loving my new state. :P
That's definitely part of it. It's a steep climb for many reasons.
Sigh. Why did Obama and Hillary need 26 debates? What happened to Hillary after those 26 debates were done? It's ok to you that the deck is stacked. It's ok that the house in Vegas always wins too I guess. You didn't even address debate timing that automatically decreases viewership. How is that smart strategy? Hillary will not be president. Look at the "stats". Her triangulating and pivoting (Neo's word) that she's already doing is a main reason why. I can't trust her (I've heard that sentiment often on here) and I'm no longer voting for someone I can't trust or the lesser of two evils. Oh, and if Hillary's so great and invincible, why does the deck need to be stacked? Super Hillary should prevail no matter what. Why the shady tricks from the DNC aka Hillary's campaign?
The resemblance in the shtick between Trump and Downey, Jr. is eerie.
Joe, Joe, Joe...if you'd just wake up, you'd be able to see what's going on. Number of democratic debates scheduled in 2015-2016? 6. Number of democratic debates scheduled in 2007-2008? 26. Number of republican debates scheduled for 2015-2016? 12. This is a forced coronation for Hillary. There is to be as little chance for opposition as possible. She's the corporatist, war-mongering, safe, establishment choice. They want as few eyeballs watching these debates as possible, so that the media can craft the narrative for the masses. This has already happened after the previous debates. Many more people are watching the republican debates and the 1 democratic debate that was held at a logical date/time. If the DNC wants to disenfranchise their own traditional supporters, they are doing a good job of it. If they want to be ok with many more people watching republican debates, that seems like a poor decision. Wasserman-Schultz has been a disaster as DNC chair and it will continue. I know of a few, and I'm sure there's many more, previously reliable democratic voters in the electorally most important state of Ohio, who won't be voting that way anymore. With Hillary's "favorables" with independents, her nomination will give us a President Trump, Cruz, or Rubio. For that travesty, I solely blame the DNC, which as Jim Webb said, "is an arm of the Hillary Clinton campaign."
Horrible, horrible, horrible. Clearly intended to get the front runner through the process as painlessly and easily as possible. DWS and HRC are besties though. How else is DWS still there considering how much decimation of Democrats has occurred under her watch?
Oh come on Neo, I'm not proposing a voter test for real, but there are far too many on both sides who should be disqualified based on that one question alone. To the bolded: If I supported that I'd be a real-life Republican. Those things are currently happening in many Republican controlled states. That's sadly not fantasy.