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Everything posted by Thwomp!

  1. Biggest test of the season so far. Should be a great game. Somehow I feel good about it, but we'll see.
  2. I agree that he'd be a great fit in Ottawa or Toronto or anywhere else that's not Buffalo.
  3. After last night's debacle of a performance by Rodrigues (he doesn't deserve E-Rod anymore), he's shot up to #1 on the upgrade list. Luckily we already have a proven upgrade who also happens to be on your list. ? Some disagree with Vesey's inclusion on the list to begin with, however.
  4. Rodrigues was awful. Blew several chances and can't play D. The only difference in that line was Rodrigues vs. Vesey.
  5. @Washington on Friday night! Already can't wait! So strange to look forward to a Sabres' game days in advance. Been way too long. Still a long way for me to go to feel that way about the Bills. The Sabres' play and winning is much more sustainable based on observation.
  6. My best best argument in support of Vesey's play: I'd never thought I'd say this, but Jimmy come back soon! Rodrigues is awful. He blew several very good opportunities and that line has lost any mojo they had. They were by far the worst line last night and Rodrigues was the main reason as far as I could tell. There's no hope of that line winning a game or two for us, as it has already this season, with E-Rod in there. I think Vesey does things that don't show up on the stat sheet and that line is visibly better offensively and defensively with him in there. If Vesey is in there instead of E-Rod last night, there's a much better chance one of those good opportunities results in a goal. Plus, maybe they're not stuck in their own end as much.
  7. Haven't read through the game thread, but what an entertaining game to watch. That kind of loss going to happen over the course of the season, where the other team gets all the breaks and you don't get many. I thought both of Arizona's goals were extremely lucky, the Sabres hit 2-3 posts/crossbars in OT alone, and Kuemper was a wall. Sabres got a point and move on. 9-2-2. I'll take it!
  8. When he starts constantly referring to himself in the 3rd person, we'll know what Jimmy we have. He'll have to watch his step to avoid injury though. That is a great episode, and includes a guest appearance by a young Bryan Cranston.
  9. Always overlooked by some/many around here is that he also sucks really, really bad. But I guess the best way to get rid of him for good is to play him, so there's that.
  10. That was a perfect example of a Ryan Fitzpatrick game. Looked good but game was still close in the first half. 2nd half it falls apart with some key mistakes by Fitz and a poor supporting cast. Then in the end you wonder if he was good or bad and whether they should have won. So so many Bills games like that while he was QB here.
  11. Yep, Henry Jones vs the Cards in 1999. Greg Jones had one vs the Patriots too. Bills have had 3 in their history now.
  12. I actually think the Bills have done that onside kick return for a TD before. I hazily remember then doing it against Arizona in the 90s?
  13. We know better than anyone that the Fitzmagic almost always eventually runs out.
  14. Great fortune on the INT considering Phillips should have had a fumble recovery the play before.
  15. Thanks to Dunloser, TIL that Curtis Brown is an intermission host for the Sharks. Loved that guy back in the day for the Sabres.
  16. 4/6 points on the west coast trip. I'll take it!!!!
  17. That line hasn't been great tonight imo, but comes through in crunch time!
  18. Still love that guy! Sabre I'd most like to have a beer or 13 with.
  19. Not a fan of the Astros, but ***** the nats with a ribbed for her pleasure *****.
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