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Everything posted by Thwomp!

  1. His Instagram statement is not the best, and could point to this sending someone else to do it, but we'll see how it plays out. I'm speaking of the word "direct" in his statement. It's unnecessary if you've had no contact at all with the person in months. Basically the difference between "direct contact" and just saying "contact".
  2. The 11th commandment that broke off the other stone tablets: "Thou shalt not trade within thy own division" Kinda bummed that the 3 best recent and current trading partners in the NHL are in our own division. Montreal, Florida, and Ottawa.
  3. I can't believe how perfectly it worked out. San Jose probably could not believe it either.
  4. Ottawa probably didn't want to trade Hoffman within the division, so San Jose did it for them. Love this deal for the Sharks. Yeah they had to give up a solid D prospect, but they got a boatload of draft capital and cleared a bunch of cap. Can't wait for the Sabres to make some deals. I like the Fasching deal, but this has me hungry for more!
  5. This was great! Glass Bo may be the only person who spends more time on the canvas than Glass Joe. I would love to get rid of him somehow, I just don't see it happening. It's better for him to play as much as he can, which isn't much and for very long, get injured, and get paid a boatload for it for the next 2 years. I mean, he's done it for pretty much his whole career, it's not going to change now.
  6. Yep, great show. I initially had my doubts, but it won me over.
  7. Someone's a Drag Race fan! You have to remember to take the picture before you fall down! :P :beer: Very cool picture though. My manager just left for Disney with her family today.
  8. Championships! I'll settle for consistent competitiveness in the near term for both teams.
  9. Maybe Russ was the last pin holding the Buffalo sports curse in place? It sure seems to continue to be much brighter in the Western New York sports world over the last week ????
  10. Yeah the tie in between Dunkirk and Darkest Hour was interesting. The same event from two very different, but captivating perspectives. Kind of macro and micro, if you will. Seems we're in kind of a golden age for these historical dramas. You will like Chappaquiddick if you're interested in seeing it. I saw Ted Kennedy on my screen, to borrow from your words above.
  11. I saw it in the theater so that may have helped, but I didn't have too much trouble with this type of thing. I can understand, thinking back, how this sort of stuff could have been difficult for that movie though. I thought the movie was great. Terrific as you say. Among my top 2 or 3 movies I've seen in the last year. Was expecting really good going in, but it pleasantly surpassed my expectations. Gary Oldman was well deserved of the Academy Award for Best Actor.
  12. It's the NHL, so the hearing is definitely more about the songs.
  13. I think your 2nd paragraph explains well why these players feel the need to protest.
  14. Haha! Aim high! That award would still be miles better than the nationwide this newsletter deserves to win.
  15. I enjoy Beyond Blue and Gold and am glad they won awards for it, but it still doesn't excuse the other lackluster things they put out such as this "newsletter". Can they get the same award-winning people who work on Beyond Blue and Gold to possible work on and improve other team media offerings?
  16. No the draft is available on multiple channels this year. NFL Network, FOX, and ESPN iirc. I'm sure it has nothing to do with maximizing league income at all. Forgot to add ABC as well for some of the coverage. http://www.nfl.com/news/story/0ap3000000922401/article/nfl-expanding-television-coverage-for-2018-nfl-draft
  17. Yes HDMI ports. I misspoke. Thanks. Kodi is free and legal, but it can be a gray area sometimes, depending on what you're using it for. https://www.cloudwards.net/is-kodi-legal/ Link is a pretty good explanation of its legality.
  18. Yes Chromecast and Roku are my personal favorites. Amazon and Chromecast don't play well together but it sounds like you already have that part figured out. You can add Netflix, Hulu, and/or Kodi to your Chromecast. You can cast a stream from a chrome browser to your Chromecast. I can't recommend Reddit enough for information, help, suggestions, and live streams.
  19. It's a new frontier and wave of the future. Many new TVs are smart TVs that have the apps included in the TV. Kind of restrictive when wanting to customize or cast though. It's all very much up to what works for you. Lots of options and individual possible setups. You'll save a lot of money over what cable costs though.
  20. If it does any of the streaming devices hook to the TV through the USB, which will allow you not to have to upgrade your current TV.
  21. That could be a problem! Does the TV have USB ports?
  22. Had to step away, but I can't emphasize enough that Reddit is your friend. There's people out there who have done all this and can guide you through the process step by step. You don't have to figure it all out on your own, which can be daunting. After the initial investment of purchasing your streaming devices, all you pay is for your internet connection and your choice of providers. We pay about $20 a month for all the tv we can handle and more. My kids also like this setup through their xbox or chromecast, they watch whatever they want to, with parental controls set of course. My kids have no idea what channel-surfing is, they just know Netflix.
  23. We cut the cord about 10 years ago so we've been through all the you and downs of it. Over the years we've pieced together everything we need. My suggestions: Digital antenna gets you all the assorted over the air channels and can get you most of the national big sports broadcasts and assorted other things. There are a surprising amount of channels you get with an antenna. We get about 20 here. Get a roku box, fire stick, and/or Chromecast. Once you get your device you basically add apps to the device similar to a phone setup and watch things through those apps. I think of the 3 main providers as: Netflix is great for movies and a lot of original content, movies and TV shows. Hulu is the best of the 3 for current TV programming, some movies, and more and more original shows. Amazon Prime is a good mix of both. You'll have to play around with it and see what works best for what you want. Reddit is a huge help for help and optimization, hints, setup, etc. Google and Amazon don't play well together for example so if we want to watch something on prime we use a Roku. You can also cast your computer to a Roku, I just find the Chromecast easier for that.
  24. It was Italy in 1983. The music was bad and anything goes. Apricots is now an inside joke with my wife and I. I will never think of them the same again. I knew I had seen the father in something else recently. I remember him now in The Shape of Water. There's a few actors who are seemingly working non stop. The kid who played Elio was also in Ladybird, for example. I keep seeing the same actors in several different movies and previews for upcoming movies.
  25. Surprised you didn't have more to say about Call Me by Your Name. The credits were definitely weirdly interesting. Strange movie overall though. The credits were probably the most normal part of it! It was not a bad movie, it was actually very good and worth watching. The setting and scenery were amazing. Just a very strange movie, mostly in a good and interesting way, in my opinion.
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