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Everything posted by MILFHUNTER#518

  1. It will all even out in the end I am sure. It almost always does...
  2. I hope you are right...
  3. PK Subban is now my favorite NHL defenseman. He is like Tyler Myers in his prime, only better... NFN but shouldn't this thread be entitled "conference finals thread", not "semifinals thread"? Just an observation. ..
  4. ok thanks bud!
  5. If that is the way they will be next year, I see GMTM making a stand...
  6. Montreal needs to start clogging the neutral zone, the rangers are not having any trouble working their cycle...
  7. Why is this even banned? He should not have been suspended, and the Sabres should not dump him over this. Its not like the guy was taking lines off a hooker's boobies, it is a natural supplement, unproven to DO ANYTHNG, and he might not even be taking it for hockey performance, he may be taking it for "personal" reasons. I do know some people in their 30's and 40's who take this to "keep up" with the old lady...
  8. Oh yeah, Direc TV down for the count!!! I caught the 5th LA goal then lost the game... PUNISHMENT. Anaheim should be ashamed of themselves!!!
  9. Yes they are The ducks are the new choke artists of the NHL
  10. God bless them! :) They must see something in practice. ..
  11. DAMN LA KILLIN IT!!!!!! How can this go any worse for the Ducks?!
  12. great poke check johnny quick! ;)
  13. penalty shot corey perry
  14. I wholeheartedly agree
  15. He was sadly mostly spot on about Darcy, however...
  16. Deluca has to be the most likeable troll I have ever seen, he is the only troll I know of that I actually like reading. His sarcastic sense of humor always brightens my mood even when I am absolutely pissed off, and his contrarian writing style definitely keeps it interesting :flirt:
  17. That would be priceless
  18. "LUCIC IS A FRAUDELENT TOUGH GUY" http://www.hockeybuzz.com/blog/Paul-Stewart/Lucic-Is-A-Fraudulent-Tough-Guy/196/60086
  19. Cbs sports reporting the caps are considering Jay Feaster and guess who for the new gm job...
  20. I play ping pong with the heart of a warrior!!! :w00t:
  21. he he he #DARCYSTRONG
  22. I just heard from someone who was there that there were a couple bananas thrown out onto the ice... TOTALLY CLASSLESS!!!!
  23. Just kill it boys, you can do it!! :)
  24. Sizzle you are right, KARMA IS INDEED A B**CH HAHAHAHA
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