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Everything posted by MILFHUNTER#518

  1. Just thinking about how prosperous NYS as a whole was just 40-50 years ago compared to now is enough to drive a man to drink. Until NYS cleans up its act we have no right to poo poo on anyone's salad. Well, anyone except Detroit that is...
  2. I think it is good news for Murray who has to recruit some free agents this summer and sign our up and coming young talent. Players definitely about which coaches they like and don't like amongst themselves...
  3. big statement for somebody with only 6 posts...
  4. our effort tonight both in goal and among the skaters was so good that we could have beat anybody tonight. This is a testament to Ted Nolan. in that case F*ck him where he breathes!
  5. Conacher needs to stay long term, Erhoff needs to start working
  6. and this a****** had the nerve to talk s*** about ron Rolston and John Scott!
  7. I just hope we win the lottery and get the number one pick,and not get screwed into the number 5 pick
  8. Mike Milbury is a wash up and a failure, both in life and in hockey, which is why he is on NBC and not in a front office somewhere. The epitome of an empty suit. Every coherent sentence the comes out of his mouth that is hockey related confirms he is a total @$$hat
  9. I don't know about that bud... They stole one goal and totally put us down to and the second.... If it wasn't for bad officiating we may have lead on one of the top 3 teams in the entire league
  10. 26 corner Blitz play nice now! Tank commander leino will surely lead us to the land of milk and honey!!! this game is so surprisingly good tonight, I cannot turn off to watch Walking Dead!
  11. such bad officiating tonight in this game, I have not seen it this bad in any game in recent memory...
  12. I think it a genius move putting tank commander ville leino on the power play
  13. Well at least we got one back. I like the crash the net we are employing tonight
  14. The whole game would have changed in our favor if the call was right
  15. I think the bright spot for me tonight (as it has been all season long) is seeing how bad tank commander Ville Leino can suck
  16. What I gathered that was important is that he would not confirm the existence of the non disclosure agreement. If that is not in place, maybe in a couple years we will finally get an answer as to what transpired... I have met the man a couple times, and my brother was even at his retirement dinner and has gotten his box at the Garden a couple times and he is nothing but the best human being in the world. I am sure he had a damned good reason for making the move that he did. Simply one of the biggest class acts around, it is really not a smoke screen
  17. At least we now know that at least for the time being we haven't really taken that much of a step back in the goaltending department... I was a tad worried when we signed Neuvirth, but as of right now I have faith in both goalies to do a good job
  18. This feed is Dog$h!t
  19. no feed yet for PC
  20. This is good, I can live with this most definitely. Best deadline I have seen this team have that I can remember
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