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Everything posted by Thwomp!

  1. Yes disinfect the benches and locker rooms before the other teams can use them and refinishing the ice will be the long parts.
  2. Boston - Carolina won't be able to start for awhile after this game is finally over. Gonna be some late night hockey!
  3. Going to quadruple OT! Wow! 70 saves for Korpisalo.
  4. That was a playoff penalty on Jones. Shoulda been called, imo.
  5. Didn't we "almost" get Nyquist? He's playing huge minutes for the Jackets.
  6. Yes it is! Just checked. Jones is 45 + and Werenski is 41+ minutes. Beasts.
  7. Jones is over 40 minutes, probably pushing 45 now. Going to triple OT. Quite a way to start things. And it's so Sabres that Bogosian is playing on Tampa's top pair. And doing well.
  8. Jackets - Lightning going to OT Flames - Stars just started
  9. This is a hell of a game to start these "playoffs" with! Gonna be a great series.
  10. Love Happy Hour Hockey nearly every day! If you don't mind the absence of crowds, sports are great during Covid.
  11. That's why Torts loves him. How can you not root for this Columbus team?
  12. That's good at least, but it's not like he's cured or anything. I'm sure any job duties and income he had helped quite a bit.
  13. Man, that's especially sad for Talley. Dude's in very rough shape. And they dumped Perreault, Hasek, and Thurman! Three of the biggest names in Buffalo sports history.
  14. We went from purgatory to purgeatory, which will likely lead to even more purgatory.
  15. The Blue Jackets have become a very solid organization. They draft well and they play well. You know why? They hired a very competent GM and an experienced coach that knows how to get the best out of what he has. Unfortunately I don't see the Sabres moves as heading in that direction, but I hope to be surprised. More likely, we're going to end up like the other three examples you cite. I mean, we're pretty much there already.
  16. How are all these cuts and making the organization "lean" going to look on ice and in the front office? Are we back to video scouting or reduced scouting? The Sabres were awful with Terry's "unlimited" resources. How are they going to look now? This cost cutting and focus on the bottom line only will manifest itself in some way, and it very likely won't be good. The problem still is that the Pegulas are in over their head. And I'll clarify, with the Sabres. Things have progressively gone downhill since the Pegulas have owned the Sabres. We're an embarrassment. A laughingstock already. They've now got even more say in things and far less possibility of any checks and balances on them. I don't see this going well. Sports owners focusing solely on the bottom line never goes well for the fans or on ice product.
  17. Every day, I'm more and more done with these clowns. It's impossible for this franchise to succeed because they're hockey idiots who won't hand the reins to someone competent.
  18. Wings! Taking a special lady to Letchworth for her first time after the world hopefully returns to normal. Also want to get some good wings. She hasn't had those either. Any excellent places anyone would recommend in that area? Anywhere south to southeast of Buffalo preferred. East Aurora (Bar Bill) and Orchard Park (Duff's) aren't too out of the way, but wanted to see if there are any other good options. Thanks!
  19. Wakes up and checks notes. Terry's Sabres are still the biggest dumpster fire. Back to sleep.
  20. Who cares what the reason is? This organization from top to bottom does not deserve to have any rabid fans at this point. Not only do they suck on the ice, they suck even worse off of it. I boycotted the Bills for several years until they showed me they deserved my eyeballs. I'm at the same point with the Sabres. I'm not watching them until they're playing meaningful games in April. They're just not worth it and there's so many more entertaining things to spend my time doing.
  21. And you've proven mine! Seriously how many more ***** seasons with the bonus utter incompetency would it take to outweigh your Terry is God schtick?
  22. I love Torts. He's having a great time coaching this young, ragtag, no-name Columbus team to the playoffs. 17-2-5 since December 9th.
  23. Terry walks on water in your world. Here's to another decade of fabulous results!
  24. Oh, they have a long break? Guess I'll continue to pay minimal attention to this embarrassing franchise. Happy 50th, Sabres! ?
  25. That was the Yankees stuff posted by the same source, FYI.
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