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Everything posted by MILFHUNTER#518

  1. who is he anyway? My brother has connections in NHL circles and says he is a washed up scouts assistant. ..
  2. Well politics aside, the meat and potatoes football analysis sounds competent. Take out the carbon tax rant and it is a good article IMHO
  3. Wow this guy is a hard leftist, spent about 20% of the article crying about passing a carbon tax... He had some good football stuff though, in the first part he put out some good writing on the demise of the Fullback and Running Back. Very enlightening shows how you can still win running the inside like Seattle
  4. anyone have a link to video of this? I was indisposed so I could not watch...
  5. And Vanek strikes again!!!
  6. did anybody see the pregame ceremony at Montreal put on tonight? That is how you do it!
  7. Very good article about Crosby from ex NHL Ref Paul Stewart on Hockey Lies And Trash: http://www.hockeybuzz.com/blog/Paul-Stewart/Time-for-Crosby-to-Lead/196/60011
  8. I grew up in a small town south of Rochester next to Conesus Lake and I know what you guys (and gals) are talking about. My mom is a raging alcoholic (flunked out of AA) and my father doesn't drink nearly as much, but it completely screwed up me and my sister's childhood up. I am not the only one. My best friend to this day from out that way had a step father who would get loaded every night on Wild Turkey and Genny and sit on the front porch of his trailer with a .44 Magnum and shoot beer cans for target practice off of the fence across the road. There is binge drinking everywhere, even out here in Albany. I think ink will have a much easier time committing to moderation than total abstinence. He shouldn't put himself in situations where he has always drank a lot either, that kills it right there, just like smoking (coming from an ex smoker.) Change routine as well. Alcohol is not a bad thing, unless it takes over your life. But if you are making changes in your life based on getting the next sip, that is something you should really think about...
  9. LOL I think he was referring to a wild card spot. If our defense improves against the run (which I seriously think it will) and EJ gets better, he may be right...
  10. Jaws just declared that Watkins was the best player in the draft, and said the Bills are now contenders on ESPN like 2 mins ago...
  11. I totally understand trading Stevie, seeing as how he and E.J. never clicked and perhaps Whaley has a trade or two in the works and needs some cap space. However the return was unacceptable. SF has like 2-3 picks in the second and third rounds next year, respectively. We should have demanded more than a lowly fourth which becomes a third under certain conditions. ..
  12. Black bear stew was the best game meat I have ever had. I had it once when I was like 4 years old, and to this day I still remember. My father brought a vat of it home from work, one of his buddies had gone to the Adirondacks and bagged one and made enough to share at work. It was flavorful, meaty, and did I mention DAMN good?
  13. Bye bye Ny, Bye bye...
  14. This draft is sooooo deep I would be ok with trading DOWN, but sacrificing other picks to trade UP is illogical at best. We need guards and OT's, not flashy QB'S and WRs...
  15. I like how bawstin put thornton on the ice for the final faceoff with 2 seconds left. Classy....
  16. big missed opportunity on that empty net
  17. Typical Bawstin. Thing dont go their way, play dirty and run the goalie!
  18. Score one for the good guys, poetic justice f**ck bawstin!
  19. That was not a bad hit. What am I missing?
  20. It is a good reminder that whether we like it or not, we (as in western civilization) are still at war with these despicable cowards from the stone age
  21. hopefully in 10-15 years we will find out the whole scoop in his biography, or maybe a tell all book?
  22. I agree. It would be interesting though to see what he does with the 'yotes if he does indeed get the gig...
  23. At least he isn't in our division, he is less likely to fleece us in a trade! ;)
  24. Woke up and saw this... http://msn.foxsports.com/arizona/story/regier-a-potential-candidate-for-coyotes-assistant-gm-post-050414 I think this may be a good fit for him
  25. It is much easier for most of us to put the political aspect of a job like that in perspective and keep our nose to the grindstone than a 20 year old college kid. I remember having that type of point of view when I was his age...
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