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Everything posted by MILFHUNTER#518

  1. It is not really a generalization (outside of the rhetoric, and the call for impeachment), the facts he stated are all true. As a former combat soldier, Mr. Berghdal deserves to be tried for desertion AND treason (the latter for the alleged help he gave the enemy in perfecting their attacks against his unit, and his acts trying to seek out and join the taliban). If convicted on either of those counts, he should be put in front of a wall and shot. Too easy.
  2. Oh yeah, fresh gumbo and crab cakes and an authentic New Orleans Hurricane overlooking the mighty Mississippi! YUM YUM!!!!
  3. This must be awkward... http://nypost.com/2014/06/01/pows-girlfriend-found-new-love-while-he-was-away/
  4. People were allowed to have cannons back then...
  5. I wish the lawmakers feared their constituents, then maybe they would work for us
  6. No, not true. If the govt were to take the "next step," appx 60-75% of the US Military would not comply, not to mention most of local law enforcement. On top of that, there are hundreds of thousands of combat vets who would take a stand. It would not be as easy as you claim... The local sherriff is the problem in this case, not the gun laws. I agree wholeheartedly (and I usually dont agree with you on this issue)
  7. Most places in the world historically, one of the first things the tyrannical regime did was require registration of firearms. This was then followed by an all out ban. Germany, Russia, Vietnam, Cambodia, China. That is how it went down. We need to keep that in mind and not take it for granted when discussing this topic.
  8. I love you. If I ever see you in person, I will buy you a beer and shake your hand, you have finally brought some balance to this discussion
  9. Two words: Henrik Lundquist
  10. That needs to change and quick!!
  11. I hope you are wrong, I am rooting habs :flirt:
  12. After this series? The kid was in the AHL last week, and now he is standing on his head and going toe to toe with Lundquist!!
  13. Would it hurt to try Vanek and Briere on a line?
  14. Carey Price will have to work to keep his job this off season
  15. These Habs are just not a 1st period team I guess...
  16. This has to be the worst PP I can remember watching in the playoffs EVER!!!
  17. They are probably just fracking with them, trying to get into their heads. What a great rivalry this is turning out to be!!!
  18. He is just trying to improve his image with vets after the VA travesty And then there is this. Not really Obama's fault in all fairness, but still a F***ing outrage nonetheless... http://losangeles.cbslocal.com/2014/05/23/bodies-of-28-veterans-at-la-county-morgue-will-finally-receive-proper-burial/
  19. Spygate 2.0 LOL This should be an awesome game tonight!! http://montreal.ctvnews.ca/rangers-coach-on-practice-spy-scandal-habs-lucky-it-didn-t-escalate-1.1837352 http://prohockeytalk.nbcsports.com/2014/05/24/therrien-fumes-about-rangers-watching-a-habs-practice/
  20. We should all give him a pass, he was understandably emotional..
  21. Hopeful, you hit it right on the head; " I can assure you, I'm conservative but I'm not one who you need worry about when it comes to fire arms." Less emphasis on restricting lawful gun owners, more emphasis on the illegal guns the criminals actually use to commit the crimes.
  22. I just LOOOVVVEEEE how everytime there is a mass shooting the left comes out of the woodwork and tries to capitalize on the circumstances to argue for more "gun control." The kid bought the gun legally, had it registered and lived in the state with the SECOND STRICTEST GUN LAWS IN THE NATION. The police had been called on him repeatedly by friends and family, as well as the school when they caught wind of his psychopathic online videos. Why not blame the inept policework, instead of punishing law abiding responsible gun owners for a change? YOUR methods have been passed all over the country, they DO NOT WORK! Now, thanks to psychotic liberal anti gun policies here in New York, returning vets, or simply anyone who has ever been prescribed an anti depressant, or been seen by a counselor for depression in the past cannot buy a deer rifle, as they are now flagged in the background check now. BRAVO liberals, BRAVO! I feel safer already!
  23. agreed. I have heard the same thing from a giants fan I know. It is the party atmosphere of MetLife, without the @$$ hole jets fans. I think the energy is actually more like that of a Raiders game actually, but without the violence and gang presence
  24. Whoever it is, I want him! :flirt:
  25. Quick needs to be better. It is just as simple as that.
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