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Everything posted by MILFHUNTER#518

  1. There are ways around that. We could set it up with the DMV. Catholic Charities runs a service of volunteers that provide transportation to people who cannot drive, like to the store, doctor's appointments, etc. My mother cannot drive, and she uses them all the time.
  2. $780,000,000,000 is a pretty expensive starting point... Not to mention the fact that nobody outside of the Democrat inner circle was permitted ample time to read the bill before it was voted on. That is precisely why there is such vitriol from conservatives on that subject. Remember when Bush passed the Patriot Act in this manner? Take that rage that was expressed from Dems at the time, multiply 10X...
  3. Actually, surprisingly enough, most not for profits do bring in a hefty chunk of change... You would be surpised
  4. Good point, in that case the photo ID should be issued free of charge. Nobody should have to pay to vote.
  5. You are absolutely correct. I like the exchange idea that is a part of Obamacare (increasing competition), as well as the coverage of pre-existing conditions. I just don't like the government forcing you to buy it, and forcing kids in their early twenties to carry the same coverage (not to mention forcing them to buy at all) as a 50 year old man. Why cant they just buy simple catastrophic care insurance, which is probably all they will need anyway. Also, me no likey the fact that parents are now forced to carry their kids until they are in their mid twenties, kind of excessive really...
  6. I wonder how much of an increase in profitability all the major insurance carriers will realize by next fiscal year? Especially after all the small ones fold up like cheap tents, and they have less competition to contend with...
  7. LOL am I a sick b@$t@rd for laughing at that?
  8. A government issued photo ID. You can go right down to the local DMV (at least in New York) and get a New York State Non Driver's ID card. That is all I am asking for. Heck, if they have a New York State Benefit's card already (for WIC, Food Stamps or what not), I believe (and correct me if I am wrong) that has a picture right on there. That should work, no?
  9. So if a Democrat racks up record deficits and spends more in four years than ALL PRESIDENTS from George Washington to George W. Bush COMBINED, it is ok? Just so I am clear, if it is blue debt, it is ok. Red debt, bad? You see, this is why I stopped being a Republican, this line of thinking is what got us into this mess in the first place. If we as conservatives would have been pushing back at the neo-CONS (notice the caps) from the beginning, before it was too late maybe, just maybe Bush would have done the right thing and stuck to his principles and kept a small government and exercised just a smidget of fiscal responsibility.
  10. How would requiring people to show a photo ID, such as a valid Driver's License, disenfranchise voters? How would requiring people to show a photo ID, such as a valid Driver's License, disenfranchise voters?
  11. The above mentioned examples did not have 17trillion in debt, a vast majority held by the ChiComs, absolutely no way to pay it back in a timely manner and taxes already high as it is...
  12. #1.) No, you cannot buy a gun without a background check. #2.) I really hope you are wrong about the debt ceiling, and I think they will make some kind of backroom deal to avert a crisis, #3.) You are absolutely correct about your sentiments regarding our "representatives", except they do not have their collective heads up their @$$es, 95% are doing what they are doing for one purpose, to line their own pockets.
  13. Unfortunately, this is about to be a common occurrence. I am all for insurance reform, this is just clearly not the way to go. However, it is the law now so there is no stopping it. I just really hope myself and all those that share my sentiment are incorrect....
  14. Why is being required to show photo ID to vote a bad thing? I cannot even buy a six pack without showing ID, so why is making sure I am who I say I am to prevent voter fraud a no go?
  15. The Congress submitted a budget bill to the Senate, which had an attachment defunding Obamacare, which was rejected. They then sent another budget bill to the Senate which would not defund Obamacare, simply allow those who wanted a waiver for the first year to get one. That was then rejected, and now here we are. It is not just the conservatives who cannot get anything accomplished with the Democrats, the Rino's like Boehner apparently cannot get anything worthwhile done either...
  16. They were not around then, that is why you did not hear from them. The Conservatives are not against any of that (rights for gay couples), simply against Gay marriage. Most conservatives support an act or law making civil unions legal for all couples, as well as allowing couples in civil unions to receive the same rights and access to benefits as married straight couples. As far as helping the poor conservatives want to help the poor just as much as liberals, just in a different manner.
  17. The Tea Party is as much a reaction to the fiscal ineptitude of the Bush Administration, which disillusioned a whole generation as it is a reaction to the lack of representation in Federal government of conservatives by the Rino Repubs. You are free to disagree, just don't distort the facts. Oh and the Tea Party doesn't oppose Homosexuals, just Gay marriage. Tell me one representative of the Tea Party that has spoken out and said they want to actively discriminate against a certain protected class, and I may change my mind.
  18. The Tea Party is insane? I think WE are insane to believe re-electing the same people to office over and over again and expecting different results... Warning, this story may in fact get your blood boiling... http://www.politico....dies-97634.html
  19. Banks Lager, Bajan Macaroni Pie, Steamed Veggies, and a filet of fresh flying fish with gravy and a shot of Mount Gay Aged Rum on the beach in Barbados :)
  20. Which part was factually incorrect? Zimmerman got out of his vehicle to get the house number for the dispatcher, got jumped and subsequently mauled by Trayvon, Trayvon stopped to talk sh!t and threaten George's life, reaches for his gun, a struggle ensues, Zimmerman shoots Trayvon. I agree with you about the verdict, and the stupidity and immaturity of both parties that night. Being skeptical is actually the absolute right thing in a situation like this, but it (George's story) has about 85-90% been proven true in court, and the jury definitely believed it... As far as conjecture, can you specify? I may have joked about both of them but I didn't make anything up... That is a must read for everybody, about as sober an assessment as I have seen as of yet... +3 :thumbsup:
  21. Martin DID in fact stand his ground, however he should have known when to stop (I think the weed he smoked before he got the munchies for the skittles may have affected his judgment slightly, but that is for another thread). When Georgey Boy was getting his skull split open by a KID 11 years his YOUNGER and started screaming for mercy, Trayvon should have known Georgey Boy was screaming uncle and disengaged, not told him he was about to die and reached for his weapon...
  22. I agree 99%, except the fact that Martin jumped Zimmerman and started bashing his skull into the pavement, then said" your gonna die tonight, motherf ***er!" and started reaching for his weapon. I know what I would have done right there and then... It is also sad that Zimmerman, 28 yrs old would let a 17 year old teenager physically punish him like that. If he were able to simply crack that kid in the jaw, or just defend himself like any real man would, we wouldn't be debating this because Trayvon would have been knocked out, not shot.
  23. +2 We are witnessing the demise of the ancient Roman Empire, only on a much larger scale as the whole world is populated this time around. As I said in an earlier post, the media should be ashamed of themselves for their behavior. They are blatantly twisting the facts and reporting with a bias so as to whip up riots so they have some more blood and guts and drama o report on. The 24 hour news cycle is an amazing thing, eh?
  24. Zimmerman's attorneys have an active case against the peacock over that, it was put on hold until the criminal trial ended...
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