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Everything posted by MILFHUNTER#518

  1. There should be some kind of coaches's challenge, WITH RESTRICTIONS, of course. Everybody was talking about how it would hurt the NFL experience. It hasn't. In fact, I think it has ENHANCED the experience. Lets do it. And as a Sabres's fan, still bitter about the Brett Hull goal in '99, I wish it was there then. We would have a cup. Think about that incident, probably one of the most significant in Sabres history when weighing how you feel on this matter....
  2. I just heard that Obama doesn't even deal with the Iraqi president, he hands it off to Biden... Why would he not be engaged with the president of a foreign govt, ESPECIALLY Iraq? Totally unacceptable. When the Iraqi PM was calling us to discuss, he deferred to Biden? WRONG ANSWER! The source is Ed Henry from Fox News, who has the sources for such stuff.
  3. ISIS just took 450Million dollars from the central bank in Mosul, making them the most well funded terrorist group in the world, as per the NBC nightly news...
  4. Campy the only thing I disagree with you on in your post is the support to Iran. You are correct the average American has no idea the role Iran has been playing in Iraq. They have been fighting us in proxy wars all over the world, and I saw first hand on numerous occasions in my tour in iraq that they trained, equipped the insurgents and actually took up arms and laid ieds for the insurgents themselves. If they are going to send in ground troops to fight the ISIS, ok. What are we going to do to stop them, anyway? But supplying them with weapons, drones and aircraft? Air support to fight the ISIS, yes. Aircraft and drones for THEIR PILOTS to operate and use (the request was reported today)? F*CK NO!
  5. He waited until the eleventh hour to address that agreement, I know exactly what you are referring to (the status of forces agreement), because he wanted to withdraw for political capital. That was intentional. What he should have done, what ANYBODY with any tactical knowledge would tell you, is leave a couple battalions of rangers and a small contingent of Special Forces or SEALS in a neighboring country like Qatar, Kuwait or Saudi Arabia and keep them in a QRF role in the event something like this happens. Additionally, have a small contingent of Air Force and Navy there for Drone and Close Air Support. This would enable us to help train the ING, as well as respond and nip something like this in the butt before it gets too big. They should have the same setup for Afghanistan when (and now, If) we leave.This is elementary military strategy, a second year ROTC cadet could tell you this. I dont agree with McCain on much, but when he said Obama should fire his entire Natl Security staff, I actually agree with him.
  6. Repent or die: Al-Qaeda forces announce rules for citizens in areas they now control. The Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham has set out a list of rules for residents of Mosul as it seeks to impose its Islamist rules on Iraq's second city. Referring to the area by its ancient name, Nineveh, the group says it has a clear set of instructions for the remaining occupants of the city and surrounding area. <noframe>Twitter: Jenan Moussa - For those who read Arabic, here original document of ISIS set of rules in <a href="https://twitter.com/search?src=hash&q=%23Nineveh" target="_blank">#Nineveh</a>. I've only translated main points. <a href="http://t.co/gmj8rj4udV" target="_blank">http://t.co/gmj8rj4udV</a></noframe> Firstly it tells "anyone who is asking," who its members are and what it is about: "We are soldiers of Islam and we've taken on our responsibility to bring back glory of the Islamic Caliphate." All Muslims in the city have bee instructed to attend mosque for the five daily prayers. Related Articles Iraqi forces by numbers: who has the biggest army? 12 Jun 2014 ISIS vow to take Baghdad 12 Jun 2014 Iraq 'asks US for airstrikes' 12 Jun 2014 US faces dilemma over response to Iraq crisis 12 Jun 2014 It confirms that it seized up to half a billion dollars from the Mosul branch of the Bank of Iraq but states it can be trusted with the funds. Any one of its members who breach this promise will have their hands cut off. "No drugs, no alcohol and no cigarettes allowed," it added. No public gathering other than those organised by ISIS will be allowed at any stage. No guns will be allowed outside of its ranks. All tribal leaders and sheikhs in the area have been warned not to co-operate with the state. In a warning to the police, soldiers and other "kaffr" bodies the choice is to repent or face the ultimate punishment. The group said it will open "special places" for repentance. Outlining its sectarian bias it declared all shrines, graveyards and monuments will be destroyed. Finally all women must dress in concealing clothing that preserve decency. Females should only go outside "if necessary". The city has been told that it has tried secular experiments with the republic and Baathist regimes as well as the current Iranian-backed "Safavid" government in Baghdad. "Now is time for an Islamic state," the note signed Imam Abu Bakr El Qurashi said. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/middleeast/iraq/10895007/Repent-or-die-al-Qaeda-forces-announce-rules-for-Iraqi-territory-they-now-control.html
  7. Sounds like a good move. What a shame, Obama will not help Iraq out at all. He wont even help out with a couple drone strikes (not an exaggeration, the Iraqis asked repeatedly in the last couple weeks for drone strikes on rebel staging areas, Obama said no), what the hell is wrong with him?
  8. Because that would SOLVE the problem, Weave!
  9. Ok so you are referring to the LEGAL guns in circulation. What percentage of violent crime involves legal gun owners?
  10. where are you getting the 300 million number from? Just curious, that is a HUGE number! I am 100% on board with crushing illegal weapons sales, as that is the root cause of violent crime. Please don't f**k with legal law abiding gun owners though, that is all I am asking!
  11. what is a 3ed gun?
  12. Please explain how infringing on legal gun owners rights will help suppress the actual problem of illegal gun violence?
  13. I am reaching really, it is a great question. It is not access to firearms, however wherever the answer may lie we need to find it soon, I personally am sick of this $ h! t. Maybe over medication of anti depressants? They all seem to be on them... maybe start the discussion there?
  14. Probably mental unstability. So many disturbed kids locking themselves away for 13 hours a day on video game consoles... Not saying ban xboxes AT ALL, however alot of experts have said these practices are def unhealthy
  15. This is the point. The study is trying to make it look like a Newtown is happening every eight days... Some of this stuff happened when I was in high school (suicides, hostage situations.) It is really sad, but I dont want this group to hijack it and twist the facts just to push an anti 2nd amendment agenda.
  16. Swamp, you have NOT read these articles, yet still feel the need to comment on this issue so let me help you out some! Another fake shooting listed by Everytown gun map was drug related, not on campus. http://www.myfoxatla...house-college … #RHShooting Another fake shooting listed by everytown. A gunman ran onto campus, was chased by police, shot student accidentally. http://www.tcpalm.co...tate-college/ … Another fake school shooting listed by everytown. 19-year-old shot in elementary parking lot over dice game at 9 PM. http://abc7news.com/archive/8992648/ … Another fake school shooting listed by everytown. Gang-involved student accidentally shot herself in thigh. http://www.ajc.com/n...y-high/nWbhG/ … Another fake school shooting by everytown. UCF college student committed suicide in public. http://articles.orla...r-ucf-student … Another fake school shooting listed by Everytown. Teen committed suicide. http://www.myfoxdetr...dents-suicide … Another fake school shooting by Everytown. Off campus, gang-related shooting in NC. http://www.wvec.com/...21819011.html … Another fake school shooting listed by #everytown. Student shoots friend over money they owe for illegal gambling. http://www.abc3340.c...llman-college … Another fake school shooting listed by everytown. Honors student shoots self in front of class. http://www.usatoday....nati/2122575/ … Another fake school shooting listed by Everytown. Northwest High School principal shot by her ex-husband on campus. http://www.newschann...hooting-death … Another fake school shooting by Everytown. Student killed because of gang activity. http://wreg.com/2013...igh-shooting/ … Yet another fake school shooting by Everytown. Student shoots another student over dispute over Nintendo Wii payment. http://www.wxii12.co...alks/21762418 … Another fake school shooting by Everytown. Gang-related, student fist fight becomes gun fight. http://www.accessnor....php?n=215489 … Another fake school shooting by Everytown. Crazy man shoots himself at high school, never went to school. http://bangordailyne...ties-in-gray/ … Nearly halfway there... Another fake Everytown school shooting. Student kills self in class. http://www.huffingto..._4101906.html … Another fake school shooting by Everytown. Ex-high school student kills self in parking lot. http://globegazette....5d07a64f.html … Another fake school shooting by Everytown. Gang-related drive by is now a mass shooting? http://www.usatoday....sity/3399821/ … Another fake shooting by Everytown. Gang-related crossfire hits bystander. http://stonemountain...hot-at-school … Another fake school shooting listed by Everytown. Professor kills self on campus. http://rapidcityjour...02cbd384.html … Another fake school shooting by Everytown. Gang banger shoots another student in face. http://www.clickorla...hool/23288292 … Fake school shooting listed by Everytown was gang initiation in Fresno. http://abc30.com/archive/9370006/ … #RHShooting Another fake school shooting listed by Everytown. MLK elementary school shooting was drive by. http://www.wgal.com/...arby/23945078 … #RHshooting Fake school shooting listed by Everytown & promoted by media was gang related in Killadelphia charter school. http://www.nbcbayare...40881521.html … School shooting listed by Everytown map was gang-related dispute at Widener University. http://www.wfmz.com/...ting/24028662 … Everytown calls Cesar Chavez High School a "school shooting"; police call it a gang turf war. http://www.azcentral...abrk/7264833/ … "School shooting" listed by Everytown in South Caroline State University was argument that got out of hand & was off campus. Can't find any evidence that supposed "school shooting" at Grambling, LA on January 28, 2014 listed by Everytown even occurred. Wow. "School shooting" listed by Everytown at Eastern Florida State College was actually self-defense. http://www.usatoday....ting/5059041/ … "School shooting" listed by Everytown at North High School, IA in Des Moines was gang-related, in parking lot. http://www.kcci.com/...243510#!XeWTd … Salisbury High School, NC "school shooting" listed by Everytown was gang-related, accidentally. http://www.salisbury...01/140219963/ … "School shooting" at Brush High School, OR listed by Everytown was after hours, off campus, over a girl. Ban girls? http://www.cleveland...d_in_bru.html … Union University "school shooting" listed by Everytown gun map was guy shooting his fiancee in parking lot. Staged it to look like suicide. "School shooting" at Raytown Success Academy, MO was in parking lot, not school related. You can cross-reference the news reports with Everytown for Gun Safety’s list here. Swamp, hopefully by the time you get here you didn't just skip over all these articles and evidence, you actually took the time to read these articles, or at least skim through them. It took me an HOUR to read through, and that is what drove me to the conclusion that this study is BULL$H!T. Hopefully now you can see this too....
  17. Swamp if you cared to actually read all the vetted incidents appx 1/4 down the page of the story it would be simple. This is a bogus report, there are NOT school shootings every 8 days, and before you rip me for posting next time please feel free to actually read the article and associated links thanks!
  18. True Blue it Is simple, if the media actually reported this matter on a regular basis and gave the matter the attention it deserved, the people would definitely take notice and then the politicians would HAVE to make a point of addressing the issue. As for the reason the media does not give this issue ANY credence, I do not want to use the right wing idea, which is that the media is in bed with the left and the dems (which they are, however that is another discussion for another time) so I will defer to the other explanation which is that there is just no "juice" in such a story, meaning massive news headlines about a debt issue wont catch headlines like a scandal or disaster, so they wont play ball.... @Numark- http://abc7news.com/archive/8992648/
  19. Just because the name of the website may be "sensational" by your view does not make it non credible. I understand your point, and I do not read this and take it as gospel but they are right in this case. Look at who made this study, it is a far left anti gun group. Strike one. Strike two, they contaminated the data by having a far reaching criteria (the gangbanger arrested at 9pm). Shouldnt this bring up questions in any objective thinking persons mind? My God you hit it right on the head. The debt is the elephant in the room for sure, the reason it is really not at the forefront is because it is not sexy, so the media doesnt cover it. If it were covered for a substantial period of time I think people would make it more of an issue...
  20. The point I was trying to make is that the study was contaminated with faulty methods. A gangbanger getting arrested on a school playground at 9pm, not only in my view but any rational and objective persons mind, should not be included in the statiscal analysis.
  21. I say if the coach challenges and loses, he and his team gets a bench minor. Also, he would lose the ability to challenge for the rest of the game. Otherwise, unlimited challenges... Similar to the the NFL
  22. This is where I am. If it is limited like the NFL, to only certain plays I think it could actually enhance the game.
  23. @SwampD- That is not right when ANYBODY does it, whether it be left or right. This is why I am NOT a registered Republican, rather I prefer to stay unaffiliated with either party (including the Conservative Party). I stick to what I think is the right stance on the issue, and vote accordingly, regardless of whether they have an elephant or donkey next to their logo...
  24. OK GOT IT, according to you, if the "cause is just" according to your own personal ideology, it is ok to "massage" the facts to spin it your way. Too easy.
  25. @Arcsabresfan41- They were lumping in ANY and ALL shootings that took place at any hour of the day, under ANY circumstance to pad the numbers to make their argument. Does that sound honest, or ideology driven and biased?
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