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Everything posted by DarthEbriate

  1. Hey now, spoilers... The seclusion, yeah, it's no fun. But keep on replenishing your midichlorians body and cells and kick that crap out of you.
  2. I need to use the crate. You can't have it! The tunes say so.
  3. Where's that gif of the little girl who says why not both before being celebrated for her pluck? I'd take Eichel. But if I had an expansion team today at this moment with no protected players, then I'd take Dahlin and the future vs. the $10M. Plus I could make Buffalo sweat more and toss in something extra. Oh, here it is: https://gph.is/VwFyFB
  4. @SwampD and @SDS, my condolences to you and your families. May your memories and celebrations of them be joyful and heartening. How are you feeling today, NB? Get well soon. Nick Nolte is running around as an Ugnaught these days.
  5. Snyder's mustard here. And they're shameless! They sell a bag of bits and pieces, not even full pretzels. Just little shards of mustard-dust-coated wonderful horribleness. I just mumble "I have you now" and "No, no... this one goes here (in my tummy), that one goes there (also in my tummy). Right?" And my happy tummy makes a Chewie roar of approval.
  6. Huh. I don't get it. It's a dead animal, Chewie. Just cancel the entire season already. I mean... waiting until the last states with teams pass their apex of the curve. Then get all the players back from around the world. Then re-training camp. Then get all the support workers making minimum wage back in line and put them in harm's way? Then a playoffs? You're already to the draft. So what's the point? Eat into free agency? Eat into planning for next season? Just deal with it NHL. 2019-20 is done. Get your preparations on for an expansion team and season already.
  7. Chips of plain or cracked pepper kind can be a nice topping to almost any casserole. And you can mix them into random things when you get down to the bottom of a bag. Meatloaf being a good example.
  8. I have no memory of my mother encounter with Sabrespace. I never knew her it.
  9. A younger Ebriate would've told you that Sour Cream & Onion Pringles would show you the true meaning of the Ehrhoff. (And if I had a stack... I'd hash it up for breakfast certainly.) But I am now definitely a cracked pepper person. As I age, chips are becoming more a conveyance of a another flavor: salsa, dip, cracked as a topping on something. I don't need them to be a flavor-laden powder keg on their own anymore. Cracked pepper, though. I can dig it.
  10. @North Buffalo, to echo Taro --- whether your it's the "it" or not, attack it with everything you've got. Wash up, lots of liquids, whatever drugs you like (the health-promoting ones!), whatever placebos are going to work for you, the music you love, things that make you laugh, and on and on. Crush it like Campbell crushed Umberger. Or in the parlance of our times... Do what must be done, Lord Buffalo. Do not hesitate. Show no mercy.
  11. No TV and no beer...something something.
  12. I'm glad to hear they're all on the mend. That's the scary part is the incubation is so long you can infect everyone you know before you show anything. Hope they all fight through to a full recovery in the next few days. Hang in there GA! Our medical folks are amazing through all of this -- wishing your family the best, your brother especially.
  13. I think I've got to go with @darksabre on this one. Ruffles have a structure that can hold a solid dip. Plus it's fun to roll your Rs. I got my thrill... on Pretzel Hill. Nope... it's not quite the right word for this song, is it?
  14. I don't go back to the Original Trilogy like a lot of you 'Spacers. Hmmm... I would've thought my first post would have more references to some sort of ... I dunno, like a movie or piece of pop culture, you know? Posted April 6, 2014 (edited) Sadly, Comacher's turnover was worthy of demotion from the Ennis line. Or wait. Was Ennis demoted to the 4th line of Scott-Leino? I really hope a top-2 pick this summer is worth fielding a lineup of 3 NHL-ready talents. Why am I watching this game to completion? (Girgs, McCabe, Rasmus) are the reason I'm watching. Not NHL ready, necessarily.
  15. This is the way. There's also this really ridiculous thing about Miller High Life (the champagne of beers). Eat something salty in the form of a snack. Like a pretzel, or your favorite plain potato chip, or Chex mix, etc., whatever. The world is your oyster if it's a salty snack. Then --- crack open a can of fresh cold High Life. No bottles for this exercise. So... that little bit of beer that splashes onto the lip of the can when you pop the tab... slurp that few milliliters. Boom! Tastes like champagne. Now, you drink any more of that and it tastes like High Life. But that first salted dash... yum! Too much free time.
  16. I just put The Prince into the box to go to Half-Price Books... when I can go to HPB again. My wife and I are going to clean up the "library" shelves and decor with the added free time and it was time to purge some of the ones that I just won't re-read and kids can readily pick up for their various classes. Also going out are a pile of Greek plays. I'm about to dive in to the "classic number" books that I didn't end up reading in high school. Fahrenheit 451, Catch-22, Slaughterhouse 5, which I had stockpiled from HPB over the last couple years and still hadn't gotten to.
  17. I know it was in jest... or... at least, I took it in jest and went with it in Star Wars quote. ? The lack of RFA-plundering bugs me. We've got teams against the cap. We're likely looking at a flat or dip in the cap next season, when everyone was banking on another boost. This is when you break out the RFA offer sheets. I mean --- you're a GM. Sure, you want to be good and get along with all your GM buddies for trades. But you also have one of 31 (to be 32) jobs in the world and you should be doing what you can to ensure you're hired for a long time. If you become a Holland and have your gig and playoffs for 25 years, great. But if you're new, you'd better be scratching and clawing to ensure you survive longer than 3 years. If you win a few Cups, everyone will forget your failed offer sheets anyway.
  18. If Vesey is all that you love, then that's what you'll receive. This is the scary part -- as well as your other post as well. 4 games-played Mitts, washed-up Berglund, Rodrigues, even Sobotka did some center in STL at times. Then Johansson and Lazar. All since dumping ROR. Now it's Kahun who was relegated to wing (albeit because Malkin). JBot is looking for someone to step up into the 2C and 3C role, rather than finding someone who has proven capable to do it. This is very, very risky. I hope it works for us. I don't think it'll work for JBot. I hope Kahun crushes it though. Then Cozens takes over and crushes further. That would be nice. And JBot should know better! His Pens team that won the Cup and netted him our gig -- Crosby - Malkin - Bonino - Cullen. Or the 05-06/06-07 Sabres who were so very good: Briere - Drury - Connolly - Gaustad/Mair. You need to be good down the middle.
  19. Too old! Too old to begin a Sabre.
  20. Agreed -- it's all contingent on the 2C. And ideally for me, that's a guy coming off an injury or trying to redeem a legacy on a 2-year prove it deal that's cost-effective and easily moved or handed to Seattle because one of the kids takes over. The wildcard is Kahun who could be C and W on the 2nd next year, though probably ideally a 3C. I still hope the GLO sticks together and can be the ES 3rd line that can take over a game here and there. Then, we could do a 4th line of any of Asplund/Lazar/Cozens (or even Mitts but I think he needs that full season in Rochester). And I'm good with Cozens starting as a winger a la rookie-Roy. One note -- Reinhart wasn't ready to step in as a center and get 40. His rookie year he had the 9-game tryout and wasn't ready. And despite a few attempts at C, his first full season he was almost exclusively on ROR's or Eichel's wing.
  21. Best wishes to you and your wife to get well soon! Mind what you have learned, save you what can... and drink lots of fluids and all those practical things, too.
  22. That's the real trick, isn't it? And it's gonna cost us something extra. Ten thousand Seven million, all in advance. What has me fearful is my penciled-in center spine of Eichel - Kahun - Lazar (for Larry) - Asplund next year if all else falls apart. In my heart I know it won't be so. Cozens on Asplund's wing, because, you know, don't want to rush the kid.
  23. Jumped onto a hologram conference call with friends last night and watched Caravan of Courage. Adult beverages and "breakfast for dinner" theme. Sort of what we'd do if we were able to gather in person. It worked. It was a not-very-good movie and a very fun time.
  24. You should find yourself bored more often. That was joyful silliness: my favorite kind.
  25. This is where it would have been nice to keep our 3rd round pick. Having the option to offer sheet an RFA C anywhere from 4.2M-8.4M could have given us more flexibility.
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