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Everything posted by Thwomp!

  1. What was the Okposo question? I missed it but heard Murray's reaction.
  2. I think he just helped Vegas select Ullmark. We really need to unload a bad contract or two and Vegas is the easiest way. Talk up Bogosian, Tim!!!
  3. I still say he isn't. I think people are reading into Murray's statements what they want to hear in regard to the coach.
  4. So, no Terry today? I know he's off "scouting", but this seems like an occasion that he should be present for. Maybe we'll get some Russ?
  5. I did see this coming, but I had hoped I was wrong. I'd rather be wrong and have a winning team, than be right and be in this mess. The more eyes are opened the better. Knowledge is power! Or useless in this case. :cry:
  6. Everyone get their Facebook Live fired up and ready to go! :P
  7. Yes, the site has been recently updated, from Sabres.com: Tim Murray's Press Conference Join us at 2 p.m. for the GM's end-of-season press conference Live on Sabres.com, MSG, WGR 550 and Facebook Live Edit: That "brand new" poster beat me by this much! :P
  8. To be live streamed on Sabres.com and I assume WGR as well? What will he say? What should he say? What should he be asked? What will he be asked instead? What will his attitude be? What are everyone's predictions? Impressions afterwards? Discuss!
  9. They should all feel and look like feces. That's what they put on the ice afterall. There needs to be some accountability somewhere. Love the irony, though, in how you never miss a chance to immediately beat down Sullivan in the same way that you complain about him doing to others, whether he's correct or not.
  10. And so has Terry. ???? In a way I have to thank them for opening my eyes to the gullibility of myself as a Buffalo sports fan and the Buffalo sports fan in general.
  11. Perfect! That's more likely unfortunately. How about the self serving change in rebuild timeframe? The obvious huge amount of overpaid and underachieving dead weight on his roster? Why is dreary getting another shot after this season's abomination? How much authority does he have as GM in regard to hiring/firing coaches? I could go on unfortunately none or little of this will be asked
  12. I'll be watching the media at Murray's press conference carefully. Will they actually ask him some tough questions? Outside of politics, I've never seen someone accomplish so little yet get such deferential treatment by the media. I don't think he's been asked one tough question in his time here.
  13. BUMP! :ph34r: Mr. ZFG has become Mr. FAC (Fat and Complacent). Outdated model for building a team, asset management, salary cap management, last offseason's disappointing moves, the trade deadline, the apparent retaining of dreary dan, etc. The evidence of Murray not being who we thought he was continues to pile up. I've been off the Dwight Shrute bandwagon for awhile now, but interested to see if we have any new jumpers?
  14. Great video. It got really dusty in here all of a sudden though.
  15. So are there actually those who want Bogo here next year? He's rarely, if ever, included in anyone's "must go" list. He has been the worst Sabre player by far this year and most of last. There's no way the Sabres can be successful with him in the 2nd D pairing next year and we can't afford a $5 million 3rd pairing underachiever. Or is it that there's no way to unload him so why bother thinking about it? If I'm Murray that's the player and contract that I'm doing everything I can to get Vegas to take, including sweetening the deal to ensure it. The scary thing is that I think Murray may actually protect him. Murray's Bogo strategy is the primary decision I'm evaluating this offseason, along with the coach, which will determine whether I should have any faith in the decision makers to actually improve this team or if we're doomed beyond hope.
  16. I voted no although it should be absolutely yes. Murray has given no indication that he's dissatisfied with Dreary Dan. Abundance of evidence to the contrary however, such as blaming the players. As I said in the game thread, the 2 worst offseason outcomes are if Bogo and Dreary are here next season and I predict they will be unfortunately.
  17. Bogo is by far the worst contract on this team. We need to hope that Vegas takes him and even sweeten the pot if necessary to ensure it. My fear is that Murray actually protects him. This offseason, the 2 biggest evaluations of Murray for me are the D, specifically finding some way to unload/upgrade Bogo, and the coach. It's looking at this point like they both may be back and it's crazy that it's even remotely possible after this season. ZFG will have officially turned into FAC (Fat and Complacent).
  18. No reason for the fans not to do the same. Pathetic.
  19. 2013–14 82 21 51 10 52 2014–15 82 23 51 8 54 Oh, we can fathom it alright...
  20. Along this line, you have to see Kubo and the Two Strings as well. That, Inside Out, and Secret Life of Pets were all really good imo. I usually don't watch these types of movies and just leave them for the kids, but I liked these three.
  21. Interesting site. According to the graph we were around 50% to make the playoffs up until early November. That 6 game losing streak (and losing 9 of 12) during that November stretch really sealed the season. After that, the Sabres playoff chances have never been above 20% for the rest of the season. That 9 of 12 losing streak included losses to the Leafs, Red Wings, Bruins, Senators, Lightning, and 2 losses to the Devils. All teams that we need to beat to make the playoffs. We scored 2 goals in one loss, 1 goal in 7 losses, and were shutout once in those 9 losses.
  22. But even so, I have a 401(k) and I'm not retiring for another 23 or so years, so the Dow at 21K now means nothing to me except lower purchasing power on the money I'm currently contributing. By the time I retire it could be far less than 21K. At this point in time, I'm more interested in purchasing more shares because the value will inevitably go down and fluctuate at times a lot over 23 years.
  23. Cute. Stay the course! All's well! What exactly did I say that was a "jump to conclusion"? Stay the course was exactly what happened today.
  24. I think this season has shown that moves, even drastic ones are needed. Instead we get complacency despite what's been said in the past. You're fine with that complacency and I'm not. I judge Murray on his record as GM of the Sabres, not what "other people" say (which is also a popular political trick these days). The problem with Murray is that his legend was built before he did anything and that legend still undeservedly exists for many.
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