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Everything posted by Thwomp!

  1. The concept of Dawson Knox 😒
  2. OK, we got this, right? Go Bills!
  3. It's only MLS, but a championship is still pretty cool. Especially considering that we almost lost the team and it took a huge grassroots effort to keep it. This is really for the fans, which I'm not really one, who worked so hard to save their team.
  4. I've never intentionally watched soccer in my life. But, this is fun so far. Go Crew!
  5. Well, yeah, but it wasn't because they were innocent of wrongdoing. That was a huge academic scandal that should have been punished severely. But it's the NCAA and the hockey equivalent of "Most Favored Teams".
  6. Didn't Michigan somehow get the Fab Five? They'd make it work if Harbaugh could actually get a big catch.
  7. Whatever will the Joneses think?!?! We'll look awful at the New Year's Eve gala!
  8. Right! Another reason I'm not too concerned about the Pegulas' and the Sabres' financial wellbeing. And they're still pinching all the pennies they can. They'll be just fine.
  9. Yeah that's college football. The difference is that the Buckeyes can keep up. I guess all we can do is see what happens.
  10. Drill another well. The Forbes numbers may be guesses, but corporate accounting is a tax avoidance scheme, so I'm not trusting the Sabres' numbers either. It's good to look poor this time of year.
  11. Yeah good luck with that. I know it's 2020, and it's a very strange year, but given the state of the BIG 10, and the way Ohio State has played in the games they've had, there's no way they weren't making the playoff if this was a normal year. And as I said before, it's all about the money, especially this year, and the BIG 10 is no exception. At least they'll give Alabama a game, unlike most of the alternatives.
  12. Michigan competed just fine before Harbaugh. And at times during Harbaugh, but he can't beat Ohio State and he's had other bad losses against other good teams. Coaches lose their skill sometimes. It happens. Also, maybe he was set up well in other situations that led to his success? It's a much different animal at Michigan vs. the PAC 12 (except USC) or Mountain West. Yes, they are doing that. It's been creeping up for years and getting louder. We can't beat Ohio State because our standards are too high vs theirs. Blah, blah, blah But back to the original point, them canceling "The Game" for any reason, given the history and rivalry, is a really bad look for them. History will not be kind. I can't wait to see the T-shirts next year. Like the "p" word in Michigan colors and font. Oh and one more thought. Who's fault is it that they haven't recruited or developed a "stud" QB?
  13. Yeah his only big win I can think of. And the fact that his biggest win is by not playing at all is pretty telling. It's ok, he can come back to the NFL. Better for the Bills. He's a bad coach.
  14. Well played Michigan. Use covid as an excuse to screw your arch rival. So 2020 of you. This will certainly be an interesting chapter in the annals of this almost 125 year rivalry.
  15. Well I can only hope that karma was delayed in this instance and they're this bad for a long time. They certainly were largely let off the hook by the NCAA.
  16. It's all about the Benjamins. The whole conference and every team in it gets more money if one of their teams makes the playoff. And because it's all about the money, college football is really shady. It's amazing how bad Michigan and Penn State are and how far they've fallen. Hopefully karma at work in regard to Penn State.
  17. It's a train horn and it's supposed to be a rally sound for the defense. It is super annoying, especially with no crowd.
  18. Planes, Trains, and Automobiles would like a word with you 😝 I haven't seen Dutch in a very long time. I'll give it a try tonight. Mystery Science Theater 3000 is doing a new Thanksgiving marathon tomorrow, like the old days. I'll be enjoying that all day tomorrow.
  19. That was great. The Nuggets crushed them. I love it when the underdog wins game 7.
  20. Dude. Tampa. Dallas. Your childhood is ruined already. Hi Islanders! 🥃
  21. I hate to say it but the Islanders are the least of the evils left.
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