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Everything posted by DarthEbriate

  1. As a young Ebriate, I thought that the MC-80 was the MC Will. We all name our ships differently.
  2. Fire at will, commander.
  3. ERod... as clumsy or random as a blaster.
  4. Montour and Dahlin, c'mon. (after seeing replay, c'mon Dahlin!)
  5. Beagle getting grabby again. And I assume he's one their top PKers as well.
  6. Gotta tie up Boeser, but that's a good shift all around by their top line.
  7. Bogo hasn't done anything this season. Not a heavy hit, not a benefit to the PK (as were his strengths in past seasons). Rodriques is the 16th F at this point. I'm hoping it's Wilson - Lazar - Asplund on the 4th if Vesey's gonna get another chance with Jack and Samson.
  8. Huh. Hutton didn't get to face STL, and instead of getting another Ullmark on a Saturday (4-0-1 this season, with the OT loss being Vancouver)... This is my first goalie gripe this season. Maybe a bit too much workload for Ullmark, but he's earned this workload. But --- feed Hutton to the defending champs on the road, but against his old team. The Ullmark on Saturday at home, which has been good to us.
  9. Such an annoyance! We wouldn't have had to protect Dahlin. Seattle punks! But... to be fair to them... they didn't want their inaugural season to feature a lockout.
  10. But Steelhead, what's with this thingy? (RIP Ironhead) Steelhead certainly sound cooler, but they're not as delicious (in my opinion).
  11. We will learn patience... or you know, learn fear, leads to suffering. Dark side. yada yada bady yoda. (You can't yada yada a fall to the Dark side!)
  12. Ach, der Scheiβkopf! Nicht, nicht, und immer nicht. Der Kopf? Das Kopf? I had it right, der Kopf. Seattlelites are really big into their alliteration. Sounder/Sonic/Storm/Seahawk. So Sockeye works. (And I'd go Sockeye, no s. Refer to it as a school of spawning sockeye.) They're beautiful fish. edit: Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.... they're sorta crazy fish, but beautiful. Just no kraken or metropolitan for me. I'd love to see them be the geoducks just for a larf. For those of you who don't know a geoduck: it's a clam. Delicious clams that you can saute or eat as sushi. Local to the Puget Sound. However, if you look up an image of a geoduck, then you'd realize the joke and why the one local college with a geoduck as its mascot is having fun with it. Go ahead, look up an image of a geoduck.
  13. The Seattle Times did a poll of the names known to have been submitted for trademark. https://www.seattletimes.com/sports/hockey/sockeyes-or-totems-announcing-the-winner-of-our-unofficial-tournament-to-name-seattles-nhl-team/ Sockeyes won locally. Edit: As to when... it's got to be soon. Probably after football season ends and before spring training reports. (No basketball, so there's ample down time for hockey to take center ice)
  14. I was hoping for a bit more jump from a team that had been off for 5 games. Granted, STL is better than Edmonton or Florida, but... just a bit more giddyup. I'm going to make the jump to hyperspace and dinner. Until next time.
  15. So... it's Star Wars night in St Louis, according to the music.
  16. Their primary target will be the interest generator. Prepare to open page 4.
  17. They've been sitting on their name announcement for so long (no one wants it to be the Metropolitans although it has historical significance and a Cup; and Kraken is cute but yelling "Release the Kraken" is going to get old fast. Although I would love to see Harryhausen stop-motion footage on the giant screens between faceoffs.) They should just go with Hockey Club Seattle and join in the Sounders love and get on with it.
  18. It is of no concern. Soon the Seattle Team will be named and our young Prospect will be one of them. Our work here is just beginning, my friends. Go out to the Expansion Draft Simulators, but await another offseason of transactions before we finalize our protections and trade offers.
  19. We don't believe in the tank is why the tank fails. Everyone has brought up tons of good points and the only counter I have from @tom webster's post is that it's limited to only 2. A thing I can add is that when you strip the cupboards bare of NHL talent, you're forced to play the best you have, even if they're not ready. Our organization was so scarred by the loss of Drury and Briere, and financial troubles/new ownership, and a split-affiliate AHL team that when it was finally time to admit to a full rebuild and "suffering" we had nothing left to support the facade. This is a good thing about Botterill -- we're restocking Rochester and when it's time for a player to come up, they're ready. (Mitts never went to ROC as he initially should have.) Regier actually started out OK with 4 1st round picks in his final two drafts (regardless if they were the right 4 players to pick or at the right positions). But then a year later (Reinhart's rookie year/the full-on tank year) all four of them played plenty of time in the NHL! Because there was no one good enough to keep them down. But in rushing them into the buzzsaw of a tank and the merry-go-round of coaches and getting pummeled each night, I don't think any of them has reached their full potential. (As an example, taking the next picks in the draft: if we'd have taken Faksa and Ceci in 2012 and Horvat and Lazar 2013, I'd believe we'd have worse versions of those players on our team today -- if they made it -- than what they've become.)
  20. Alright - for those of you who are Bills fans -- good luck today! Go break that drought.
  21. Hi Moderators --- can you please move this last discourse to the Rise of Skywalker thread? We're... not... staying on target. The Leia scenes were some sort of training sequence that would have been for 7TFA that JJ had done, and... maybe some footage from TLJ too but I haven't heard about that. So everything with Carrie Fisher fully visible is her and Rey training from TFA. Then, all those side shots with Leia laying down and distant profile-y stuff is a stand-in. JJ did really well to weave her in.
  22. We skated 7 D and Risto still had 24 minutes. Surely we can balance that out just a trifle more.
  23. We escaped the exploding Death Star (mode). Woohoo!
  24. Risto never saw the puck. Ooof.
  25. The sequels are good. They've got flaws (every SW film has a load of flaws; sometimes meesa maxibig flaws!), but they're fun -- even when they're being serious. To the singular adaptations/storyline, the original and prequels are all written by Lucas. (There are different screenplay writers on each one; but the story credit is always Lucas.) For the sequels, the stories were written by 7 JJ, 8 Rian, and 9 Trevorrow, then re-written by JJ. Then, each of those has screenplay assistance. That's where it needed a story czar (and Disney may have attempted this... but then you give each of the three director/writers a fully fleshed out story and then can take a screenplay and make it, but that isn't what happened). Plus, Carrie Fisher died so the "main" original character of 9 was relegated to previously planned stuff for 7. And... alas, they're fun, but don't follow an end-to-end story.
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