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Everything posted by bg17

  1. Fingers crossed that it gets dealt with over the next 79 games.
  2. He had two ugly clearing attempts on his last shift. Maybe it had happened prior to that.
  3. Points accumulated in nine games shouldn’t matter. He makes the team better with his play - through two games. I’ll be surprised if that changes over the next seven.
  4. You can’t be talking about the snipe by one of the most gifted players in the league that went in off the inside of the post. Can you?
  5. https://www.reuters.com/article/us-lockheed-kubasik-idUSBRE8A81JA20121110 Incoming CEO fired for affair with an underling for those that don’t want to click. These things are frowned upon in businesses much larger than professional sports teams. This story had a very happy ending for Lockheed Martin investors and employees as his replacement was an absolute powerhouse.
  6. Need 50 from VO. All at home.
  7. The Oilers gave up a total of 4 goals in their final 3 preseason games. Preseason games are meaningless.
  8. You were also the first to claim that he doesn’t belong because his safety is at risk for reasons of entertainment. I hope you are able to enjoy watching him play.
  9. He earned his spot by outplaying everyone else vying for it. Do better.
  10. Do better. Tells us how it works.
  11. Based on Benson practicing with Thompson and Skinner rather than Biro and Rousek a week out from the opener, I’ll predict your prediction will not be realized.
  12. Pegs paying himself? None dollars.
  13. Ever the voice of reason. Sincere thanks for your contributions to this forum.
  14. Maintenance Day podcast said it was not the same shoulder.
  15. How many “new players” get hurt in comparison to established players? Any data at all? The safest time to be out there? Teams aren’t giving their all until later? Again, any data available re: the safest time to play?
  16. You are willing to risk his safety for nine games for entertainment reasons?
  17. Give him 9 games and determine what is best for the team at that point. The goal is to compete for the Cup this year. If it looks like that goal is more likely to be realized with Benson in the lineup, LFG!
  18. This seems important to you. Why is that?
  19. Any examples of gifting a roster spot to someone that sucked in preseason/camp? If the organization loves doing this there must be several. Help me out.
  20. There should be a wtf reaction emoji available.
  21. Solid add. Thank you.
  22. I was there for the first two periods and thought he was the best player for Buffalo.
  23. Anything at all in the way of data to support “usually” and “more often than not”?
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