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Everything posted by Thwomp!

  1. Oops didn't mean to start WW III. Baseball is already starting the moving on phase of this. Saying no evidence of wearing of electronic devices found, even though there's video. And sorry wildcard, I gotta agree somewhat with ink, there's no way MLB is going after the Yankees.
  2. No respect for Altuve or any other known player cheater. If the buzzing device is real, and there's photo/video evidence on Altuve, ban him and the rest for life.
  3. No problem. Maybe wish the Mets would have cheated given the success of the implicated teams.
  4. The Mets weren't cheating like the Astros and Red Sox. They just hired a manager (Beltran) who was cheating while he was a player with the Astros. There's some noise in there about your Yankees.
  5. As fun as this team, and frankly this franchise is.
  6. Yes and the Sabres are the Cleveland of the NHL.
  7. Yawn. No one even wants to comment on these lines anymore. Too painful.
  8. Although I agree with @PASabreFan on some of his evidence against Terry, I think he's making it way more difficult than it needs to be. Bottom line: The Sabres have sucked the entire time Terry has owned them. Certainly historical levels of sucking for this franchise and the even the entire league. There's seemingly no light at the end of the tunnel. For this reason alone, Terry is a bad owner. The one thing very bad owners have in common: lots and lots of losing, usually at historically bad levels. The fans can't even be proud of this franchise anymore. This once proud franchise is an embarrassment in multiple ways and the laughingstock of the league. Terry owns that, or he should anyway.
  9. There's many variables as to why the Sabres are bad and other teams like the Blues are good. All variables lead to ownership. You think the tank was bad and is the cause of current problems. The tank was conducted with the ok of ownership. I think the rebuild has been awful. Ownership again, not putting the right people in place to make the right decisions. Everyone wants to defend Terry, but he's owned the Sabres for almost a decade and the Sabres winning percentage in that time must be the worst in sports. That's ultimately the result of poor ownership.
  10. No tank. No Jack. Once again it's the rebuild that has failed. Murray was too freewheeling and JNOT is too cautious. Funny enough, if we reverse their tenures, we'd probably be much better off right now.
  11. Not crooks, yeah, but that may be all that makes them better. Since you wanted apples to apples, I'd bet winning percentage during ownership, finishes standing-wise, playoffs (ha ha), number of GMs, number of coaches would all be similar if not worse for Terry's hockey team. Then you can factor in the other stuff, the boneheaded moves, personnel mistakes, and just plain stupidity. After this season, I may do a research project and comparison for Terry's hockey ownership record vs other bad owners across sports. For @LTS, I'll even throw in Dan Snyder, but I bet he looks good compared to Terry and Jimmy H.
  12. That's funny you posted that. That's what caused me to bump this thread. They were having a conversation on local radio about whether Haslem was the worst owner in sports and all the evidence pointing that way. I was thinking, good thing no one pays attention to hockey because Terry's ownership of the Sabres has been just as bad for many of the same reasons, and I'm sure a few more of his own.
  13. Caught a Torterella interview on the radio the other day. Very impressed. Hard nosed guy, but choked up when talking about how Blue Jackets fans had donated a ton of money to the Torterella Family Foundation to help get dogs adopted in the area. Effort was in response to him getting fined by the NHL. Blue Jackets were 11 points out of the playoffs on December 7, and have gone 10-1-4 since to tie for the 8th seed. All this while having the most injuries in the NHL. They've done it with AHL guys and lunch pail type attitude. Wish the Sabres had more of that attitude as a team. Gerbe's name came up in relation to guys coming back from injury and decisions to be made on who to send back down when the time comes. Torts: "Gerbe's not going anywhere. I love that guy." Apparently had brought a lot of energy and hard work to the room.
  14. Depends. Who's choosing his replacement? If it's Terri, it doesn't matter. If it's a capable President of Hockey Operations, then there's no way JNOT (thanks Tom Webster) stays. And to think, I was a fairly big supporter of JNOT over the summer and into the beginning of this season. That's how bad this season has turned out to be. Something is very, very wrong with this franchise, from the very top all the way down.
  15. Wait, is that soft serve or *****? Either way, perfect for this team. Happy golden anniversary, Buffalo!
  16. Obviously, because we're the only team that would have called him up to begin with. Also, he better clear because there will be more times when we need to be retroactively tough.
  17. If we weren't already, we are confirmed to be the laughingstock of the league. A+
  18. Nope, they already waived any chance of a response. Further proof how much of a joke this franchise is to the entire league. We're getting laughed at by Carolina, who is far from an upper echelon franchise, with plenty of warts of their own.
  19. So thankful we're stuck with the owners who have brought the most glorious of glory days to this franchise.
  20. I just can't anymore with this team. So embarrassingly incompetent and it starts at the top. Call me @PASabreFan if you want, but Terri is an awful hockey owner.
  21. Well they only needed some heart for one game, right? Now that the big, bad, mean Lightning are done for the year. I'm sure the rest of the league has not taken note of the Sabres lack of toughness and will not take any liberties whatsoever. They literally told the rest of the league that there is absolutely no toughness currently on their NHL roster!
  22. This whole episode now has crystal clear transparency. Worked so well too! What a hapless, ridiculous organization the Sabres have become.
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