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Everything posted by Thwomp!

  1. And either one of them plays the Islanders anyway. Columbus is going crazy for the Jackets. New territory for them. It would be great if they can demolish the Bruins similarly to how they handled Tampa.
  2. Great stories! Neo seems to remember it "like yesterday".
  3. Who was there? Who drank the most beer during that 6 hour game? Who had to get up and go to work the next day? Observations and memories? These are the most important questions for me. I love the stories from fans related to these historic events.
  4. That "hit" happens a hundred times in any NHL playoff game.
  5. April 27, 1994, Devils vs. Sabres at the Aud. Brodeur vs. Hasek. 1st round NHL playoffs, game 6. Sabres won in the 4th overtime period. This year is the 25th anniversary. ESPN has a good article about it told by players from the game. http://www.espn.com/nhl/story/_/id/26579959/dominik-hasek-70-save-playoff-shutout-oral-history-25-years-later Hasek's 70 saves is still an NHL playoff shutout record. Dom's first full season as a starter, he won his 1st of 6 Vezina trophies and finished 2nd for the Hart trophy (MVP). Too bad the Sabres couldn't score in that series. May have been able to make a run. Outshot 70-50 in game 6, and outshot 46-18 in a 2-1 game 7 loss in Jersey.
  6. Great to watch. Glad it started early. Felt like 15 years ago at times today.
  7. Columbus won the first two on the road against Washington last year in the playoffs. We know how that turned out for both teams. Columbus has never won a playoff series. They've never even won 3 games in a series before.
  8. ESPN piling on. I think we're 50/50 at best here. Article doesn't say much, only referencing what Skinner said on locker clean out day. http://www.espn.com/nhl/story/_/id/26471445/sabres-skinner-rush-decision-future
  9. Yes the next two are the 2 best episodes imo. Enjoy! I have no doubt you will! No, but I want to and almost have pulled the trigger a couple times on going. Just hasn't lined up yet for me. Should I see it?
  10. Great post. Bolded: Summer of '96? I was there in the oranges, high as a kite, with 3 great friends. Felt like I was gonna fall to my death the whole time, but had a blast. Still a great memory from my younger days.
  11. I guess I'm a coffee lightweight, but I'm ok with that. I only started enjoying it once I got a Keurig, and now have one at home and work. I drink one or two 16 oz. cups a day at work in a contigo so it stays warm for hours. Cream and sugar too because that's how I like it. I also like that with K-cups you can easily try so many different flavors, varieties, and brands.
  12. Good list. Sneaky Pete is so good and so underrated. Loved the first season and the second was good as well.
  13. If at first you don't succeed, tank, tank again. I think last year was a mini tank from the beginning. It was labeled as an "evaluation year" very early on and when the team was awful, it was allowed to continue to be awful for the rest of the season. It allowed Jbot and Phil to evaluate who to keep around and what was needed on and off the ice. The moves made and the team's performance this year indicate who/what the problems were and that Jbot was able to more than adequately address them. Unfortunately Jbot would have been perfect for the first rebuild, but at least I'm glad he's here now. Plus the cap was a mess (Thanks Timmy!) for a team that was not very good. It takes time to clean that mess up and we're still in the process. Luckily, (so far) Bogo is finally playing adequately and in the lineup. His cap hit is (currently) not as big of a problem as it had previously been.
  14. Have to agree with Neo here. Awesome movie. The whole family loved it. For some reason critics don't seem to love it, but the audience score is very high on Rotten Tomatoes. Highly recommended. I'm hoping for a music movie dominated Academy Awards show this year since A Star is Born and Bohemian Rhapsody have been my two favorite movies of the year. Also saw Boy Erased which was very good. The performances of Lucas Hedges and Nicole Kidman were excellent. The new Halloween was good for what it was. Tried and true formula. I enjoyed it.
  15. Yes, the fright factor was way over exaggerated. It's more creepy and unsettling. Not a whole lot of violence or gore at all. Finished it, and I'd say it it ended up being middle of the pack for shows I've watched. The middle of the season were the best episodes in my opinion, and when I said it was so great it was just after watching those episodes. Solid B+/A- overall on my estimation of the nfreeman scale. Definitely a good Halloween season show to watch.
  16. I'm shocked. This is the first I've heard of anyone not liking it. The pace does pick up I think, but it's hard for me to say since I didn't have the same issues with the pacing. Hope you enjoy it more if you do continue on with it.
  17. Yes. It's awesome. One of the best shows I've ever watched. Obviously highly recommend it. The filming, acting, and setting are all top notch. Enjoyed this as well. Very funny with some great twists and turns.
  18. A Star is Born. See it. Great movie. Amazing soundtrack. Lady Gaga stole the show. And that's taking nothing away from Bradley Cooper, who was excellent as well. It will be interesting to see if a movie star was indeed born. Sam Elliott, Andrew Dice Clay, and Dave Chappelle are very good in supporting roles. Should be up for some serious hardware during award season.
  19. Come back and see us. You'll be amazed at the difference. Also, take Panarin back to Buffalo with you. Maybe Bob as well. We'll see how the Buffalo goalies do this year. Probably a safe bet that we could always use a multiple Vezina Trophy winner though.
  20. Murphy: "Are the Bills great or the greatest?" Let's discuss this topic every show, every day.
  21. Wow, you two need to get out more because despite the outdated stereotypes and views, Columbus is thriving. Population booming. Just food-wise, the food trucks, fast casual, breweries, and restaurants, are as a whole, varied and excellent. Not going to stick up for Ohio as a whole because, like much of New York state, there are large swaths of nothing. But, back to my point, it seems like a place that young, rich athletes would like to be because of all there is to do here. With a decent team and I doubt they get bothered or recognized much when they're out on the town. It just seems that Bob and Panarin will likely be traded this season at some point.
  22. One or both of these players could be the next big move. Columbus having a difficult time keeping good players around despite having built a decent competitive team. Up and coming, underrated good city to live in, with a lot going on, decent arena with good atmosphere. Not enough though, apparently for many pro athletes? The cost would be very high for either. Both could help the Sabres obviously. Any interest in Panarin especially? Is Buffalo even a desired destination for him? What would it take to get him?
  23. Anyone else bothered by the word "direct" in McCoy's Instagram statement? Especially in light of the early reports of sending dudes after her? Stuck out big time to me as unnecessary and as an unneeded qualifier if he indeed was not part of this. I craft and negotiate language for a living, though, so it may just be me.
  24. His Instagram statement is not the best, and could point to this sending someone else to do it, but we'll see how it plays out. I'm speaking of the word "direct" in his statement. It's unnecessary if you've had no contact at all with the person in months. Basically the difference between "direct contact" and just saying "contact".
  25. The 11th commandment that broke off the other stone tablets: "Thou shalt not trade within thy own division" Kinda bummed that the 3 best recent and current trading partners in the NHL are in our own division. Montreal, Florida, and Ottawa.
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