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Everything posted by Thwomp!

  1. @freester My wait for The Airborne Toxic Event is about to end. Seeing them tonight and Friday.
  2. In true Mets fashion. Getting swept by the Cubs was almost as good as getting swept by the Braves over the weekend. I watched parts of all the games and it was obvious who was going to win the game, regardless of the score at the time. Braves knew the Mets were gonna fold the whole time.
  3. Goo Goo Dolls were awesome! Where's @dominator391? Killers incoming!
  4. Trip back to NY State next weekend for Goo Goo Dolls in Buffalo Saturday night and The Killers at Turning Stone on Monday night. By far, the smallest venue on The Killers' tour. Getting excited, love going back home and I've had these tickets forever, it seems like.
  5. I am taking local news with a direct statement from the DA's office over ESPN any day, however. 😜 Also what are the chances that the police filed with the DA after the news report aired? ESPN's source definitely seems like the police.
  6. I was going by the videos. There is certainly conflicting information on almost every aspect of this depending on source.
  7. The Bills have no way at this point to declare him innocent. They've calculated the risks obviously, he's on the team, so I'm sure they're hoping this goes away.
  8. No, the DA's office has not received anything from the police who are apparently sitting on rape kit results. They probably filed civilly so something, anything would happen. If it were my daughter I'd do the same thing with the police inaction they've faced.
  9. Well you're a lawyer and I'm not 🙂 But, in the main video the legal expert indicates that it's a very "black and white" issue in California with few, if any, defenses. If his DNA comes back he should be charged with criminal charges. The police haven't been and/or still aren't exactly doing a great job with this either, so that's another aspect of this.
  10. Consent doesn't matter if she's 17. He's going to get charged if the rape kit has his DNA.
  11. SDSU not looking good in this matter either:
  12. Horrifying story. We'll see how it plays out, but there seems to be plenty of evidence here. Makes his draft day slide much more understandable in hindsight. Seems like the info was probably out there for teams to find.
  13. Drafting Lindgren in the 4th this year seems like quite a steal.
  14. TIL (from article): Kessel has appeared in 982 consecutive NHL contests, the longest active streak and seven games away from tying Keith Yandle's all-time record of 989.
  15. Adams' only "big" salary moves have been to get to the cap floor. The bottom line is he's not spending more than that. We didn't weaponize cap space last offseason, last trade deadline, and this offseason. We have plenty of room to take on short term salary cap dumps for assets without having any impact on the future salary cap, but it's obvious that's not desired by ownership/management. If you're buying LTIR contracts for pennies on the dollar to hit the cap floor, you're not spending any more money than you have to. That was my original point and that's what reality continues to be.
  16. Yeah seems noteworthy, but not enough to start a new thread. Search button makes it easy anyway.
  17. I happened to see earlier when I was looking at Spotrac that this year is finally the last payment of Hodgson's buyout. He'll finally be off the books. What a long chapter that ended up being.
  18. There's a lot of Kool Aid being drank around here. But I understand. Sabres fans are hungry for a winner, and hopeful that Terry finally has decent management in place after a decade of piss poor management.
  19. We're not doing deals like these. I'm sure we've had our chances. We're (artificially) at the cap floor and that's where Terry, and thus Kevyn, want us to be. "Blocking development" is just another term for being cheap. There's always room for a good player or prime assets if you want to pay a few more million a year, but that's not in the cards when a franchise is trying to run as cheaply as possible. The state of this franchise is ownership's fault, but we're going to continue to pay for those ownership mistakes, by throwing more seasons away under the guise of "development".
  20. Watched a couple good 3 episode documentaries yesterday on a lazy day off recovering from vacation. The Woodstock 99 series was a horrifying spectacle, but could not stop watching it. Also watched the Victoria's Secret documentary, which goes into the company and its very deep ties to Epstein, among other things.
  21. The Strokes and Chili Peppers rocked Nashville Friday night. Awesome show. It was also my first time in Nashville. I had no idea how much fun that city is. Spent all day Saturday honky tonkin' on Broadway and visiting the cool stores in between. Will definitely do again!
  22. Just take my money.
  23. Just got Springsteen tickets for next year. Price was surprisingly low, but I purposely was not buying the most expensive seats. Next up for me is a road trip to Nashville in August for the Chili Peppers and the Strokes. Friday night concert and then touristy stuff all weekend. Can't wait!
  24. I don't know. He just turned 24, averages 30 goals a season, had a decent bounce back season, and is gonna be on a line with Gaudreau.
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