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Everything posted by MILFHUNTER#518

  1. great. now we are talking about where we like to jerk 0ff. :blink:
  2. At least Gollisano would most likely keep the Bills in Buffalo. And I agree with Eleven, if he is simply helping Gollisano with Real Estate matters and not dickering with football issues, where is the harm? He will probably help a lot with the new stadium development process...
  3. I want LA to win this. Quick deserves to go to the finals this year...
  4. US ARMORED CAV 2003-2006 with appx 15 mos in Iraq. You have to be the right kind of person to make it through OCS (Officer Candidate Selection). My best friend transferred from the USAF to the ARMY to go to OCS last year. He was washed out TWO WEEKS BEFORE GRADUATION despite outstanding performance both physically and academically. They made him go to ARMY enlisted basic training, 9 weeks, despite already being a Sergeant in the Air Force for 6 years, then OCS was like another 16 weeks of pure hell. They washed him out because they just didn't like him... Just remember that whatever rights and privileges you may now enjoy as a civilian are now null and void when you enter the military. Freedom of speech, expression, choice,etc are all out the window. A senior NCO can punish you by ordering you to do physical activities until you either hit muscle failure or are injured 24/7 for no reason at all. If you refuse you are now subject to legal action.
  5. hahaha
  6. The Rangers are going to win this series because of Lundquist... if the can average 2.49 goals per game, they have it
  7. I agree with you, this is going to be very fun to watch. I just think they are looking at tv numbers and media share. Chi Town vs NYC would be more fun to me though, I agree
  8. you know home office wants a NYC-LA match up
  9. woopsies! That was a totally immature penalty by Subban...
  10. lets not get ahead of ourselves my friend... where are your seats? You should post a pic for us!!
  11. The people will rest its case, your honor. ...
  12. Average. 1 soft goal on 8 shots... not good enough
  13. Yeah I would delete my browser NOW if I had a wife/GF
  14. I didnt say go to pornhub and do a search LOL!!!
  15. If you neglect your landscaping beforehand yes, my friend it does
  16. Listening to Dick Emrick call a goal is like getting a blowj0b from a chick with braces!!!!
  17. wow, Montreal is freakin pissed! I LOOOVVEE IT!! :) WHAT A F***IN SHIFT!!!!!!! WHOOO!!!!! :)
  18. Nice dive by Bollic!
  19. It is eleven's thread and he is gonna call it whatever he wants to ;)
  20. You took the words right out of my mouth. The most successful people have failed many times in their life, and have thus learned what it takes to succeed from their experiences. Failure is real, and we are doing our kids a disservice by not exposing them to that reality at an early age
  21. I prefer Dalwhinne 15. Pricey, but well worth the cost of admission. Doesn't even need to be watered down, but like drinking mother's milk off the teat after 3-4 mins of settling on the rocks! :flirt: Anybody ever been?
  22. Looks like he got him right underneath his front pads in the belly... I don't think he was TRYING to severely hurt him... he went right back to the bench, if it was THAT bad he would've ended up in the locker room
  23. female prostitute clothing?
  24. The only thing MTL can do now that is positive is to get pissed and hope it carries over to game 2... I would think a good fight or two would be called for here
  25. Bye bye Montreal, bye bye...
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