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Everything posted by MILFHUNTER#518

  1. the economy is anything but free enterprise, the government controls everything down to what you actually do for a living. Communism and capitalism are polar opposites there is no in between...
  2. China is a communist dictatorship posing as a capitalist country. It is most certainly not a capitalist country, the state controls everything including how much money the people make, what they say, where they work, and what types of business they own if they are allowed to own a business at all... As for your other examples, outside of singapore which I dont know enough about to comment on, the other countries you mentioned out of europe are socialist countries, not democracies. Saudi and the UAE are democracies, with a prince at the top. A borderline Monarchy, but they do still have elections for their parliamentary and the like.
  3. I disagree. Please list examples of non democratic countries that practice active democracies...
  4. Are you trolling or serious? Maybe if you actually read the constitution, and if in fact that was a serious post, you would not have come to that conclusion. Capitalism cannot exist without democracy, and vice versa. It has been proven all over the world. Just look at all the communist countries like cuba, the former soviet union. Look at what is happening in Venezuela right as we speak. Outstanding point on the first sentence. As jacked up and immoral as slavery is, that point shows what the founders had in mind when setting the framework for the nation.
  5. How does signing up accused prisoners for Obamacare accomplish anything but increase law enforcement costs, make the enrollment numbers look better, and raise our taxes? What was the point of your last post? You made no valid point except to say government waste is ok... I would be ok with that, incarceration is not necessary in every instance, such as small quantity possesion charges. They dont get Obamacare for free though!
  6. so if you break the law, we should buy you free healthcare? You do realize every single convict or prisoner will cost eight to ten thousand dollars, regardless if they get sick or hurt or not. Now multiply that by say three hundred thousand or so... I am NOT saying that if they are in custody and get hurt or sick or need medical attention we do not provide that for them. I am just saying we should not spend 10,000 per prisoner regardless of the get sick or not just to enroll them on Obamacare.
  7. Wasting taxpayer dollars is more like it. Before, if they were sick or needed some form of medical attention we would give it to them. Now, regardless of whether they are healthy or not, we will be paying appx $9-10,000 per inmate, per year, perhaps even more. The argument that the feds are gonna pay for it is bull, they will chip in the subsidy, we will pick up the rest of the tab. The politicians are using that argument to make Obamacare look good (as it has been an epic fail so far) and as a smokescreen to distract from the real reason they are doing this, they are simply trying to pad the enrollment numbers so they can at least come close to their target. I would not be surprised if all major jails in Democratic districts started doing this. Ingenious, really...
  8. They ATTEMPTED to sign up every inmate. Why would they sign all these people up and make us pay for it? It makes no sense unless you look through the political prism. .. Dems behind (WAY BEHIND) on enrollment numbers, Dems own Albany county, sign all these peeps up on the taxpayer doll and spin it like they are saving $$$...
  9. Albany County jails attempt to sign EVERY INMATE onto Obamacare... Dem pols attempting to pad the enrollment numbers? I want to see if this is a trend... http://wnyt.com/arti.../S3333507.shtml
  10. I totally disagree,I think it would add an additional and much needed plotline. Just having them run around post apocalyptic southern georgia dodging one catastrophie after another will get old very quickly. Case in point, last season. As soon as the governor was on break or out of the picture, BAM! Epic boredom! And I hate posting on the phone too, for whatever reason I cannot reply to posts on my computer so I am relegated to replying on the phone, which sucks donkey b@ll$
  11. I have just been rendered speechless. What performance. I think this performance will help Murray and PLF justify keeping Nolan around for at least another year...
  12. Looks like we will be facing the Czechs tomorrow...
  13. Carl is weak, Rick needs to slap him around some and put him back in line. We need more background on how this happened, like where the hell this virus came from. Perhaps introduce some new characters who have some background info that would shed some light?
  14. Even though this was a substandard team, he still looked better than quick has looked the past couple games, FWIW Dear Lord, these guys could be competing for a gold the way Russia is playing!
  15. I do feel bad for Millsie, that was probably the last game he plays in this tourney...
  16. Here they are! I just wanna see what our boys can do against a worthy adversary
  17. That was probably the worst (maybe top 5 worst) officiating I have ever seen in a hockey contest
  18. what defines a body check then, the Canadians are rocking our girls
  19. Just a stupid question from someone ignorant to Womens hockey, they are penalized for body checking? I am at the end of the first period (God bless DVR), quite physical period at that and USA just got a penalty for what looked like a good clean hit?! Could someone please set me straight?
  20. must have been awhile ago, they have since improved the technology. I have choiceXtra with a genie, whole home DVR which means I can record/watch DVR'ed shows in my master bedroom and living room AND have the NFL Sunday Ticket for appx $50 per month for 12 months, then 79 for the remaining 12 months.
  21. Anybody know the TV schedule for mens hockey?
  22. And the tank continues... Now we need a good fight
  23. it changed april or may of 2013, and the real killer is the cost of the PMI and the fact that it never goes away
  24. This is all true, as far as the bank and financing crap. I tell my clients when they start out looking for a house to ask the mortgage person for EVERY SINGLE DOCUMENT THEY WILL NEED throughout the entire process, and start before they go out and look at the first house. That way, when it is time to go into contract most of the docs are with the loan officer already and the closing process is much smoother. Also, DO NOT go to a stand alone bank, go to a broker. Better rates, easier to close The only good FHA product is the 203K loan, which in short is a remodeling loan. That is the only one out there like it, and is a good product. Otherwise, FHA sucks now because the cost of the PMI has doubled, it never goes away for the life of the loan unless you refinance conventional and the FHA inspections nit pick everything, so you may be out there scraping paint or fixing a window before closing... Conventional is the way to go because the PMI is cheaper and goes away when you pay the loan down to a 79% LTV.
  25. As a realtor myself, I know for fact how big of an impact he/she can make, good or bad. First of all, MAKE SURE THEY ARE FULL TIME, NOT PART TIME! You would be surprised how many of us are not in fact full time, and do this as a hobby. Try for a smaller hometown broker, they tend to be less arrogant...
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